Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas: Technical Papers

Anthology ID:
August 8-12
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Association for Machine Translation in the Americas
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Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas: Technical Papers

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Guarani: A Case Study in Resource Development for Quick Ramp-Up MT
Ahmed Abdelali | James Cowie | Steve Helmreich | Wanying Jin | Maria Pilar Milagros | Bill Ogden | Mansouri Rad | Ron Zacharski

In this paper we describe a set of processes for the acquisition of re­sources for quick ramp­up machine translation (MT) from any language lacking significant machine tracta­ble resources into English, using the Paraguayan indigenous lan­guage Guarani as well as Amharic and Chechen, as examples. Our task is to develop a 250,000 mono­lingual corpus, a 250,000 bilingual parallel corpus, and smaller corpora tagged with part of speech, named entity, and morphological annota­tions.

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Constraining the Phrase-Based, Joint Probability Statistical Translation Model
Alexandra Birch | Chris Callison-Burch | Miles Osborne

The Joint Probability Model proposed by Marcu and Wong (2002) provides a probabilistic framework for modeling phrase-based statistical machine transla- tion (SMT). The model’s usefulness is, however, limited by the computational complexity of estimating parameters at the phrase level. We present a method of constraining the search space of the Joint Probability Model based on statistically and linguistically motivated word align- ments. This method reduces the complexity and size of the Joint Model and allows it to display performance superior to the standard phrase-based models for small amounts of training material.

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Context-Based Machine Translation
Jaime Carbonell | Steve Klein | David Miller | Mike Steinbaum | Tomer Grassiany | Jochen Frei

Context-Based Machine TranslationTM (CBMT) is a new paradigm for corpus-based translation that requires no parallel text. Instead, CBMT relies on a lightweight translation model utilizing a fullform bilingual dictionary and a sophisticated decoder using long-range context via long n-grams and cascaded overlapping. The translation process is enhanced via in-language substitution of tokens and phrases, both for source and target, when top candidates cannot be confirmed or resolved in decoding. Substitution utilizes a synonym and near-synonym generator implemented as a corpus-based unsupervised learning process. Decoding requires a very large target-language-only corpus, and while substitution in target can be performed using that same corpus, substitution in source requires a separate (and smaller) source monolingual corpus. Spanish-to-English CBMT was tested on Spanish newswire text, achieving a BLEU score of 0.6462 in June 2006, the highest BLEU reported for any language pair. Further testing also shows that quality increases above the reported score as the target corpus size increases and as dictionary coverage of source words and phrases becomes more complete.

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Integration of POStag-based Source Reordering into SMT Decoding by an Extended Search Graph
Josep M. Crego | José B. Mariño

This paper presents a reordering framework for statistical machine translation (SMT) where source-side reorderings are integrated into SMT decoding, allowing for a highly constrained reordered search graph. The monotone search is extended by means of a set of reordering patterns (linguistically motivated rewrite patterns). Patterns are automatically learnt in training from word-to-word alignments and source-side Part-Of-Speech (POS) tags. Traversing the extended search graph, the decoder evaluates every hypothesis making use of a group of widely used SMT models and helped by an additional Ngram language model of source-side POS tags. Experiments are reported on the Euparl task (Spanish-to-English and English-to- Spanish). Results are presented regarding translation accuracy (using human and automatic evaluations) and computational efficiency, showing significant improvements in translation quality for both translation directions at a very low computational cost.

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Better Learning and Decoding for Syntax Based SMT Using PSDIG
Yuan Ding | Martha Palmer

As an approach to syntax based statistical machine translation (SMT), Probabilistic Synchronous Dependency Insertion Grammars (PSDIG), introduced in (Ding and Palmer, 2005), are a version of synchronous grammars defined on dependency trees. In this paper we discuss better learning and decoding algorithms for a PSDIG MT system. We introduce two new grammar learners: (1) an exhaustive learner combining different heuristics, (2) an n-gram based grammar learner. Combining the grammar rules learned from the two learners improved the performance. We introduce a better decoding algorithm which incorporates a tri-gram language model. According to the Bleu metric, the PSDIG MT system performance is significantly better than IBM Model 4, while on par with the state-of-the-art phrase based system Pharaoh (Koehn, 2004). The improved integration of syntax on both source and target languages opens door to more sophisticated SMT processes.

