Tong Wu


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Automated Progressive Red Teaming
Bojian Jiang | Yi Jing | Tong Wu | Tianhao Shen | Deyi Xiong | Qing Yang
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Ensuring the safety of large language models (LLMs) is paramount, yet identifying potential vulnerabilities is challenging. While manual red teaming is effective, it is time-consuming, costly and lacks scalability. Automated red teaming (ART) offers a more cost-effective alternative, automatically generating adversarial prompts to expose LLM vulnerabilities. However, in current ART efforts, a robust framework is absent, which explicitly frames red teaming as an effectively learnable task. To address this gap, we propose Automated Progressive Red Teaming (APRT) as an effectively learnable framework. APRT leverages three core modules: an Intention Expanding LLM that generates diverse initial attack samples, an Intention Hiding LLM that crafts deceptive prompts, and an Evil Maker to manage prompt diversity and filter ineffective samples. The three modules collectively and progressively explore and exploit LLM vulnerabilities through multi-round interactions. In addition to the framework, we further propose a novel indicator, Attack Effectiveness Rate (AER) to mitigate the limitations of existing evaluation metrics. By measuring the likelihood of eliciting unsafe but seemingly helpful responses, AER aligns closely with human evaluations. Extensive experiments with both automatic and human evaluations, demonstrate the effectiveness of ARPT across both open- and closed-source LLMs. Specifically, APRT effectively elicits 54% unsafe yet useful responses from Meta’s Llama-3-8B-Instruct, 50% from GPT-4o (API access), and 39% from Claude-3.5 (API access), showcasing its robust attack capability and transferability across LLMs (especially from open-source LLMs to closed-source LLMs).


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Sinkhorn Distance Minimization for Knowledge Distillation
Xiao Cui | Yulei Qin | Yuting Gao | Enwei Zhang | Zihan Xu | Tong Wu | Ke Li | Xing Sun | Wengang Zhou | Houqiang Li
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Knowledge distillation (KD) has been widely adopted to compress large language models (LLMs). Existing KD methods investigate various divergence measures including the Kullback-Leibler (KL), reverse Kullback-Leibler (RKL), and Jensen-Shannon (JS) divergences. However, due to limitations inherent in their assumptions and definitions, these measures fail to deliver effective supervision when few distribution overlap exists between the teacher and the student. In this paper, we show that the aforementioned KL, RKL, and JS divergences respectively suffer from issues of mode-averaging, mode-collapsing, and mode-underestimation, which deteriorates logits-based KD for diverse NLP tasks. We propose the Sinkhorn Knowledge Distillation (SinKD) that exploits the Sinkhorn distance to ensure a nuanced and precise assessment of the disparity between teacher and student distributions. Besides, profit by properties of the Sinkhorn metric, we can get rid of sample-wise KD that restricts the perception of divergence in each teacher-student sample pair. Instead, we propose a batch-wise reformulation to capture geometric intricacies of distributions across samples in the high-dimensional space. Comprehensive evaluation on GLUE and SuperGLUE, in terms of comparability, validity, and generalizability, highlights our superiority over state-of-the-art methods on all kinds of LLMs with encoder-only, encoder-decoder, and decoder-only architectures.


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Intersectional Stereotypes in Large Language Models: Dataset and Analysis
Weicheng Ma | Brian Chiang | Tong Wu | Lili Wang | Soroush Vosoughi
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Despite many stereotypes targeting intersectional demographic groups, prior studies on stereotypes within Large Language Models (LLMs) primarily focus on broader, individual categories. This research bridges this gap by introducing a novel dataset of intersectional stereotypes, curated with the assistance of the ChatGPT model and manually validated. Moreover, this paper offers a comprehensive analysis of intersectional stereotype propagation in three contemporary LLMs by leveraging this dataset. The findings underscore the urgency of focusing on intersectional biases in ongoing efforts to reduce stereotype prevalence in LLMs.