Human speech exhibits rich and flexible prosodic variations. To address the one-to-many mapping problem from text to prosody in a reasonable and flexible manner, we propose DiffStyleTTS, a multi-speaker acoustic model based on a conditional diffusion module and an improved classifier-free guidance, which hierarchically models speech prosodic features, and controls different prosodic styles to guide prosody prediction. Experiments show that our method outperforms all baselines in naturalness and achieves superior synthesis speed compared to three diffusion-based baselines. Additionally, by adjusting the guiding scale, DiffStyleTTS effectively controls the guidance intensity of the synthetic prosody.
Addressing the issues of who saying what to whom in multi-party conversations (MPCs) has recently attracted a lot of research attention. However, existing methods on MPC understanding typically embed interlocutors and utterances into sequential information flows, or utilize only the superficial of inherent graph structures in MPCs. To this end, we present a plug-and-play and lightweight method named graph-induced fine-tuning (GIFT) which can adapt various Transformer-based pre-trained language models (PLMs) for universal MPC understanding. In detail, the full and equivalent connections among utterances in regular Transformer ignore the sparse but distinctive dependency of an utterance on another in MPCs. To distinguish different relationships between utterances, four types of edges are designed to integrate graph-induced signals into attention mechanisms to refine PLMs originally designed for processing sequential texts. We evaluate GIFT by implementing it into three PLMs, and test the performance on three downstream tasks including addressee recognition, speaker identification and response selection. Experimental results show that GIFT can significantly improve the performance of three PLMs on three downstream tasks and two benchmarks with only 4 additional parameters per encoding layer, achieving new state-of-the-art performance on MPC understanding.
ELECTRA, the generator-discriminator pre-training framework, has achieved impressive semantic construction capability among various downstream tasks. Despite the convincing performance, ELECTRA still faces the challenges of monotonous training and deficient interaction. Generator with only masked language modeling (MLM) leads to biased learning and label imbalance for discriminator, decreasing learning efficiency; no explicit feedback loop from discriminator to generator results in the chasm between these two components, underutilizing the course learning. In this study, a multi-perspective course learning (MCL) method is proposed to fetch a many degrees and visual angles for sample-efficient pre-training, and to fully leverage the relationship between generator and discriminator. Concretely, three self-supervision courses are designed to alleviate inherent flaws of MLM and balance the label in a multi-perspective way. Besides, two self-correction courses are proposed to bridge the chasm between the two encoders by creating a “correction notebook” for secondary-supervision. Moreover, a course soups trial is conducted to solve the “tug-of-war” dynamics problem of MCL, evolving a stronger pre-trained model. Experimental results show that our method significantly improves ELECTRA’s average performance by 2.8% and 3.2% absolute points respectively on GLUE and SQuAD 2.0 benchmarks, and overshadows recent advanced ELECTRA-style models under the same settings. The pre-trained MCL model is available at
This paper describes the system developed by the USTC-NELSLIP team for SemEval-2023 Task 2 Multilingual Complex Named Entity Recognition (MultiCoNER II). We propose a method named Statistical Construction and Dual Adaptation of Gazetteer (SCDAG) for Multilingual Complex NER. The method first utilizes a statistics-based approach to construct a gazetteer. Secondly, the representations of gazetteer networks and language models are adapted by minimizing the KL divergence between them at the sentence-level and entity-level. Finally, these two networks are then integrated for supervised named entity recognition (NER) training. The proposed method is applied to several state-of-the-art Transformer-based NER models with a gazetteer built from Wikidata, and shows great generalization ability across them. The final predictions are derived from an ensemble of these trained models. Experimental results and detailed analysis verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The official results show that our system ranked 1st on one track (Hindi) in this task.
Zero-shot cross-lingual named entity recognition (NER) aims at transferring knowledge from annotated and rich-resource data in source languages to unlabeled and lean-resource data in target languages. Existing mainstream methods based on the teacher-student distillation framework ignore the rich and complementary information lying in the intermediate layers of pre-trained language models, and domain-invariant information is easily lost during transfer. In this study, a mixture of short-channel distillers (MSD) method is proposed to fully interact the rich hierarchical information in the teacher model and to transfer knowledge to the student model sufficiently and efficiently. Concretely, a multi-channel distillation framework is designed for sufficient information transfer by aggregating multiple distillers as a mixture. Besides, an unsupervised method adopting parallel domain adaptation is proposed to shorten the channels between the teacher and student models to preserve domain-invariant features. Experiments on four datasets across nine languages demonstrate that the proposed method achieves new state-of-the-art performance on zero-shot cross-lingual NER and shows great generalization and compatibility across languages and fields.