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The Added Value of Free Online MT Services
Federico Gaspari

This paper reports on an experiment investigating how effective free online machine translation (MT) is in helping Internet users to access the contents of websites written only in languages they do not know. This study explores the extent to which using Internet-based MT tools affects the confidence of web-surfers in the reliability of the information they find on websites available only in languages unfamiliar to them. The results of a case study for the language pair Italian-English involving 101 participants show that the chances of identifying correctly basic information (i.e. understanding the nature of websites and finding contact telephone numbers from their web-pages) are consistently enhanced to varying degrees (up to nearly 20%) by translating online content into a familiar language. In addition, confidence ratings given by users to the reliability and accuracy of the information they find are significantly higher (with increases between 5 and 11%) when they translate websites into their preferred language with free online MT services.

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Challenges in Building an Arabic-English GHMT System with SMT Components
Nizar Habash | Bonnie Dorr | Christof Monz

The research context of this paper is developing hybrid machine translation (MT) systems that exploit the advantages of linguistic rule-based and statistical MT systems. Arabic, as a morphologically rich language, is especially challenging even without addressing the hybridization question. In this paper, we describe the challenges in building an Arabic-English generation-heavy machine translation (GHMT) system and boosting it with statistical machine translation (SMT) components. We present an extensive evaluation of multiple system variants and report positive results on the advantages of hybridization.

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Statistical Syntax-Directed Translation with Extended Domain of Locality
Liang Huang | Kevin Knight | Aravind Joshi

In syntax-directed translation, the source-language input is first parsed into a parse-tree, which is then recursively converted into a string in the target-language. We model this conversion by an extended tree-to-string transducer that has multi-level trees on the source-side, which gives our system more expressive power and flexibility. We also define a direct probability model and use a linear-time dynamic programming algorithm to search for the best derivation. The model is then extended to the general log-linear frame-work in order to incorporate other features like n-gram language models. We devise a simple-yet-effective algorithm to generate non-duplicate k-best translations for n-gram rescoring. Preliminary experiments on English-to-Chinese translation show a significant improvement in terms of translation quality compared to a state-of-the- art phrase-based system.

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Corpus Variations for Translation Lexicon Induction
Rebecca Hwa | Carol Nichols | Khalil Sima’an

Lexical mappings (word translations) between languages are an invaluable resource for multilingual processing. While the problem of extracting lexical mappings from parallel corpora is well-studied, the task is more challenging when the language samples are from non-parallel corpora. The goal of this work is to investigate one such scenario: finding lexical mappings between dialects of a diglossic language, in which people conduct their written communications in a prestigious formal dialect, but they communicate verbally in a colloquial dialect. Because the two dialects serve different socio-linguistic functions, parallel corpora do not naturally exist between them. An example of a diglossic dialect pair is Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and Levantine Arabic. In this paper, we evaluate the applicability of a standard algorithm for inducing lexical mappings between comparable corpora (Rapp, 1999) to such diglossic corpora pairs. The focus of the paper is an in-depth error analysis, exploring the notion of relatedness in diglossic corpora and scrutinizing the effects of various dimensions of relatedness (such as mode, topic, style, and statistics) on the quality of the resulting translation lexicon.

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Toward an Interagency Language Roundtable Based Assessment of Speech-to-Speech Translation Capabilities
Douglas Jones | Timothy Anderson | Sabine Atwell | Brian Delaney | James Dirgin | Michael Emots | Neil Granoein | Martha Herzog | Timothy Hunter | Sargon Jabri | Wade Shen | Jurgen Sottung

We present observations from three exercises designed to map the effective listening and speaking skills of an operator of a speech-to-speech translation system (S2S) to the Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) scale. Such a mapping is non-trivial, but will be useful for government and military decision makers in managing expectations of S2S technology. We observed domain-dependent S2S capabilities in the ILR range of Level 0+ to Level 1, and interactive text-based machine translation in the Level 3 range.

