Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 36

Anthology ID:
November 27-28
London, UK
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Filling in the gaps: what we need from TM subsegment recall
Kevin Flanagan

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Almost fifty years after the (first?) ALPAC report
Gábor Prószéky

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Beyond prescription: what empirical studies are telling us about localization crowdsourcing
Miguel A. Jiménez Crespo

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Using cross-language information retrieval and statistical language modelling in example-based machine translation
Nasredine Semmar | Othman Zennaki | Meriama Laib

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Representing intra- and interlingual terminological variation in a new type of translation resource: a prototype proposal
Koen Kerremans

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iCompileCorpora: a web-based application to semi-automatically compile multilingual comparable corpora
Hernani Costa | Gloria Corpas Pastor | Miriam Seghiri

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Terminology management revisited
Nizar Ghoula | Jacques Guyot | Gilles Falquet

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Rule-based automatic post-processing of SMT output to reduce human post-editing effort
Victoria Porro | Johanna Gerlach | Pierrette Bouillon | Violeta Seretan

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Quality assurance process in translation
Jerzy Czopik

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Intelligent translation memory matching and retrieval metric exploiting linguistic technology
Rohit Gupta | Hanna Bechara | Constantin Orasan

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Improving fuzzy matching through syntactic knowledge
Tom Vanallemeersch | Vincent Vandeghinste

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Integrating machine translation (MT) in the higher education of translators and technical writers
Marion Wittkowsky

MateCat: free, a new business model for CAT tools
Alessandro Cattelan

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Top-down or bottom-up: what do industry approaches to translation quality mean for effective integration of standards and tools?
Joanna Drugan

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Getting the best out of a mixed bag
Terence Lewis

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Terminology finding in the Sketch Engine: an evaluation
Adam Kilgarriff

Translation tools are TOOLS. How do we make the most of them?
Angelika Zerfass

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Machine translation quality estimation adapted to the translation workflow
Sabine Hunsicker | Alexandru Ceausu

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The dos and don’ts of XML document localization
Andrzej Zydroń

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Kurt Eberle

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Quality evaluation today: the Dynamic Quality Framework

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Far from the maddening crowd: integrating collaborative translation technologies into healthcare services in the developing world
Erin Lyons

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Is machine translation ready for literature
Antonio Toral | Andy Way

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A tool for building multilingual voice questionnaires
Alejandro Armando | Pierrette Bouillon | Manny Rayner | Nikos Tsourakis

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Translating implicit elements in RBMT
Irina Burukina

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Losses and gains in computer-assisted translation: some remarks on online translation of English to Malay
Mozhgan Ghassemiazghandi | Tengku Sepora Tengku Mahadi

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Affective impact of the use of technology on employed language specialists: an exploratory qualitative study
Anne Marie Taravella

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Solving terminology problems more quickly with ‘IntelliWebSearch (Almost) Unlimited’
Michael Farrell

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Twitter Crowd Translation – design and objectives
Eduard Šubert | Ondřej Bojar

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SMT for restricted sublanguage in CAT tool context at the European Parliament
Najeh Hajlaoui

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Task-based teaching of computer-aided translation in a progressive manner
Jessica Xiangyu Liu