Xiaofen Xing


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VideoCoT: A Video Chain-of-Thought Dataset with Active Annotation Tool
Yan Wang | Yawen Zeng | Jingsheng Zheng | Xiaofen Xing | Jin Xu | Xiangmin Xu
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Advances in Language and Vision Research (ALVR)

Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) are flourishing, but mainly focus on images with less attention than videos, especially in sub-fields such as prompt engineering, video chain-of-though (CoT), and instruction tuning on videos. Therefore, we try to explore the collection of CoT datasets in videos to lead to video OpenQA and improve the reasoning ability of MLLMs. Unfortunately, making such video CoT datasets is not an easy task. Given that human annotation is too cumbersome and expensive, while machine-generated is not reliable due to the hallucination issue, we develop an automatic annotation tool that combines machine and human experts, under the active learning paradigm. Active learning is an interactive strategy between the model and human experts, in this way, the workload of human labeling can be reduced and the quality of the dataset can be guaranteed. With the help of the automatic annotation tool, we strive to contribute three datasets, namely VideoCoT, TopicQA, TopicCoT. Furthermore, we propose a simple but effective benchmark based on the collected datasets, which exploits CoT to maximize the complex reasoning capabilities of MLLMs. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness our solution, and we will release our source codes and datasets to facilitate the research community.


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Exploring Prompt-based Multi-task Learning for Multimodal Dialog State Tracking and Immersive Multimodal Conversation
Yirong Chen | Ya Li | Tao Wang | Xiaofen Xing | Xiangmin Xu | Quan Liu | Cong Liu | Guoping Hu
Proceedings of The Eleventh Dialog System Technology Challenge

With the rise of the metaverse, immersive multimodal conversation has attracted more and more researchers’ attention. Multimodal contexts will become more important for human-computer interaction in the metaverse, especially in shopping domain. Unlike traditional conversation tasks, immersive multimodal conversation has challenges such as multimodal ambiguous candidate identification and multimodal coreference resolution, which makes it more difficult to dialog state tracking and response generation, as described in SIMMC 2.1 challenge, a part of DSTC11. In particular, as the number of objects in the scene increases, the difficulty will increase dramatically. We proposed a prompt-based multi-task learning Encoder-Decoder, in which different subtasks use different prompts to make the model tend to focus on the current subtask. We achieve the winner in ambiguous candidates indentification and runner-up in multimodal coreference resolution (MM-Coref), multimodal dialog state tracking (MM-DST) and assistant response generation. Our code and model are made publicly available at https://github.com/scutcyr/dstc11-simmc2.1-scut-bds-lab.

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SoulChat: Improving LLMs’ Empathy, Listening, and Comfort Abilities through Fine-tuning with Multi-turn Empathy Conversations
Yirong Chen | Xiaofen Xing | Jingkai Lin | Huimin Zheng | Zhenyu Wang | Qi Liu | Xiangmin Xu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Large language models (LLMs) have been widely applied in various fields due to their excellent capability for memorizing knowledge and chain of thought (CoT). When these language models are applied in the field of psychological counseling, they often rush to provide universal advice. However, when users seek psychological support, they need to gain empathy, trust, understanding and comfort, rather than just reasonable advice. To this end, we constructed a multi-turn empathetic conversation dataset of more than 2 million samples, in which the input is the multi-turn conversation context, and the target is empathetic responses that cover expressions such as questioning, comfort, recognition, listening, trust, emotional support, etc. Experiments have shown that the empathy ability of LLMs can be significantly enhanced when finetuning by using multi-turn dialogue history and responses that are closer to the expression of a psychological consultant.


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Modeling Compositionality with Dependency Graph for Dialogue Generation
Xiaofeng Chen | Yirong Chen | Xiaofen Xing | Xiangmin Xu | Wenjing Han | Qianfeng Tie
Proceedings of the Workshop on Structured and Unstructured Knowledge Integration (SUKI)

Because of the compositionality of natural language, syntactic structure which contains the information about the relationship between words is a key factor for semantic understanding. However, the widely adopted Transformer is hard to learn the syntactic structure effectively in dialogue generation tasks. To explicitly model the compositionaity of language in Transformer Block, we restrict the information flow between words by constructing directed dependency graph and propose Dependency Relation Attention (DRA). Experimental results demonstrate that DRA can further improve the performance of state-of-the-art models for dialogue generation.