GenWebNovel: A Genre-oriented Corpus of Entities in Chinese Web Novels
Hanjie Zhao
Yuchen Yan
Senbin Zhu
Hongde Liu
Yuxiang Jia
Hongying Zan
Min Peng
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Entities are important to understanding literary works, which emphasize characters, plots and environment. The research on entity recognition, especially nested entity recognition in the literary domain is still insufficient partly due to insufficient annotated data. To address this issue, we construct the first Genre-oriented Corpus for Entity Recognition in Chinese Web Novels, namely GenWebNovel, comprising 400 chapters totaling 1,214,283 tokens under two genres, XuanHuan (Eastern Fantasy) and History. Based on the corpus, we analyze the distribution of different types of entities, including person, location, and organization. We also compare the nesting patterns of nested entities between GenWebNovel and the English corpus LitBank. Even though both belong to the literary domain, entities in different genres share few overlaps, making genre adaptation of NER (Named Entity Recognition) a hard problem. We propose a novel method that utilizes a pre-trained language model as an In-context learning example retriever to boost the performance of large language models. Our experiments show that this approach significantly enhances entity recognition, matching state-of-the-art (SOTA) models without requiring additional training data. Our code, dataset, and model are available at https://github.com/hjzhao73/GenWebNovel.
SILC-EFSA: Self-aware In-context Learning Correction for Entity-level Financial Sentiment Analysis
Senbin Zhu
ChenYuan He
Hongde Liu
Pengcheng Dong
Hanjie Zhao
Yuchen Yan
Yuxiang Jia
Hongying Zan
Min Peng
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics
In recent years, fine-grained sentiment analysis in finance has gained significant attention, but the scarcity of entity-level datasets remains a key challenge. To address this, we have constructed the largest English and Chinese financial entity-level sentiment analysis datasets to date. Building on this foundation, we propose a novel two-stage sentiment analysis approach called Self-aware In-context Learning Correction (SILC). The first stage involves fine-tuning a base large language model to generate pseudo-labeled data specific to our task. In the second stage, we train a correction model using a GNN-based example retriever, which is informed by the pseudo-labeled data. This two-stage strategy has allowed us to achieve state-of-the-art performance on the newly constructed datasets, advancing the field of financial sentiment analysis. In a case study, we demonstrate the enhanced practical utility of our data and methods in monitoring the cryptocurrency market. Our datasets and code are available at https://github.com/NLP-Bin/SILC-EFSA.
Triad: A Framework Leveraging a Multi-Role LLM-based Agent to Solve Knowledge Base Question Answering
Chang Zong
Yuchen Yan
Weiming Lu
Jian Shao
Yongfeng Huang
Heng Chang
Yueting Zhuang
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Recent progress with LLM-based agents has shown promising results across various tasks. However, their use in answering questions from knowledge bases remains largely unexplored. Implementing a KBQA system using traditional methods is challenging due to the shortage of task-specific training data and the complexity of creating task-focused model structures. In this paper, we present Triad, a unified framework that utilizes an LLM-based agent with multiple roles for KBQA tasks. The agent is assigned three roles to tackle different KBQA subtasks: agent as a generalist for mastering various subtasks, as a decision maker for the selection of candidates, and as an advisor for answering questions with knowledge. Our KBQA framework is executed in four phases, involving the collaboration of the agent’s multiple roles. We evaluated the performance of our framework using three benchmark datasets, and the results show that our framework outperforms state-of-the-art systems on the LC-QuAD and YAGO-QA benchmarks, yielding F1 scores of 11.8% and 20.7%, respectively.
Noisy Positive-Unlabeled Learning with Self-Training for Speculative Knowledge Graph Reasoning
Ruijie Wang
Baoyu Li
Yichen Lu
Dachun Sun
Jinning Li
Yuchen Yan
Shengzhong Liu
Hanghang Tong
Tarek Abdelzaher
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023
This paper studies speculative reasoning task on real-world knowledge graphs (KG) that contain both false negative issue (i.e., potential true facts being excluded) and false positive issue (i.e., unreliable or outdated facts being included). State-of-the-art methods fall short in the speculative reasoning ability, as they assume the correctness of a fact is solely determined by its presence in KG, making them vulnerable to false negative/positive issues. The new reasoning task is formulated as a noisy Positive-Unlabeled learning problem. We propose a variational framework, namely nPUGraph, that jointly estimates the correctness of both collected and uncollected facts (which we call label posterior) and updates model parameters during training. The label posterior estimation facilitates speculative reasoning from two perspectives. First, it improves the robustness of a label posterior-aware graph encoder against false positive links. Second, it identifies missing facts to provide high-quality grounds of reasoning. They are unified in a simple yet effective self-training procedure. Empirically, extensive experiments on three benchmark KG and one Twitter dataset with various degrees of false negative/positive cases demonstrate the effectiveness of nPUGraph.
A Corpus for Named Entity Recognition in Chinese Novels with Multi-genres
Hanjie Zhao
Jinge Xie
Yuchen Yan
Yuxiang Jia
Yawen Ye
Hongying Zan
Proceedings of the 37th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
Efficient Bilingual Generalization from Neural Transduction Grammar Induction
Yuchen Yan
Dekai Wu
Serkan Kumyol
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation
We introduce (1) a novel neural network structure for bilingual modeling of sentence pairs that allows efficient capturing of bilingual relationship via biconstituent composition, (2) the concept of neural network biparsing, which applies to not only machine translation (MT) but also to a variety of other bilingual research areas, and (3) the concept of a biparsing-backpropagation training loop, which we hypothesize that can efficiently learn complex biparse tree patterns. Our work distinguishes from sequential attention-based models, which are more traditionally found in neural machine translation (NMT) in three aspects. First, our model enforces compositional constraints. Second, our model has a smaller search space in terms of discovering bilingual relationships from bilingual sentence pairs. Third, our model produces explicit biparse trees, which enable transparent error analysis during evaluation and external tree constraints during training.