Shashirekha Hosahalli Lakshmaiah


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KT2: Kannada-Tulu Parallel Corpus Construction for Neural Machine Translation
Hegde Asha | Shashirekha Hosahalli Lakshmaiah
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON)

In the last decade, Neural Machine Translation (NMT) has experienced substantial advances. However, its widespread success has revealed a limitation in terms of reduced proficiency when dealing with under-resourced language pairs, mainly due to the lack of parallel corpora in comparison to high-resourced language pairs like English-German, EnglishSpanish, and English-French. As a result, researchers have increasingly focused on implementing NMT techniques tailored to underresourced language pairs and thereby, the construction/collection of parallel corpora. In view of the scarcity of parallel corpus for underresourced languages, the strategies for building a Kannada-Tulu parallel corpus and baseline models for Machine Translation (MT) of Kannada-Tulu are described in this paper. Both Kannada and Tulu languages are under-resourced due to lack of processing tools and digital resources, especially parallel corpora, which are critical for MT development. Kannada-Tulu parallel corpus is constructed in two ways: i) Manual Translation and ii) Automatic Text Generation (ATG). Various encoderdecoder based NMT approaches, including Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Bidirectional RNN (BiRNN), and transformer-based architectures, trained with Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) units, are explored as baseline models for Kannada to Tulu (Kan-Tul) and Tulu to Kannada (Kan-Tul) sentence-level translations. Additionally, the study explores sub-word tokenization techniques for Kannada-Tulu language pairs, and the performances of these NMT models are evaluated using Character n-gram Fscore (CHRF) and Bilingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU) scores. Among the baselines, the transformer-based models outperformed other models with BLEU scores of 0.241 and 0.341 and CHRF scores of 0.502 and 0.598 for KanTul and Kan-Tul sentence-level translations, respectively.