Xiaoyong Wei


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Instruct Once, Chat Consistently in Multiple Rounds: An Efficient Tuning Framework for Dialogue
Jian Wang | Chak Tou Leong | Jiashuo Wang | Dongding Lin | Wenjie Li | Xiaoyong Wei
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Tuning language models for dialogue generation has been a prevalent paradigm for building capable dialogue agents. Yet, traditional tuning narrowly views dialogue generation as resembling other language generation tasks, ignoring the role disparities between two speakers and the multi-round interactive process that dialogues ought to be. Such a manner often leads to unsatisfactory chat consistency for the built agent. In this work, we emphasize the interactive, communicative nature of dialogue and argue that it is more feasible to model the speaker roles of agent and user separately, enabling the agent to adhere to its role consistently. With this in mind, we propose an efficient Multi-round Interactive Dialogue Tuning (Midi-Tuning) framework. It models the agent and user individually with two adapters built upon large language models. The adapters make use of respective utterances round by round in alternating order and they are tuned via a round-level memory caching mechanism. Extensive experiments demonstrate that, our framework performs superior to traditional fine-tuning and harbors the tremendous potential for improving dialogue consistency.


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Rethinking Multimodal Entity and Relation Extraction from a Translation Point of View
Changmeng Zheng | Junhao Feng | Yi Cai | Xiaoyong Wei | Qing Li
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We revisit the multimodal entity and relation extraction from a translation point of view. Special attention is paid on the misalignment issue in text-image datasets which may mislead the learning. We are motivated by the fact that the cross-modal misalignment is a similar problem of cross-lingual divergence issue in machine translation. The problem can then be transformed and existing solutions can be borrowed by treating a text and its paired image as the translation to each other. We implement a multimodal back-translation using diffusion-based generative models for pseudo-paralleled pairs and a divergence estimator by constructing a high-resource corpora as a bridge for low-resource learners. Fine-grained confidence scores are generated to indicate both types and degrees of alignments with which better representations are obtained. The method has been validated in the experiments by outperforming 14 state-of-the-art methods in both entity and relation extraction tasks. The source code is available at https://github.com/thecharm/TMR.