Vasilisa Andriyanets


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A prototype finite-state morphological analyser for Chukchi
Vasilisa Andriyanets | Francis Tyers
Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Modeling of Polysynthetic Languages

In this article we describe the application of finite-state transducers to the morphological and phonological systems of Chukchi, a polysynthetic language spoken in the north of the Russian Federation. The language exhibits progressive and regressive vowel harmony, productive incorporation and extensive circumfixing. To implement the analyser we use the well-known Helsinki Finite-State Toolkit (HFST). The resulting model covers the majority of the morphological and phonological processes. A brief evaluation carried out on publically-available corpora shows that the coverage of the transducer is between and 53% and 76%. An error evaluation of 100 tokens randomly selected from the corpus, which were not covered by the analyser shows that most of the morphological processes are covered and that the majority of errors are caused by a limited stem lexicon.