Yousef SalahEldin


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Simplify: Automatic Arabic Sentence Simplification using Word Embeddings
Yousef SalahEldin | Caroline Sabty
Proceedings of ArabicNLP 2023

Automatic Text Simplification (TS) involves simplifying language complexity while preserving the original meaning. The main objective of TS is to enhance the readability of complex texts, making them more accessible to a broader range of readers. This work focuses on developing a lexical text simplification system specifically for Arabic. We utilized FastText and Arabert pre-trained embedding models to create various simplification models. Our lexical approach involves a series of steps: identifying complex words, generating potential replacements, and selecting one replacement for the complex word within a sentence. We presented two main identification models: binary and multi-complexity models. We assessed the efficacy of these models by employing BERTScore to measure the similarity between the sentences generated by these models and the intended simple sentences. This comparative analysis evaluated the effectiveness of these models in accurately identifying and selecting complex words.