Tingxin Wei
Also published as: 庭新 魏
差比句结构及其缺省现象的识别补全研究(A Study on Identification and Completion of Comparative Sentence Structures with Ellipsis Phenomenon)
Pengfei Zhou (周鹏飞)
Weiguang Qv (曲维光)
Tingxin Wei (魏庭新)
Junsheng Zhou (周俊生)
Bin Li (李斌)
Yanhui Gu (顾彦慧)
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
汉语被动结构解析及其在CAMR中的应用研究(Parsing of Passive Structure in Chinese and Its Application in CAMR)
Kang Hu (康胡,)
Weiguang Qu (曲维光)
Tingxin Wei (魏庭新)
Junsheng Zhou (周俊生)
Bin Li (李斌)
Yanhui Gu (顾彦慧)
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
基于特征融合的汉语被动句自动识别研究(Automatic Recognition of Chinese Passive Sentences Based on Feature Fusion)
Kang Hu (胡康)
Weiguang Qu (曲维光)
Tingxin Wei (魏庭新)
Junsheng Zhou (周俊生)
Yanhui Gu (顾彦慧)
Bin Li (李斌)
Proceedings of the 21st Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
中文连动句语义关系识别研究(Research on Semantic Relation Recognition of Chinese Serial-verb Sentences)
Chao Sun (孙超)
Weiguang Qu (曲维光)
Tingxin Wei (魏庭新)
Yanhui Gu (顾彦慧)
Bin Li (李斌)
Junsheng Zhou (周俊生)
Proceedings of the 20th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
中文词语离合现象识别研究(Research on Recognition of the Separation and Reunion Phenomena of Words in Chinese)
Lou Zhou (周露)
Weiguang Qu (曲维光)
Tingxin Wei (魏庭新)
Junsheng Zhou (周俊生)
Bin Li (李斌)
Yanhui Gu (顾彦慧)
Proceedings of the 20th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
基于神经网络的连动句识别(Recognition of serial-verb sentences based on Neural Network)
Chao Sun (孙超)
Weiguang Qu (曲维光)
Tingxin Wei (魏庭新)
Yanhui Gu (顾彦慧)
Bin Li (李斌)
Junsheng Zhou (周俊生)
Proceedings of the 19th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
面向中文AMR标注体系的兼语语料库构建及识别研究(Research on the Construction and Recognition of Concurrent corpus for Chinese AMR Annotation System)
Wenhui Hou (侯文惠)
Weiguang Qu (曲维光)
Tingxin Wei (魏庭新)
Bin Li (李斌)
Yanhui Gu (顾彦慧)
Junsheng Zhou (周俊生)
Proceedings of the 19th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
- Yanhui Gu (顾彦慧) 7
- Bin Li (李斌) 7
- Junsheng Zhou (周俊生) 7
- Weiguang Qu (曲维光) 6
- Kang Hu (胡康, 康胡,) 2
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