Si Wu
Composition and Deformance: Measuring Imageability with a Text-to-Image Model
Si Wu
David Smith
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Narrative Understanding
Although psycholinguists and psychologists have long studied the tendency of linguistic strings to evoke mental images in hearers or readers, most computational studies have applied this concept of imageability only to isolated words. Using recent developments in text-to-image generation models, such as DALLE mini, we propose computational methods that use generated images to measure the imageability of both single English words and connected text. We sample text prompts for image generation from three corpora: human-generated image captions, news article sentences, and poem lines. We subject these prompts to different deformances to examine the model’s ability to detect changes in imageability caused by compositional change. We find high correlation between the proposed computational measures of imageability and human judgments of individual words. We also find the proposed measures more consistently respond to changes in compositionality than baseline approaches. We discuss possible effects of model training and implications for the study of compositionality in text-to-image models.
Scalable Font Reconstruction with Dual Latent Manifolds
Nikita Srivatsan
Si Wu
Jonathan Barron
Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
We propose a deep generative model that performs typography analysis and font reconstruction by learning disentangled manifolds of both font style and character shape. Our approach enables us to massively scale up the number of character types we can effectively model compared to previous methods. Specifically, we infer separate latent variables representing character and font via a pair of inference networks which take as input sets of glyphs that either all share a character type, or belong to the same font. This design allows our model to generalize to characters that were not observed during training time, an important task in light of the relative sparsity of most fonts. We also put forward a new loss, adapted from prior work that measures likelihood using an adaptive distribution in a projected space, resulting in more natural images without requiring a discriminator. We evaluate on the task of font reconstruction over various datasets representing character types of many languages, and compare favorably to modern style transfer systems according to both automatic and manually-evaluated metrics.