Tom Williams
Exploring the Naturalness of Cognitive Status-Informed Referring Form Selection Models
Gabriel Del Castillo
Grace Clark
Zhao Han
Tom Williams
Proceedings of the 16th International Natural Language Generation Conference
Language-capable robots must be able to efficiently and naturally communicate about objects in the environment. A key part of communication is Referring Form Selection (RFS): the process of selecting a form like it, that, or the N to use when referring to an object. Recent cognitive status-informed computational RFS models have been evaluated in terms of goodness-of-fit to human data. But it is as yet unclear whether these models actually select referring forms that are any more natural than baseline alternatives, regardless of goodness-of-fit. Through a human subject study designed to assess this question, we show that even though cognitive status-informed referring selection models achieve good fit to human data, they do not (yet) produce concrete benefits in terms of naturality. On the other hand, our results show that human utterances also had high variability in perceived naturality, demonstrating the challenges of evaluating RFS naturality.
Referring Expression Generation under Uncertainty: Algorithm and Evaluation Framework
Tom Williams
Matthias Scheutz
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Generation
For situated agents to effectively engage in natural-language interactions with humans, they must be able to refer to entities such as people, locations, and objects. While classic referring expression generation (REG) algorithms like the Incremental Algorithm (IA) assume perfect, complete, and accessible knowledge of all referents, this is not always possible. In this work, we show how a previously presented consultant framework (which facilitates reference resolution when knowledge is uncertain, heterogeneous and distributed) can be used to extend the IA to produce DIST-PIA, a domain-independent algorithm for REG under uncertain, heterogeneous, and distributed knowledge. We also present a novel framework that can be used to evaluate such REG algorithms without conflating the performance of the algorithm with the performance of classifiers it employs.