Yu Dong

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文本样式和主题框架引导下的大模型辅助儿童新闻生成(Text Styles and Thematic Framework Guided Large Modeling to Aid Children’s News Generation)
Du Xiaomeng (杜晓蒙) | Yu Dong (于东) | Liu Pengyuan (刘鹏远)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)


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中西谚语多元价值观资源库建设及对比研究(The construction and comparative study of the resource library of Chinese and Western proverbs and multiple values)
Du Xia (杜霞) | Liu Pengyuan (刘鹏远) | Yu Dong (于东)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)


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大语言模型开放性生成文本中的职业性别偏见研究(Generated by Large Language Models)
Zhang Xu (张旭) | Guo Mengqing (郭梦清) | Zhu Shucheng (朱述承) | Yu Dong (于东) | Liu Ying (刘颖) | Liu Pengyuan (刘鹏远)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)


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基于领域信息分解式学习的大语言模型修辞认知增强方法(Method for Enhancing Rhetorical Cognition of Large Language Models Based on Decomposed Learning of Field Information)
Wang Wen (王雯) | Yu Dong (于东) | Liu Pengyuan (刘鹏远)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)


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Enhancing Free-Form Table Question Answering Models by Distilling Relevant-Cell-Based Rationales
Yang Zhiyu | Wang Shuo | Yan Yukun | Liu Pengyuan | Yu Dong
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)

“Free-form table question answering is a challenging task since tables contain structured contentscompared to plain texts, which requires high-level reasoning abilities to effectively identify cellsthat are relevant to the question and produce a correct and faithful answer based on their relations.Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited remarkable reasoning capabilities in numerousNLP applications. However, in some specific tasks, specially-trained small models can still out-perform LLMs. Furthermore, small models require extremely less computation costs comparedto LLMs. To leverage the strengths of both types of models, we propose a Relevant-Cell-basedKnowledge Distillation with inference-time Teacher Guidance (RCKD-TG) method. This ap-proach aims to combine small free-form table question answering models’ abilities to learn fromhuman annotations and large language models’ abilities to effectively reason from table contents,via applying Relevant-Cell-based rationales distilled from LLMs to small models’ training andinference stages. Our experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method over vanilla smallmodels in correctness, faithfulness, adequacy and fluency, also over general LLMs in adheringto the style of human annotations. We achieve state-of-the-art performance on FeTaQA, a rep-resentative free-form table question answering benchmark. Our result of a 41.3 BLEU scoredemonstrates the feasibility of effectively using small models’ task-specific abilities and LLMs’reasoning capabilities at the same time. Additionally, our method exhibits high computation ef-ficiency and data efficiency. Compared to strong baselines, we achieve better performance withsignificantly less training data.”

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Generate-then-Revise: An Effective Synthetic Training Data Generation Framework For Event Detection Retrieval
Du Huidong | Sun Hao | Liu Pengyuan | Yu Dong
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)

“Large language models (LLMs) struggle with event detection (ED) due to the structured and vari-able number of events in the output. Existing supervised approaches rely on a large amount ofmanually annotated corpora, facing challenges in practice when event types are diverse and theannotated data is scarce. We propose Generate-then-Revise (GtR), a framework that leveragesLLMs in the opposite direction to address these challenges in ED. GtR utilizes an LLM to gen-erate high-quality training data in three stages, including a novel data revision step to minimizenoise in the synthetic data. The generated data is then used to train a smaller model for evalua-tion. Our approach demonstrates significant improvements on the low-resource ED. We furtheranalyze the generated data, highlighting the potential of synthetic data generation for enhancingED performance.Introduction”

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Wang Wen (王雯) | Tang Siyi (汤思怡) | Yu Dong (于东) | Liu Pengyuan (刘鹏远)
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 3: Evaluations)


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Bridging the Gap between Authentic and Answer-Guided Images for Chinese Vision-Language Understanding Enhancement
Wang Feiyu | Guo Wenyu | Yu Dong | Kang Chen | Liu Pengyuan
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 3: Evaluations)

“The objective of the Chinese Vision-Language Understanding Evaluation (CVLUE) is to comprehensively assess the performance of Chinese vision-language multimodal pre-trained models in multimodal modeling and understanding across four tasks: Image-Text Retrieval, Visual Question Answering, Visual Grounding, and Visual Dialog. To enhance the models’ performance across various multimodal tasks, this paper propose a multimodal information understanding enhancement method based on answer-guided images. Firstly, we propose task-specific methods for answer-guided image generation. Secondly, the authentic and answer-guided images are fed into the model for multimodal fine-tuning, respectively. Finally, training objectives are set for different tasks to minimize the gap between the answer-guided images and authentic images, thereby supervising the results produced by the authentic images utlizing answer-guided images. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.”