Enriching TimeBank: Towards a more precise annotation of temporal relations in a text
Volker Gast
Lennart Bierkandt
Stephan Druskat
Christoph Rzymski
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)
We propose a way of enriching the TimeML annotations of TimeBank by adding information about the Topic Time in terms of Klein (1994). The annotations are partly automatic, partly inferential and partly manual. The corpus was converted into the native format of the annotation software GraphAnno and POS-tagged using the Stanford bidirectional dependency network tagger. On top of each finite verb, a FIN-node with tense information was created, and on top of any FIN-node, a TOPICTIME-node, in accordance with Klein’s (1994) treatment of finiteness as the linguistic correlate of the Topic Time. Each TOPICTIME-node is linked to a MAKEINSTANCE-node representing an (instantiated) event in TimeML (Pustejovsky et al. 2005), the markup language used for the annotation of TimeBank. For such links we introduce a new category, ELINK. ELINKs capture the relationship between the Topic Time (TT) and the Time of Situation (TSit) and have an aspectual interpretation in Klein’s (1994) theory. In addition to these automatic and inferential annotations, some TLINKs were added manually. Using an example from the corpus, we show that the inclusion of the Topic Time in the annotations allows for a richer representation of the temporal structure than does TimeML. A way of representing this structure in a diagrammatic form similar to the T-Box format (Verhagen, 2007) is proposed.
corpus-tools.org: An Interoperable Generic Software Tool Set for Multi-layer Linguistic Corpora
Stephan Druskat
Volker Gast
Thomas Krause
Florian Zipser
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)
This paper introduces an open source, interoperable generic software tool set catering for the entire workflow of creation, migration, annotation, query and analysis of multi-layer linguistic corpora. It consists of four components: Salt, a graph-based meta model and API for linguistic data, the common data model for the rest of the tool set; Pepper, a conversion tool and platform for linguistic data that can be used to convert many different linguistic formats into each other; Atomic, an extensible, platform-independent multi-layer desktop annotation software for linguistic corpora; ANNIS, a search and visualization architecture for multi-layer linguistic corpora with many different visualizations and a powerful native query language. The set was designed to solve the following issues in a multi-layer corpus workflow: Lossless data transition between tools through a common data model generic enough to allow for a potentially unlimited number of different types of annotation, conversion capabilities for different linguistic formats to cater for the processing of data from different sources and/or with existing annotations, a high level of extensibility to enhance the sustainability of the whole tool set, analysis capabilities encompassing corpus and annotation query alongside multi-faceted visualizations of all annotation layers.
Creating and retrieving tense and aspect annotation with GraphAnno, a lightweight tool for multi-level annotation
Volker Gast
Lennart Bierkandt
Christoph Rzymski
Proceedings of the 11th Joint ACL-ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-11)
Annotating modals with GraphAnno, a configurable lightweight tool for multi-level annotation
Volker Gast
Lennart Bierkandt
Christoph Rzymski
Proceedings of the Workshop on Models for Modality Annotation