Sun Hao
Generate-then-Revise: An Effective Synthetic Training Data Generation Framework For Event Detection Retrieval
Du Huidong
Sun Hao
Liu Pengyuan
Yu Dong
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)
“Large language models (LLMs) struggle with event detection (ED) due to the structured and vari-able number of events in the output. Existing supervised approaches rely on a large amount ofmanually annotated corpora, facing challenges in practice when event types are diverse and theannotated data is scarce. We propose Generate-then-Revise (GtR), a framework that leveragesLLMs in the opposite direction to address these challenges in ED. GtR utilizes an LLM to gen-erate high-quality training data in three stages, including a novel data revision step to minimizenoise in the synthetic data. The generated data is then used to train a smaller model for evalua-tion. Our approach demonstrates significant improvements on the low-resource ED. We furtheranalyze the generated data, highlighting the potential of synthetic data generation for enhancingED performance.Introduction”