Yotam Eshel
Named Entity Disambiguation for Noisy Text
Yotam Eshel
Noam Cohen
Kira Radinsky
Shaul Markovitch
Ikuya Yamada
Omer Levy
Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL 2017)
We address the task of Named Entity Disambiguation (NED) for noisy text. We present WikilinksNED, a large-scale NED dataset of text fragments from the web, which is significantly noisier and more challenging than existing news-based datasets. To capture the limited and noisy local context surrounding each mention, we design a neural model and train it with a novel method for sampling informative negative examples. We also describe a new way of initializing word and entity embeddings that significantly improves performance. Our model significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods on WikilinksNED while achieving comparable performance on a smaller newswire dataset.