Taylor Mahler
Breaking NLP: Using Morphosyntax, Semantics, Pragmatics and World Knowledge to Fool Sentiment Analysis Systems
Taylor Mahler
Willy Cheung
Micha Elsner
David King
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe
Cory Shain
Symon Stevens-Guille
Michael White
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Building Linguistically Generalizable NLP Systems
This paper describes our “breaker” submission to the 2017 EMNLP “Build It Break It” shared task on sentiment analysis. In order to cause the “builder” systems to make incorrect predictions, we edited items in the blind test data according to linguistically interpretable strategies that allow us to assess the ease with which the builder systems learn various components of linguistic structure. On the whole, our submitted pairs break all systems at a high rate (72.6%), indicating that sentiment analysis as an NLP task may still have a lot of ground to cover. Of the breaker strategies that we consider, we find our semantic and pragmatic manipulations to pose the most substantial difficulties for the builder systems.
Fix data
- Willy Cheung 1
- Micha Elsner 1
- David King 1
- Cory Shain 1
- Symon Stevens-Guille 1
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- ws1