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Word-Based Alignment, Phrase-Based Translation: What’s the Link?
Adam Lopez | Philip Resnik

State-of-the-art statistical machine translation is based on alignments between phrases – sequences of words in the source and target sentences. The learning step in these systems often relies on alignments between words. It is often assumed that the quality of this word alignment is critical for translation. However, recent results suggest that the relationship between alignment quality and translation quality is weaker than previously thought. We investigate this question directly, comparing the impact of high-quality alignments with a carefully constructed set of degraded alignments. In order to tease apart various interactions, we report experiments investigating the impact of alignments on different aspects of the system. Our results confirm a weak correlation, but they also illustrate that more data and better feature engineering may be more beneficial than better alignment.

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Translation of Multiword Expressions Using Parallel Suffix Arrays
Paul McNamee | James Mayfield

Accurately translating multiword expressions is important to obtain good performance in machine translation, cross-language information retrieval, and other multilingual tasks in human language technology. Existing approaches to inducing translation equivalents of multiword units have focused on agglomerating individual words or on aligning words in a statistical machine translation system. We present a different approach based upon information theoretic heuristics and the exact counting of frequencies of occurrence of multiword strings in aligned parallel corpora. We are applying a technique introduced by Yamamoto and Church that uses suffix arrays and longest common prefix arrays. Evaluation of the method in multiple language pairs was performed using bilingual lexicons of domain-specific terminology as a gold standard. We found that performance of 50-70%, as measured by mean reciprocal rank, can be obtained for terms that occur more than 10 or so times.

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Multi-Engine Machine Translation by Recursive Sentence Decomposition
Bart Mellebeek | Karolina Owczarzak | Josef Van Genabith | Andy Way

In this paper, we present a novel approach to combine the outputs of multiple MT engines into a consensus translation. In contrast to previous Multi-Engine Machine Translation (MEMT) techniques, we do not rely on word alignments of output hypotheses, but prepare the input sentence for multi-engine processing. We do this by using a recursive decomposition algorithm that produces simple chunks as input to the MT engines. A consensus translation is produced by combining the best chunk translations, selected through majority voting, a trigram language model score and a confidence score assigned to each MT engine. We report statistically significant relative improvements of up to 9% BLEU score in experiments (English→Spanish) carried out on an 800-sentence test set extracted from the Penn-II Treebank.

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Toward Communicating Simple Sentences Using Pictorial Representations
Rada Mihalcea | Ben Leong

This paper evaluates the hypothesis that pictorial representations can be used to effectively convey simple sentences across language barriers. Comparative evaluations show that a considerable amount of understanding can be achieved using visual descriptions of information, with evaluation figures within a comparable range of those obtained with linguistic representations produced by an automatic machine translation system.

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Induction of Probabilistic Synchronous Tree-Insertion Grammars for Machine Translation
Rebecca Nesson | Stuart Shieber | Alexander Rush

The more expressive and flexible a base formalism for machine translation is, the less efficient parsing of it will be. However, even among formalisms with the same parse complexity, some formalisms better realize the desired characteristics for machine translation formalisms than others. We introduce a particular formalism, probabilistic synchronous tree-insertion grammar (PSTIG) that we argue satisfies the desiderata optimally within the class of formalisms that can be parsed no less efficiently than context-free grammars and demonstrate that it outperforms state-of-the-art word-based and phrase-based finite-state translation models on training and test data taken from the EuroParl corpus (Koehn, 2005). We then argue that a higher level of translation quality can be achieved by hybridizing our in- duced model with elementary structures produced using supervised techniques such as those of Groves et al. (2004).

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Improving Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation with Morpho-Syntactic Analysis and Transformation
Thai Phuong Nguyen | Akira Shimazu

This paper presents our study of exploiting morpho-syntactic information for phrase-based statistical machine translation (SMT). For morphological transformation, we use hand-crafted transformational rules. For syntactic transformation, we propose a transformational model based on Bayes’ formula. The model is trained using a bilingual corpus and a broad coverage parser of the source language. The morphological and syntactic transformations are used in the preprocessing phase of a SMT system. This preprocessing method is applicable to language pairs in which the target language is poor in resources. We applied the proposed method to translation from English to Vietnamese. Our experiments showed a BLEU-score improvement of more than 3.28% in comparison with Pharaoh, a state-of-the-art phrase-based SMT system.

