Tomáš Holan
Also published as: Tomas Holan
Word-Order Relaxations & Restrictions within a Dependency Grammar
Martin Plátek
Tomáš Holan
Vladislav Kuboň
Karel Oliva
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Parsing Technologies
Two Useful Measures of Word Order Complexity
Tomas Holan
Vladislav Kubon
Karel Oliva
Martin Platek
Processing of Dependency-Based Grammars
A Prototype of a Grammar Checker for Czech
Tomáš Holan
Vladislav Kuboň
Martin Plátek
Fifth Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing
Formal Tools for Separating Syntactically Correct and Incorrect Structures
Martin Plátek
Vladislav Kuboň
Tomáš Holan
Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Parsing Technologies
An Implementation of Syntactic Analysis of Czech
Tomáš Holan
Vladislav Kuboň
Martin Plátek
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Parsing Technologies