Sayed Hesam Alavian
SUTNLP at SemEval-2023 Task 4: LG-Transformer for Human Value Detection
Hamed Hematian Hemati
Sayed Hesam Alavian
Hossein Sameti
Hamid Beigy
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)
When we interact with other humans, humanvalues guide us to consider the human element. As we shall see, value analysis in NLP hasbeen applied to personality profiling but not toargument mining. As part of SemEval-2023Shared Task 4, our system paper describes amulti-label classifier for identifying human val-ues. Human value detection requires multi-label classification since each argument maycontain multiple values. In this paper, we pro-pose an architecture called Label Graph Trans-former (LG-Transformer). LG-Transformeris a two-stage pipeline consisting of a trans-former jointly encoding argument and labelsand a graph module encoding and obtainingfurther interactions between labels. Using ad-versarial training, we can boost performanceeven further. Our best method scored 50.00 us-ing F1 score on the test set, which is 7.8 higherthan the best baseline method. Our code ispublicly available on Github.
SUTNLP at SemEval-2023 Task 10: RLAT-Transformer for explainable online sexism detection
Hamed Hematian Hemati
Sayed Hesam Alavian
Hamid Beigy
Hossein Sameti
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)
There is no simple definition of sexism, butit can be described as prejudice, stereotyping,or discrimination, especially against women,based on their gender. In online interactions,sexism is common. One out of ten Americanadults says that they have been harassed be-cause of their gender and have been the targetof sexism, so sexism is a growing issue. TheExplainable Detection of Online Sexism sharedtask in SemEval-2023 aims at building sexismdetection systems for the English language. Inorder to address the problem, we use largelanguage models such as RoBERTa and De-BERTa. In addition, we present Random LayerAdversarial Training (RLAT) for transformers,and show its significant impact on solving allsubtasks. Moreover, we use virtual adversar-ial training and contrastive learning to improveperformance on subtask A. Upon completionof subtask A, B, and C test sets, we obtainedmacro-F1 of 84.45, 67.78, and 52.52, respec-tively outperforming proposed baselines on allsubtasks. Our code is publicly available onGithub.
Docalog: Multi-document Dialogue System using Transformer-based Span Retrieval
Sayed Hesam Alavian
Ali Satvaty
Sadra Sabouri
Ehsaneddin Asgari
Hossein Sameti
Proceedings of the Second DialDoc Workshop on Document-grounded Dialogue and Conversational Question Answering
Information-seeking dialogue systems, including knowledge identification and response generation, aim to respond to users with fluent, coherent, and informative answers based on users’ needs. This paper discusses our proposed approach, Docalog, for the DialDoc-22 (MultiDoc2Dial) shared task. Docalog identifies the most relevant knowledge in the associated document, in a multi-document setting. Docalog, is a three-stage pipeline consisting of (1) a document retriever model (DR. TEIT), (2) an answer span prediction model, and (3) an ultimate span picker deciding on the most likely answer span, out of all predicted spans. In the test phase of MultiDoc2Dial 2022, Docalog achieved f1-scores of 36.07% and 28.44% and SacreBLEU scores of 23.70% and 20.52%, respectively on the MDD-SEEN and MDD-UNSEEN folds.
Fix data
- Hossein Sameti 3
- Hamid Beigy 2
- Hamed Hematian Hemati 2
- Ehsaneddin Asgari 1
- Sadra Sabouri 1
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