Ziwei Fan
EIVEN: Efficient Implicit Attribute Value Extraction using Multimodal LLM
Henry Zou
Gavin Yu
Ziwei Fan
Dan Bu
Han Liu
Peng Dai
Dongmei Jia
Cornelia Caragea
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 6: Industry Track)
In e-commerce, accurately extracting product attribute values from multimodal data is crucial for improving user experience and operational efficiency of retailers. However, previous approaches to multimodal attribute value extraction often struggle with implicit attribute values embedded in images or text, rely heavily on extensive labeled data, and can easily confuse similar attribute values. To address these issues, we introduce EIVEN, a data- and parameter-efficient generative framework that pioneers the use of multimodal LLM for implicit attribute value extraction. EIVEN leverages the rich inherent knowledge of a pre-trained LLM and vision encoder to reduce reliance on labeled data. We also introduce a novel Learning-by-Comparison technique to reduce model confusion by enforcing attribute value comparison and difference identification. Additionally, we construct initial open-source datasets for multimodal implicit attribute value extraction. Our extensive experiments reveal that EIVEN significantly outperforms existing methods in extracting implicit attribute values while requiring less labeled data.
Finding Arguments as Sequence Labeling in Discourse Parsing
Ziwei Fan
Zhenghua Li
Min Zhang
Proceedings of the CoNLL-16 shared task
Fix data
- Dan Bu 1
- Cornelia Caragea 1
- Peng Dai 1
- Dongmei Jia 1
- Zhenghua Li (李正华) 1
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