Su-Yu Chang
CYUT at IJCNLP-2017 Task 3: System Report for Review Opinion Diversification
Shih-Hung Wu
Su-Yu Chang
Liang-Pu Chen
Proceedings of the IJCNLP 2017, Shared Tasks
Review Opinion Diversification (RevOpiD) 2017 is a shared task which is held in International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP). The shared task aims at selecting top-k reviews, as a summary, from a set of re-views. There are three subtasks in RevOpiD: helpfulness ranking, rep-resentativeness ranking, and ex-haustive coverage ranking. This year, our team submitted runs by three models. We focus on ranking reviews based on the helpfulness of the reviews. In the first two models, we use linear regression with two different loss functions. First one is least squares, and second one is cross entropy. The third run is a random baseline. For both k=5 and k=10, our second model gets the best scores in the official evaluation metrics.