Wei Xinyuan
Glyph Features Matter: A Multimodal Solution for EvaHan in LT4HALA2022
Wei Xinyuan
Liu Weihao
Qing Zong
Zhang Shaoqing
Baotian Hu
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages
We participate in the LT4HALA2022 shared task EvaHan. This task has two subtasks. Subtask 1 is word segmentation, and subtask 2 is part-of-speech tagging. Each subtask consists of two tracks, a close track that can only use the data and models provided by the organizer, and an open track without restrictions. We employ three pre-trained models, two of which are open-source pre-trained models for ancient Chinese (Siku-Roberta and roberta-classical-chinese), and one is our pre-trained GlyphBERT combined with glyph features. Our methods include data augmentation, data pre-processing, model pretraining, downstream fine-tuning, k-fold cross validation and model ensemble. We achieve competitive P, R, and F1 scores on both our own validation set and the final public test set.