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Wrapper Syntax for Example-based Machine Translation
Karolina Owczarzak | Bart Mellebeek | Declan Groves | Josef Van Genabith | Andy Way

TransBooster is a wrapper technology designed to improve the performance of wide-coverage machine translation systems. Using linguistically motivated syntactic information, it automatically decomposes source language sentences into shorter and syntactically simpler chunks, and recomposes their translation to form target language sentences. This generally improves both the word order and lexical selection of the translation. To date, TransBooster has been successfully applied to rule-based MT, statistical MT, and multi-engine MT. This paper presents the application of TransBooster to Example-Based Machine Translation. In an experiment conducted on test sets extracted from Europarl and the Penn II Treebank we show that our method can raise the BLEU score up to 3.8% relative to the EBMT baseline. We also conduct a manual evaluation, showing that TransBooster-enhanced EBMT produces a better output in terms of fluency than the baseline EBMT in 55% of the cases and in terms of accuracy in 53% of the cases.

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Machine Translation for Languages Lacking Bitext via Multilingual Gloss Transduction
Brock Pytlik | David Yarowsky

We propose and evaluate a new paradigm for machine translation of low resource languages via the learned surface transduction and paraphrase of multilingual glosses.

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Direct Application of a Language Learner Test to MT Evaluation
Florence Reeder

This paper shows the applicability of language testing techniques to machine translation (MT) evaluation through one of a set of related experiments. One straightforward experiment is to use language testing exams and scoring on MT output with little or no adaptation. This paper describes one such experiment, the first in a set. After an initial test (Vanni and Reeder, 2000), we expanded the experiment to include multiple raters and a more detailed analysis of the surprising results. Namely that unlike with humans, MT systems perform more poorly at both level zero and one than at level two and three. This paper presents these results as an illustration of both the applicability of language testing techniques and also the caution that needs to be applied.

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Measuring MT Adequacy Using Latent Semantic Analysis
Florence Reeder

Translation adequacy is defined as the amount of semantic content from the source language document that is conveyed in the target language document. As such, it is more difficult to measure than intelligibility since semantic content must be measured in two documents and then compared. Latent Semantic Analysis is a content measurement technique used in language learner evaluation that exhibits characteristics attractive for re-use in machine translation evaluation (MTE). This experiment, which is a series of applications of the LSA algorithm in various configurations, demonstrates its usefulness as an MTE metric for adequacy. In addition, this experiment lays the groundwork for using LSA as a method to measure the accuracy of a translation without reliance on reference translations.

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Minimally Supervised Morphological Segmentation with Applications to Machine Translation
Jason Riesa | David Yarowsky

Inflected languages in a low-resource setting present a data sparsity problem for statistical machine translation. In this paper, we present a minimally supervised algorithm for morpheme segmentation on Arabic dialects which reduces unknown words at translation time by over 50%, total vocabulary size by over 40%, and yields a significant increase in BLEU score over a previous state-of-the-art phrase-based statistical MT system.

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Ambiguity Reduction for Machine Translation: Human-Computer Collaboration
Marcus Sammer | Kobi Reiter | Stephen Soderland | Katrin Kirchhoff | Oren Etzioni

Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) accuracy degrades when there is only a limited amount of training, or when the training is not from the same domain or genre of text as the target application. However, cross-domain applications are typical of many real world tasks. We demonstrate that SMT accuracy can be improved in a cross-domain application by using a controlled language (CL) interface to help reduce lexical ambiguity in the input text. Our system, CL-MT, presents a monolingual user with a choice of word senses for each content word in the input text. CL-MT temporarily adjusts the underlying SMT system's phrase table, boosting the scores of translations that include the word senses preferred by the user and lowering scores for disfavored translations. We demonstrate that this improves translation adequacy in 33.8% of the sentences in Spanish to English translation of news stories, where the SMT system was trained on proceedings of the European Parliament.

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Novel Probabilistic Finite-State Transducers for Cognate and Transliteration Modeling
Charles Schafer

We present and empirically compare a range of novel probabilistic finite-state transducer (PFST) models targeted at two major natural language string transduction tasks, transliteration selection and cognate translation selection. Evaluation is performed on 10 distinct language pair data sets, and in each case novel models consistently and substantially outperform a well-established standard reference algorithm.

