There has been very limited work on the adaptation of Part-Of-Speech (POS) tagging to learner English despite the fact that POS tagging is widely used in related tasks. In this paper, we explore how we can adapt POS tagging to learner English efficiently and effectively. Based on the discussion of possible causes of POS tagging errors in learner English, we show that deep neural models are particularly suitable for this. Considering the previous findings and the discussion, we introduce the design of our model based on bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory. In addition, we describe how to adapt it to a wide variety of native languages (potentially, hundreds of them). In the evaluation section, we empirically show that it is effective for POS tagging in learner English, achieving an accuracy of 0.964, which significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art POS-tagger. We further investigate the tagging results in detail, revealing which part of the model design does or does not improve the performance.
In English, high-quality sentence compression models by deleting words have been trained on automatically created large training datasets. We work on Japanese sentence compression by a similar approach. To create a large Japanese training dataset, a method of creating English training dataset is modified based on the characteristics of the Japanese language. The created dataset is used to train Japanese sentence compression models based on the recurrent neural network.