Simon Todd


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BERT’s Insights Into the English Dative and Genitive Alternations
Qing Yao | Simon Todd
Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics 2024

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More than Just Statistical Recurrence: Human and Machine Unsupervised Learning of Māori Word Segmentation across Morphological Processes
Ashvini Varatharaj | Simon Todd
Proceedings of the 21st SIGMORPHON workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology

Non-Māori-speaking New Zealanders (NMS) are able to segment Māori words in a highly similar way to fluent speakers (Panther et al., 2024). This ability is assumed to derive through the identification and extraction of statistically recurrent forms. We examine this assumption by asking how NMS segmentations compare to those produced by Morfessor, an unsupervised machine learning model that operates based on statistical recurrence, across words formed by a variety of morphological processes. Both NMS and Morfessor succeed in segmenting words formed by concatenative processes (compounding and affixation without allomorphy), but NMS also succeed for words that invoke templates (reduplication and allomorphy) and other cues to morphological structure, implying that their learning process is sensitive to more than just statistical recurrence.


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PSST! Prosodic Speech Segmentation with Transformers
Nathan Roll | Calbert Graham | Simon Todd
Proceedings of the 27th Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL)

We develop and probe a model for detecting the boundaries of prosodic chunks in untranscribed conversational English speech. The model is obtained by fine-tuning a Transformer-based speech-to-text (STT) model to integrate the identification of Intonation Unit (IU) boundaries with the STT task. The model shows robust performance, both on held-out data and on out-of-distribution data representing different dialects and transcription protocols. By evaluating the model on degraded speech data, and comparing it with alternatives, we establish that it relies heavily on lexico-syntactic information inferred from audio, and not solely on acoustic information typically understood to cue prosodic structure. We release our model as both a transcription tool and a baseline for further improvements in prosodic segmentation.

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Unsupervised part-of-speech induction for language description: Modeling documentation materials in Kolyma Yukaghir
Albert Ventayol-boada | Nathan Roll | Simon Todd
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on NLP Applications to Field Linguistics

This study investigates the clustering of words into Part-of-Speech (POS) classes in Kolyma Yukaghir. In grammatical descriptions, lexical items are assigned to POS classes based on their morphological paradigms. Discursively, however, these classes share a fair amount of morphology. In this study, we turn to POS induction to evaluate if classes based on quantification of the distributions in which roots and affixes are used can be useful for language description purposes, and, if so, what those classes might be. We qualitatively compare clusters of roots and affixes based on four different definitions of their distributions. The results show that clustering is more reliable for words that typically bear more morphology. Additionally, the results suggest that the number of POS classes in Kolyma Yukaghir might be smaller than stated in current descriptions. This study thus demonstrates how unsupervised learning methods can provide insights for language description, particularly for highly inflectional languages.


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Unsupervised morphological segmentation in a language with reduplication
Simon Todd | Annie Huang | Jeremy Needle | Jennifer Hay | Jeanette King
Proceedings of the 19th SIGMORPHON Workshop on Computational Research in Phonetics, Phonology, and Morphology

We present an extension of the Morfessor Baseline model of unsupervised morphological segmentation (Creutz and Lagus, 2007) that incorporates abstract templates for reduplication, a typologically common but computationally underaddressed process. Through a detailed investigation that applies the model to Maori, the ̄ Indigenous language of Aotearoa New Zealand, we show that incorporating templates improves Morfessor’s ability to identify instances of reduplication, and does so most when there are multiple minimally-overlapping templates. We present an error analysis that reveals important factors to consider when applying the extended model and suggests useful future directions.