Viraj Shah
TweeNLP: A Twitter Exploration Portal for Natural Language Processing
Viraj Shah
Shruti Singh
Mayank Singh
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations
We present TweeNLP, a one-stop portal that organizes Twitter’s natural language processing (NLP) data and builds a visualization and exploration platform. It curates 19,395 tweets (as of April 2021) from various NLP conferences and general NLP discussions. It supports multiple features such as TweetExplorer to explore tweets by topics, visualize insights from Twitter activity throughout the organization cycle of conferences, discover popular research papers and researchers. It also builds a timeline of conference and workshop submission deadlines. We envision TweeNLP to function as a collective memory unit for the NLP community by integrating the tweets pertaining to research papers with the NLPExplorer scientific literature search engine. The current system is hosted at