Recently, various neural models for multi-party conversation (MPC) have achieved impressive improvements on a variety of tasks such as addressee recognition, speaker identification and response prediction. However, these existing methods on MPC usually represent interlocutors and utterances individually and ignore the inherent complicated structure in MPC which may provide crucial interlocutor and utterance semantics and would enhance the conversation understanding process. To this end, we present MPC-BERT, a pre-trained model for MPC understanding that considers learning who says what to whom in a unified model with several elaborated self-supervised tasks. Particularly, these tasks can be generally categorized into (1) interlocutor structure modeling including reply-to utterance recognition, identical speaker searching and pointer consistency distinction, and (2) utterance semantics modeling including masked shared utterance restoration and shared node detection. We evaluate MPC-BERT on three downstream tasks including addressee recognition, speaker identification and response selection. Experimental results show that MPC-BERT outperforms previous methods by large margins and achieves new state-of-the-art performance on all three downstream tasks at two benchmarks.
Personas are useful for dialogue response prediction. However, the personas used in current studies are pre-defined and hard to obtain before a conversation. To tackle this issue, we study a new task, named Speaker Persona Detection (SPD), which aims to detect speaker personas based on the plain conversational text. In this task, a best-matched persona is searched out from candidates given the conversational text. This is a many-to-many semantic matching task because both contexts and personas in SPD are composed of multiple sentences. The long-term dependency and the dynamic redundancy among these sentences increase the difficulty of this task. We build a dataset for SPD, dubbed as Persona Match on Persona-Chat (PMPC). Furthermore, we evaluate several baseline models and propose utterance-to-profile (U2P) matching networks for this task. The U2P models operate at a fine granularity which treat both contexts and personas as sets of multiple sequences. Then, each sequence pair is scored and an interpretable overall score is obtained for a context-persona pair through aggregation. Evaluation results show that the U2P models outperform their baseline counterparts significantly.
This paper introduces the SemEval-2021 shared task 4: Reading Comprehension of Abstract Meaning (ReCAM). This shared task is designed to help evaluate the ability of machines in representing and understanding abstract concepts. Given a passage and the corresponding question, a participating system is expected to choose the correct answer from five candidates of abstract concepts in cloze-style machine reading comprehension tasks. Based on two typical definitions of abstractness, i.e., the imperceptibility and nonspecificity, our task provides three subtasks to evaluate models’ ability in comprehending the two types of abstract meaning and the models’ generalizability. Specifically, Subtask 1 aims to evaluate how well a participating system models concepts that cannot be directly perceived in the physical world. Subtask 2 focuses on models’ ability in comprehending nonspecific concepts located high in a hypernym hierarchy given the context of a passage. Subtask 3 aims to provide some insights into models’ generalizability over the two types of abstractness. During the SemEval-2021 official evaluation period, we received 23 submissions to Subtask 1 and 28 to Subtask 2. The participating teams additionally made 29 submissions to Subtask 3. The leaderboard and competition website can be found at The data and baseline code are available at
Data scarcity is always a constraint on analyzing speech transcriptions for automatic Alzheimer’s disease (AD) detection, especially when the subjects are non-English speakers. To deal with this issue, this paper first proposes a contrastive learning method to obtain effective representations for text classification based on monolingual embeddings of BERT. Furthermore, a cross-lingual data augmentation method is designed by building autoencoders to learn the text representations shared by both languages. Experiments on a Mandarin AD corpus show that the contrastive learning method can achieve better detection accuracy than conventional CNN-based and BERTbased methods. Our cross-lingual data augmentation method also outperforms other compared methods when using another English AD corpus for augmentation. Finally, a best detection accuracy of 81.6% is obtained by our proposed methods on the Mandarin AD corpus.
The challenges of building knowledge-grounded retrieval-based chatbots lie in how to ground a conversation on its background knowledge and how to match response candidates with both context and knowledge simultaneously. This paper proposes a method named Filtering before Iteratively REferring (FIRE) for this task. In this method, a context filter and a knowledge filter are first built, which derive knowledge-aware context representations and context-aware knowledge representations respectively by global and bidirectional attention. Besides, the entries irrelevant to the conversation are discarded by the knowledge filter. After that, iteratively referring is performed between context and response representations as well as between knowledge and response representations, in order to collect deep matching features for scoring response candidates. Experimental results show that FIRE outperforms previous methods by margins larger than 2.8% and 4.1% on the PERSONA-CHAT dataset with original and revised personas respectively, and margins larger than 3.1% on the CMU_DoG dataset in terms of top-1 accuracy. We also show that FIRE is more interpretable by visualizing the knowledge grounding process.
Continuous efforts have been devoted to language understanding (LU) for conversational queries with the fast and wide-spread popularity of voice assistants. In this paper, we first study the LU problem in the spatial domain, which is a critical problem for providing location-based services by voice assistants but is without in-depth investigation in existing studies. Spatial domain queries have several unique properties making them be more challenging for language understanding than common conversational queries, including lexical-similar but diverse intents and highly ambiguous words. Thus, a special tailored LU framework for spatial domain queries is necessary. To the end, a dataset was extracted and annotated based on the real-life queries from a voice assistant service. We then proposed a new multi-task framework that jointly learns the intent detection and entity linking tasks on the with invented hierarchical intent detection method and triple-scoring mechanism for entity linking. A specially designed spatial GCN is also utilized to model spatial context information among entities. We have conducted extensive experimental evaluations with state-of-the-art entity linking and intent detection methods, which demonstrated that can outperform all baselines with a significant margin.