SpanCS:面向跨语言代码生成的片段级语码转换(SpanCS: Span-Level Code-Switching for Cross-Lingual Code Generation)
Zhu Qingfu (朱庆福)
Zhou Shiqi (周士祺)
Wang Shuo (王硕)
Zhang Zhiming (张致铭)
Wang Haoyu (王昊钰)
Chen Qiguang (陈麒光)
Che Wanxiang (车万翔)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)
“跨语言代码生成旨在将英语到代码的生成能力迁移至其他自然语言。翻译-训 练(Translate-Train)和语码转换(Code-Switching)是实现跨语言迁移的两类经典数据增广方法,两者优势互补但尚未有效结合。为此,本文提出了一种面向跨语言代码生成的片段级语码转换(SpanCS)方法。首先,该方法利用语码转换框架关联源语言上下文与目标语言片段,以促进多种语言的交互和对齐。其次,该方法利用翻译-训练方法从完整的源语言翻译中提取目标语言片段,以保证增广数据与原始数据间的语义一致性。为了公平地评价多种自然语言之间代码生成的性能差异,本文通过人工翻译与校验,基于HumanEval构建了包含10种自然语言的多语言代码生成评测基MHumanEval。该基准上的三个主干模型的实验结果表明,SpanCS在跨语言代码生成任务上一致优于前人的数据增广方法。”
Self-Guide:一种基于自我规划的大语言模型推理增强方法(Self-Guide: Enhancing LLM Reasoning Ability via Self-Plan)
Liu Yibin (刘艺彬)
Liu Zhenghao (刘正皓)
Yan Yukun (闫宇坤)
Yu Shi (于是)
Wang Shuo (王硕)
Yang Liner (麟儿 杨)
Chen Huimin (陈慧敏)
Gu Yu (谷峪)
Yu Ge (于戈)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)
Enhancing Free-Form Table Question Answering Models by Distilling Relevant-Cell-Based Rationales
Yang Zhiyu
Wang Shuo
Yan Yukun
Liu Pengyuan
Yu Dong
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)
“Free-form table question answering is a challenging task since tables contain structured contentscompared to plain texts, which requires high-level reasoning abilities to effectively identify cellsthat are relevant to the question and produce a correct and faithful answer based on their relations.Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited remarkable reasoning capabilities in numerousNLP applications. However, in some specific tasks, specially-trained small models can still out-perform LLMs. Furthermore, small models require extremely less computation costs comparedto LLMs. To leverage the strengths of both types of models, we propose a Relevant-Cell-basedKnowledge Distillation with inference-time Teacher Guidance (RCKD-TG) method. This ap-proach aims to combine small free-form table question answering models’ abilities to learn fromhuman annotations and large language models’ abilities to effectively reason from table contents,via applying Relevant-Cell-based rationales distilled from LLMs to small models’ training andinference stages. Our experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method over vanilla smallmodels in correctness, faithfulness, adequacy and fluency, also over general LLMs in adheringto the style of human annotations. We achieve state-of-the-art performance on FeTaQA, a rep-resentative free-form table question answering benchmark. Our result of a 41.3 BLEU scoredemonstrates the feasibility of effectively using small models’ task-specific abilities and LLMs’reasoning capabilities at the same time. Additionally, our method exhibits high computation ef-ficiency and data efficiency. Compared to strong baselines, we achieve better performance withsignificantly less training data.”