When is Multi-task Learning Beneficial for Low-Resource Noisy Code-switched User-generated Algerian Texts?
Wafia Adouane
Jean-Philippe Bernardy
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Code Switching
We investigate when is it beneficial to simultaneously learn representations for several tasks, in low-resource settings. For this, we work with noisy user-generated texts in Algerian, a low-resource non-standardised Arabic variety. That is, to mitigate the problem of the data scarcity, we experiment with jointly learning progressively 4 tasks, namely code-switch detection, named entity recognition, spell normalisation and correction, and identifying users’ sentiments. The selection of these tasks is motivated by the lack of labelled data for automatic morpho-syntactic or semantic sequence-tagging tasks for Algerian, in contrast to the case of much multi-task learning for NLP. Our empirical results show that multi-task learning is beneficial for some tasks in particular settings, and that the effect of each task on another, the order of the tasks, and the size of the training data of the task with more data do matter. Moreover, the data augmentation that we performed with no external resources has been shown to be beneficial for certain tasks.
Identifying Sentiments in Algerian Code-switched User-generated Comments
Wafia Adouane
Samia Touileb
Jean-Philippe Bernardy
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
We present in this paper our work on Algerian language, an under-resourced North African colloquial Arabic variety, for which we built a comparably large corpus of more than 36,000 code-switched user-generated comments annotated for sentiments. We opted for this data domain because Algerian is a colloquial language with no existing freely available corpora. Moreover, we compiled sentiment lexicons of positive and negative unigrams and bigrams reflecting the code-switches present in the language. We compare the performance of four models on the task of identifying sentiments, and the results indicate that a CNN model trained end-to-end fits better our unedited code-switched and unbalanced data across the predefined sentiment classes. Additionally, injecting the lexicons as background knowledge to the model boosts its performance on the minority class with a gain of 10.54 points on the F-score. The results of our experiments can be used as a baseline for future research for Algerian sentiment analysis.
Normalising Non-standardised Orthography in Algerian Code-switched User-generated Data
Wafia Adouane
Jean-Philippe Bernardy
Simon Dobnik
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2019)
We work with Algerian, an under-resourced non-standardised Arabic variety, for which we compile a new parallel corpus consisting of user-generated textual data matched with normalised and corrected human annotations following data-driven and our linguistically motivated standard. We use an end-to-end deep neural model designed to deal with context-dependent spelling correction and normalisation. Results indicate that a model with two CNN sub-network encoders and an LSTM decoder performs the best, and that word context matters. Additionally, pre-processing data token-by-token with an edit-distance based aligner significantly improves the performance. We get promising results for the spelling correction and normalisation, as a pre-processing step for downstream tasks, on detecting binary Semantic Textual Similarity.
Neural Models for Detecting Binary Semantic Textual Similarity for Algerian and MSA
Wafia Adouane
Jean-Philippe Bernardy
Simon Dobnik
Proceedings of the Fourth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop
We explore the extent to which neural networks can learn to identify semantically equivalent sentences from a small variable dataset using an end-to-end training. We collect a new noisy non-standardised user-generated Algerian (ALG) dataset and also translate it to Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) which serves as its regularised counterpart. We compare the performance of various models on both datasets and report the best performing configurations. The results show that relatively simple models composed of 2 LSTM layers outperform by far other more sophisticated attention-based architectures, for both ALG and MSA datasets.
A Comparison of Character Neural Language Model and Bootstrapping for Language Identification in Multilingual Noisy Texts
Wafia Adouane
Simon Dobnik
Jean-Philippe Bernardy
Nasredine Semmar
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Subword/Character LEvel Models
This paper seeks to examine the effect of including background knowledge in the form of character pre-trained neural language model (LM), and data bootstrapping to overcome the problem of unbalanced limited resources. As a test, we explore the task of language identification in mixed-language short non-edited texts with an under-resourced language, namely the case of Algerian Arabic for which both labelled and unlabelled data are limited. We compare the performance of two traditional machine learning methods and a deep neural networks (DNNs) model. The results show that overall DNNs perform better on labelled data for the majority categories and struggle with the minority ones. While the effect of the untokenised and unlabelled data encoded as LM differs for each category, bootstrapping, however, improves the performance of all systems and all categories. These methods are language independent and could be generalised to other under-resourced languages for which a small labelled data and a larger unlabelled data are available.
Improving Neural Network Performance by Injecting Background Knowledge: Detecting Code-switching and Borrowing in Algerian texts
Wafia Adouane
Jean-Philippe Bernardy
Simon Dobnik
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Computational Approaches to Linguistic Code-Switching
We explore the effect of injecting background knowledge to different deep neural network (DNN) configurations in order to mitigate the problem of the scarcity of annotated data when applying these models on datasets of low-resourced languages. The background knowledge is encoded in the form of lexicons and pre-trained sub-word embeddings. The DNN models are evaluated on the task of detecting code-switching and borrowing points in non-standardised user-generated Algerian texts. Overall results show that DNNs benefit from adding background knowledge. However, the gain varies between models and categories. The proposed DNN architectures are generic and could be applied to other low-resourced languages.
