Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 13: The theory and practice of machine translation – a marriage of convenience?
- Anthology ID:
- Month:
- November 28-29
- Year:
- 1991
- Address:
- London, UK
- Venue:
- TC
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Aslib
- URL:
- DOI:
Why Computers Do Not Translate Better
W. John Hutchins
TEI-TERM: an SGML-based interchange format for terminology files The EuroTermBank
Alan Melby
Sue Ellen Wright
Dealing with Multiple Languages in the Computer Industry Computer Character Sets: their evolution and impact
John Clews
Computer Character Sets: their evolution and impact
John Parry
Software Localisation: a case history
Graham Bason
On Evaluating MT Systems
Jacques Durand
From Evaluation to Specification
R. Lee Humphreys
The Globalink Translation System - GTS SYSTRAN: or the reality of machine translation
Nigel Burnford
SYSTRAN: or the reality of machine translation
François Secheresse
Alpnet and TSS: the commercial realities of using a computer-aided translation system
Thomas Seal
Current Practical Machine Translation Systems in Japan and Future Directions EUROTRA: an assessment of the current state of the EC’s MT programme
Makoto Nagao
EUROTRA: an assessment of the current state of the EC’s MT programme Machine Translation Seen as Interactive Multilingual Text Generation
Doug Arnold
Louisa Sadler
Machine Translation Seen as Interactive Multilingual Text Generation
Harold L. Somers
Danny Jones