Yash Bhaskar


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Noot Noot at SemEval-2024 Task 7: Numerical Reasoning and Headline Generation
Sankalp Bahad | Yash Bhaskar | Parameswari Krishnamurthy
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

Natural language processing (NLP) modelshave achieved remarkable progress in recentyears, particularly in tasks related to semanticanalysis. However, many existing benchmarksprimarily focus on lexical and syntactic un-derstanding, often overlooking the importanceof numerical reasoning abilities. In this pa-per, we argue for the necessity of incorporatingnumeral-awareness into NLP evaluations andpropose two distinct tasks to assess this capabil-ity: Numerical Reasoning and Headline Gener-ation. We present datasets curated for each taskand evaluate various approaches using both au-tomatic and human evaluation metrics. Ourresults demonstrate the diverse strategies em-ployed by participating teams and highlight thepromising performance of emerging modelslike Mixtral 8x7b instruct. We discuss the im-plications of our findings and suggest avenuesfor future research in advancing numeral-awarelanguage understanding and generation.

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Fine-tuning Language Models for AI vs Human Generated Text detection
Sankalp Bahad | Yash Bhaskar | Parameswari Krishnamurthy
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

In this paper, we introduce a machine-generated text detection system designed totackle the challenges posed by the prolifera-tion of large language models (LLMs). Withthe rise of LLMs such as ChatGPT and GPT-4,there is a growing concern regarding the po-tential misuse of machine-generated content,including misinformation dissemination. Oursystem addresses this issue by automating theidentification of machine-generated text acrossmultiple subtasks: binary human-written vs.machine-generated text classification, multi-way machine-generated text classification, andhuman-machine mixed text detection. We em-ploy the RoBERTa Base model and fine-tuneit on a diverse dataset encompassing variousdomains, languages, and sources. Throughrigorous evaluation, we demonstrate the effec-tiveness of our system in accurately detectingmachine-generated text, contributing to effortsaimed at mitigating its potential misuse.

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NootNoot At SemEval-2024 Task 6: Hallucinations and Related Observable Overgeneration Mistakes Detection
Sankalp Bahad | Yash Bhaskar | Parameswari Krishnamurthy
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

Semantic hallucinations in neural language gen-eration systems pose a significant challenge tothe reliability and accuracy of natural languageprocessing applications. Current neural mod-els often produce fluent but incorrect outputs,undermining the usefulness of generated text.In this study, we address the task of detectingsemantic hallucinations through the SHROOM(Semantic Hallucinations Real Or Mistakes)dataset, encompassing data from diverse NLGtasks such as definition modeling, machinetranslation, and paraphrase generation. We in-vestigate three methodologies: fine-tuning onlabelled training data, fine-tuning on labelledvalidation data, and a zero-shot approach usingthe Mixtral 8x7b instruct model. Our resultsdemonstrate the effectiveness of these method-ologies in identifying semantic hallucinations,with the zero-shot approach showing compet-itive performance without additional training.Our findings highlight the importance of robustdetection mechanisms for ensuring the accu-racy and reliability of neural language genera-tion systems.