Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics 2021

Allyson Ettinger, Ellie Pavlick, Brandon Prickett (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the Society for Computation in Linguistics 2021
Allyson Ettinger | Ellie Pavlick | Brandon Prickett

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A Minimalist Approach to Facilitatory Effects in Stacked Relative Clauses
Aniello De Santo

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A Network Science Approach to Bilingual Code-switching
Qihui Xu | Magdalena Markowska | Martin Chodorow | Ping Li

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Look at that! BERT can be easily distracted from paying attention to morphosyntax
Rui P. Chaves | Stephanie N. Richter

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Capturing gradience in long-distance phonology using probabilistic tier-based strictly local grammars
Connor Mayer

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Drivers of English Syntactic Change in the Canadian Parliament
Liwen Hou | David A. Smith

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Emergent Gestural Scores in a Recurrent Neural Network Model of Vowel Harmony
Caitlin Smith | Charlie O’Hara | Eric Rosen | Paul Smolensky

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Emerging English Transitives over the Last Two Centuries
Liwen Hou | David A. Smith

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Epistemic Semantics in Guarded String Models
Eric Hayden Campbell | Mats Rooth

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Effects of Duration, Locality, and Surprisal in Speech Disfluency Prediction in English Spontaneous Speech
Samvit Dammalapati | Rajakrishnan Rajkumar | Sidharth Ranjan | Sumeet Agarwal

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Formalizing Inflectional Paradigm Shape with Information Theory
Grace LeFevre | Micha Elsner | Andrea D. Sims

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Global divergence and local convergence of utterance semantic representations in dialogue
Yang Xu

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Structure Here, Bias There: Hierarchical Generalization by Jointly Learning Syntactic Transformations
Karl Mulligan | Robert Frank | Tal Linzen

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Inflectional paradigms as interacting systems
Eric Rosen

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Information flow, artificial phonology and typology
Adamantios Gafos

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Learnability of indexed constraint analyses of phonological opacity
Aleksei Nazarov

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Learning Interactions of Local and Non-Local Phonotactic Constraints from Positive Input
Aniello De Santo | Alëna Aksënova

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Learning Morphological Productivity as Meaning-Form Mappings
Sarah Payne | Jordan Kodner | Charles Yang

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Consonant harmony, disharmony, memory and time scales
Adamantios Gafos

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Modeling cross-linguistic production of referring expressions
Brandon Waldon | Judith Degen

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Multiple alignments of inflectional paradigms
Sacha Beniamine | Matías Guzmán Naranjo

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Strong generative capacity of morphological processes
Hossep Dolatian | Jonathan Rawski | Jeffrey Heinz

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Tell Me Everything You Know: A Conversation Update System for the Rational Speech Acts Framework
Carolyn Jane Anderson

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Every ambiguity isn’t syntactic in nature: Testing the Rational Speech Act model of scope ambiguity∗
Sherry Yong Chen | Bob van Tiel

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The Crosslinguistic Relationship between Ordering Flexibility and Dependency Length Minimization: A Data-Driven Approach
Zoey Liu

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Multiple Wh-Movement is not Special: The Subregular Complexity of Persistent Features in Minimalist Grammars
Thomas Graf | Kalina Kostyszyn

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Tuiteamos o pongamos un tuit? Investigating the Social Constraints of Loanword Integration in Spanish Social Media
Ian Stewart | Diyi Yang | Jacob Eisenstein

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Using Word Embeddings to Uncover Discourses
Quentin Dénigot | Heather Burnett

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Vowel Harmony Viewed as Error-Correcting Code
Yvo Meeres | Tommi A Pirinen

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What’s in a Span? Evaluating the Creativity of a Span-Based Neural Constituency Parser
Daniel Dakota | Sandra Kübler

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‘Most’ vs ‘More Than Half’: An Alternatives Explanation
Fausto Carcassi | Jakub Szymanik

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A Data-driven Approach to Crosslinguistic Structural Biases
Alex Kramer | Zoey Liu

