Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas

Anthology ID:
October 2-5
Montreal, Canada
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An example-based approach to machine translation
Bróna Collins | Pádraig Cunningham | Tony Veale

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A controlled skip parser
Kenji Yamada

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Juggling with words: some insights from the human translation process
Claude Bédard

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Bilingual concordancers: a new tool for bilingual lexicographers
Lucie Langlois

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Translation differences and pragmatics-based MT
Stephen Helmreich | David Farwell

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Abstraction and underspecification in semantic transfer
Bernd Abb | Bianka Buschbeck-Wolf | Christel Tschernitschek

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Lexical knowledge from large corpora and its application to text generation
Isahara Hitoshi | Inui Hiroko | Uchida Yuriko

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Capturing motion verb generalizations in synchronous tree adjoining grammars
Martha Palmer | Joseph Rosenzweig

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Evolution of the Logos grammar: system design and development methodology
Patricia Schmid | Claudia Gdaniec

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Two principles and six techniques for rapid MT development
Sergei Nirenburg | Stephen Beale | Stephen Helmreich | Kavi Mahesh | Evelyne Viegas | Rémi Zajac

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Adaptation of the DARPA machine translation evlauation paradigm to end-to-end systems
John S. White | Theresa A. O’Connell

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Combining machine readable lexical resources and bilingual corpora for broad word sense disambiguation
Jason J. S. Chang | Jen-Nan Chen | Huei-Hong Sheng | Sur-Jin Ker

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Automatic construction of clean broad-coverage translation lexicons
I. Dan Melamed

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Bilingual sentence alignment: balancing robustness and accuracy
Michel Simard | Pierre Plamondon

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Line ’em up: advances in alignment technology and their impact on translation support tools
Elliott Macklovitch | Marie-Louise Hannan

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Checking translations for inconsistency - a tool for the editor
Magnus Merkel

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Space, metaphor and schematization in sign: sign language translation in the ZARDOZ system
Tony Veale | Bróna Collins

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Combing language technolgy and web technology to streamline an automotive hotline support service
Jörg Schütz

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Two years online: experiences, challenges and trends
Mary Flanagan

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The state of machine translation in Europe
John Hutchins

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Specialized machine translation
John Chandioux | Annette Grimaila

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The primacy of core technology MT evaluation
John S. White

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Panel: MT online: the future is now!
Elliott Macklovitch | David Clements | Mary Flanagan | David Greco | L. Chris Miller | Patricia O’Neill-Brown

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Panel: The limits of automation: optimists vs skeptics.
Eduard Hovy | Ken Church | Denis Gachot | Marge Leon | Alan Melby | Sergei Nirenburg | Yorick Wilks

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Panel: What can we learn from users?
Muriel Vasconcellos | Claude Bédard | Winfield Scott Bennett | Laurie Gerber | Edith Westfall

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Panel: Next steps in MT research
Lynn Carlson | Jaime Carbonell | David Farwell | Pierre Isabelle | Jackie Murgida | John O’Hara | Dekai Wu

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ANTHEM: advanced natural language interface for multilingual text generation in healthcare (LRE 62-007)
G. Deville | E. Herbigniaux | P. Mousel | G. Thienpont | M. Wéry

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Online MT at Compuserve
Mary Flanagan

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Eric Wehrli

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JANUS: multi-lingual translation of spontaneous speech in limited domain
Alon Lavie | Lori Levin | Alex Waibel | Donna Gates | Marsal Gavalda | Laura Mayfield

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JAPANGLOSS: using statistics to fill knowledge gaps
Kevin Knight | Yaser Al-Onaizan | Ishwar Chander | Eduard Hovy | Irene Langkilde | Richard Whitney | Kenji Yamada

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JICST Japanese-English machine translation system
Patricia O’Neill-Brown

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John Chandioux | Annette Grimaila

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Logos Intelligent Translation System
Winfield Scott Bennett

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The Pangloss-Lite machine translation system
Robert E. Frederking | Ralf D. Brown

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PARS and PARS/U machine translation systems: English-Russian-English and English-Ukrainian-English
Michael S. Blekhman

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SYSTRAN Chinese-English MT, ECI Chinese OCR - CHIOCR
Laurie Gerber

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Towards a multilingual analyst’s workstation: Temple
Rémi Zajac

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Trados translator’s workbench
Mark Berry