Identification of Languages in Algerian Arabic Multilingual Documents
Wafia Adouane
Simon Dobnik
Proceedings of the Third Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop
This paper presents a language identification system designed to detect the language of each word, in its context, in a multilingual documents as generated in social media by bilingual/multilingual communities, in our case speakers of Algerian Arabic. We frame the task as a sequence tagging problem and use supervised machine learning with standard methods like HMM and Ngram classification tagging. We also experiment with a lexicon-based method. Combining all the methods in a fall-back mechanism and introducing some linguistic rules, to deal with unseen tokens and ambiguous words, gives an overall accuracy of 93.14%. Finally, we introduced rules for language identification from sequences of recognised words.
Gulf Arabic Linguistic Resource Building for Sentiment Analysis
Wafia Adouane
Richard Johansson
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)
This paper deals with building linguistic resources for Gulf Arabic, one of the Arabic variations, for sentiment analysis task using machine learning. To our knowledge, no previous works were done for Gulf Arabic sentiment analysis despite the fact that it is present in different online platforms. Hence, the first challenge is the absence of annotated data and sentiment lexicons. To fill this gap, we created these two main linguistic resources. Then we conducted different experiments: use Naive Bayes classifier without any lexicon; add a sentiment lexicon designed basically for MSA; use only the compiled Gulf Arabic sentiment lexicon and finally use both MSA and Gulf Arabic sentiment lexicons. The Gulf Arabic lexicon gives a good improvement of the classifier accuracy (90.54 %) over a baseline that does not use the lexicon (82.81%), while the MSA lexicon causes the accuracy to drop to (76.83%). Moreover, mixing MSA and Gulf Arabic lexicons causes the accuracy to drop to (84.94%) compared to using only Gulf Arabic lexicon. This indicates that it is useless to use MSA resources to deal with Gulf Arabic due to the considerable differences and conflicting structures between these two languages.
Romanized Berber and Romanized Arabic Automatic Language Identification Using Machine Learning
Wafia Adouane
Nasredine Semmar
Richard Johansson
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial3)
The identification of the language of text/speech input is the first step to be able to properly do any language-dependent natural language processing. The task is called Automatic Language Identification (ALI). Being a well-studied field since early 1960’s, various methods have been applied to many standard languages. The ALI standard methods require datasets for training and use character/word-based n-gram models. However, social media and new technologies have contributed to the rise of informal and minority languages on the Web. The state-of-the-art automatic language identifiers fail to properly identify many of them. Romanized Arabic (RA) and Romanized Berber (RB) are cases of these informal languages which are under-resourced. The goal of this paper is twofold: detect RA and RB, at a document level, as separate languages and distinguish between them as they coexist in North Africa. We consider the task as a classification problem and use supervised machine learning to solve it. For both languages, character-based 5-grams combined with additional lexicons score the best, F-score of 99.75% and 97.77% for RB and RA respectively.
Automatic Detection of Arabicized Berber and Arabic Varieties
Wafia Adouane
Nasredine Semmar
Richard Johansson
Victoria Bobicev
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial3)
Automatic Language Identification (ALI) is the detection of the natural language of an input text by a machine. It is the first necessary step to do any language-dependent natural language processing task. Various methods have been successfully applied to a wide range of languages, and the state-of-the-art automatic language identifiers are mainly based on character n-gram models trained on huge corpora. However, there are many languages which are not yet automatically processed, for instance minority and informal languages. Many of these languages are only spoken and do not exist in a written format. Social media platforms and new technologies have facilitated the emergence of written format for these spoken languages based on pronunciation. The latter are not well represented on the Web, commonly referred to as under-resourced languages, and the current available ALI tools fail to properly recognize them. In this paper, we revisit the problem of ALI with the focus on Arabicized Berber and dialectal Arabic short texts. We introduce new resources and evaluate the existing methods. The results show that machine learning models combined with lexicons are well suited for detecting Arabicized Berber and different Arabic varieties and distinguishing between them, giving a macro-average F-score of 92.94%.
ASIREM Participation at the Discriminating Similar Languages Shared Task 2016
Wafia Adouane
Nasredine Semmar
Richard Johansson
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on NLP for Similar Languages, Varieties and Dialects (VarDial3)
This paper presents the system built by ASIREM team for the Discriminating between Similar Languages (DSL) Shared task 2016. It describes the system which uses character-based and word-based n-grams separately. ASIREM participated in both sub-tasks (sub-task 1 and sub-task 2) and in both open and closed tracks. For the sub-task 1 which deals with Discriminating between similar languages and national language varieties, the system achieved an accuracy of 87.79% on the closed track, ending up ninth (the best results being 89.38%). In sub-task 2, which deals with Arabic dialect identification, the system achieved its best performance using character-based n-grams (49.67% accuracy), ranking fourth in the closed track (the best result being 51.16%), and an accuracy of 53.18%, ranking first in the open track.