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A Rate–Distortion view of human pragmatic reasoning?
Noga Zaslavsky | Jennifer Hu | Roger P. Levy

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Apparent Communicative Efficiency in the Lexicon is Emergent
Spencer Caplan | Jordan Kodner | Charles Yang

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CCG Supertagging as Top-down Tree Generation
Jakob Prange | Nathan Schneider | Vivek Srikumar

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Comparing methods of tree-construction across mildly context-sensitive formalisms
Tim Hunter | Robert Frank

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Dependency lengths in speech and writing: A cross-linguistic comparison via YouDePP, a pipeline for scraping and parsing YouTube captions
Alex Kramer

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Can RNNs trained on harder subject-verb agreement instances still perform well on easier ones?
Hritik Bansal | Gantavya Bhatt | Sumeet Agarwal

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Efficiency of Top-Down Parsing of Recursive Adjunction for Tree Adjoining Grammar
Jing Ji

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How to apply for financial aid: Exploring perplexity and jargon in texts for non-expert audiences
Laura Manor | Yiran Su | Zachary W. Taylor | Junyi Jessy Li

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Extracting English lexical borrowings from Spanish newswire
Elena Álvarez Mellado

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Frequency-Dependent Regularization in Syntactic Constructions
Zoey Liu | Emily Morgan

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Human-Model Divergence in the Handling of Vagueness
Elias Stengel-Eskin | Jimena Guallar-Blasco | Benjamin Van Durme

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Every quantifier isn’t the same: Informativity matters for ambiguity resolution in quantifier-negation sentences
Noa Attali | Gregory Scontras | Lisa S. Pearl

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Learnability of derivationally opaque processes in the Gestural Harmony Model
Caitlin Smith | Charlie O’Hara

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Learning nonlocal phonotactics in Strictly Piecewise phonotactic model
Huteng Dai

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Learning the surface structure of wh-questions in English and French with a non-parametric Bayesian model
An Nguyen | Colin Wilson

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Strong Learning of Probabilistic Tree Adjoining Grammars
Alexander Clark

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Lexical strata and phonotactic perplexity minimization
Eric Rosen

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Modeling German Word Order Acquisition via Bayesian Inference
Annika Heuser | Polina Tsvilodub

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Multilingual BERT, ergativity, and grammatical subjecthood
Isabel Papadimitriou | Ethan A. Chi | Richard Futrell | Kyle Mahowald

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Deep neural networks easily learn unnatural infixation and reduplication patterns
Coleman Haley | Colin Wilson

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Overview of AMALGUM – Large Silver Quality Annotations across English Genres
Luke Gessler | Siyao Peng | Yang Liu | Yilun Zhu | Shabnam Behzad | Amir Zeldes

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Pragmatically Informative Color Generation by Grounding Contextual Modifiers
Zhengxuan Wu | Desmond C. Ong

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Predicting scalar inferences from “or” to “not both” using neural sentence encoders
Elissa Li | Sebastian Schuster | Judith Degen

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How to marry a star: Probabilistic constraints for meaning in context
Katrin Erk | Aurélie Herbelot

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SNACS Annotation of Case Markers and Adpositions in Hindi
Aryaman Arora | Nitin Venkateswaran | Nathan Schneider

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Structure-(in)dependent Interpretation of Phrases in Humans and LSTMs
Cas W. Coopmans | Helen de Hoop | Karthikeya Kaushik | Peter Hagoort | Andrea E. Martin

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Supersense and Sensibility: Proxy Tasks for Semantic Annotation of Prepositions
Luke Gessler | Shira Wein | Nathan Schneider

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Testing for Grammatical Category Abstraction in Neural Language Models
Najoung Kim | Paul Smolensky

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Consistent unsupervised estimators for anchored PCFGs
Alexander Clark | Nathanaël Fijalkow

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Will it Unblend?
Yuval Pinter | Cassandra L. Jacobs | Jacob Eisenstein