Yasmeen Bassas
Investigating Linguistic Features for Arabic NLI
Yasmeen Bassas
Sandra Kübler
Proceedings of The Second Arabic Natural Language Processing Conference
Native Language Identification (NLI) is concerned with predicting the native language of an author writing in a second language. We investigate NLI for Arabic, with a focus on the types of linguistic information given that Arabic is morphologically rich. We use the Arabic Learner Corpus (ALC) foro training and testing along with a linear SVM. We explore lexical, morpho-syntactic, and syntactic features. Results show that the best single type of information is character n-grams ranging from 2 to 6. Using this model, we achieve an accuracy of 61.84%, thus outperforming previous results (Ionesco, 2015) by 11.74% even though we use an additional 2 L1s. However, when using prefix and suffix sequences, we reach an accuracy of 53.95%, showing that an approximation of unlexicalized features still reaches solid results.