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Combining Linguistic and Statistical Methods for Bi-directional English Chinese Translation in the Flight Domain
Stephanie Seneff | Chao Wang | John Lee

In this paper, we discuss techniques to combine an interlingua translation framework with phrase-based statistical methods, for translation from Chinese into English. Our goal is to achieve high-quality translation, suitable for use in language tutoring applications. We explore these ideas in the context of a flight domain, for which we have a large corpus of English queries, obtained from users interacting with a dialogue system. Our techniques exploit a pre-existing English-to-Chinese translation system to automatically produce a synthetic bilingual corpus. Several experiments were conducted combining linguistic and statistical methods, and manual evaluation was conducted for a set of 460 Chinese sentences. The best performance achieved an “adequate” or better analysis (3 or above rating) on nearly 94% of the 409 parsable subset. Using a Rover scheme to combine four systems resulted in an “adequate or better” rating for 88% of all the utterances.

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A Study of Translation Edit Rate with Targeted Human Annotation
Matthew Snover | Bonnie Dorr | Rich Schwartz | Linnea Micciulla | John Makhoul

We examine a new, intuitive measure for evaluating machine-translation output that avoids the knowledge intensiveness of more meaning-based approaches, and the labor-intensiveness of human judgments. Translation Edit Rate (TER) measures the amount of editing that a human would have to perform to change a system output so it exactly matches a reference translation. We show that the single-reference variant of TER correlates as well with human judgments of MT quality as the four-reference variant of BLEU. We also define a human-targeted TER (or HTER) and show that it yields higher correlations with human judgments than BLEU—even when BLEU is given human-targeted references. Our results indicate that HTER correlates with human judgments better than HMETEOR and that the four-reference variants of TER and HTER correlate with human judgments as well as—or better than—a second human judgment does.

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Example-Based Machine Translation of the Basque Language
Nicolas Stroppa | Declan Groves | Andy Way | Kepa Sarasola

Basque is both a minority and a highly inflected language with free order of sentence constituents. Machine Translation of Basque is thus both a real need and a test bed for MT techniques. In this paper, we present a modular Data-Driven MT system which includes different chunkers as well as chunk aligners which can deal with the free order of sentence constituents of Basque. We conducted Basque to English translation experiments, evaluated on a large corpus (270,000 sentence pairs). The experimental results show that our system significantly outperforms state-of-the-art approaches according to several common automatic evaluation metrics.

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Combining Evaluation Metrics via Loss Functions
Calandra Tate | Clare Voss

When response metrics for evaluating the utility of machine translation (MT) output on a given task do not yield a single ranking of MT engines, how are MT users to decide which engine best supports their task? When the cost of different types of response errors vary, how are MT users to factor that information into their rankings? What impact do different costs have on response-based rankings? Starting with data from an extraction experiment detailed in Voss and Tate (2006), this paper describes three response-rate metrics developed to quantify different aspects of MT users’ performance identifying who/when/where-items in MT output, and then presents a loss function analysis over these rates to derive a single customizable metric, applying a range of values to correct responses and costs to different error types. For the given experimental dataset, loss function analyses provided a clearer characterization of the engines’ relative strength than did comparing the response rates to each other. For one MT engine, varying the costs had no impact: the engine consistently ranked best. By contrast, cost variations did impact the ranking of the other two engines: a rank reversal occurred on who-item extractions when incorrect responses were penalized more than non-responses. Future work with loss analysis, developing operational cost ratios of error rates to correct response rates, will require user studies and expert document-screening personnel to establish baseline values for effective MT engine support on wh-item extraction.

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Scalable Purely-Discriminative Training for Word and Tree Transducers
Benjamin Wellington | Joseph Turian | Chris Pike | Dan Melamed

Discriminative training methods have recently led to significant advances in the state of the art of machine translation (MT). Another promising trend is the incorporation of syntactic information into MT systems. Combining these trends is difficult for reasons of system complexity and computational complexity. The present study makes progress towards a syntax-aware MT system whose every component is trained discriminatively. Our main innovation is an approach to discriminative learning that is computationally efficient enough for large statistical MT systems, yet whose accuracy on translation sub-tasks is near the state of the art. Our source code is downloadable from