Computational Linguistics, Volume 43, Issue 3 - September 2017
- Anthology ID:
- J17-3
- Month:
- September
- Year:
- 2017
- Address:
- Cambridge, MA
- Venue:
- CL
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- MIT Press
- URL:
- DOI:
Computational Linguistics, Volume 43, Issue 3 - September 2017
Hybrid Grammars for Parsing of Discontinuous Phrase Structures and Non-Projective Dependency Structures
Kilian Gebhardt
Mark-Jan Nederhof
Heiko Vogler
We explore the concept of hybrid grammars, which formalize and generalize a range of existing frameworks for dealing with discontinuous syntactic structures. Covered are both discontinuous phrase structures and non-projective dependency structures. Technically, hybrid grammars are related to synchronous grammars, where one grammar component generates linear structures and another generates hierarchical structures. By coupling lexical elements of both components together, discontinuous structures result. Several types of hybrid grammars are characterized. We also discuss grammar induction from treebanks. The main advantage over existing frameworks is the ability of hybrid grammars to separate discontinuity of the desired structures from time complexity of parsing. This permits exploration of a large variety of parsing algorithms for discontinuous structures, with different properties. This is confirmed by the reported experimental results, which show a wide variety of running time, accuracy, and frequency of parse failures.
Translation Divergences in Chinese–English Machine Translation: An Empirical Investigation
Dun Deng
Nianwen Xue
In this article, we conduct an empirical investigation of translation divergences between Chinese and English relying on a parallel treebank. To do this, we first devise a hierarchical alignment scheme where Chinese and English parse trees are aligned in a way that eliminates conflicts and redundancies between word alignments and syntactic parses to prevent the generation of spurious translation divergences. Using this Hierarchically Aligned Chinese–English Parallel Treebank (HACEPT), we are able to semi-automatically identify and categorize the translation divergences between the two languages and quantify each type of translation divergence. Our results show that the translation divergences are much broader than described in previous studies that are largely based on anecdotal evidence and linguistic knowledge. The distribution of the translation divergences also shows that some high-profile translation divergences that motivate previous research are actually very rare in our data, whereas other translation divergences that have previously received little attention actually exist in large quantities. We also show that HACEPT allows the extraction of syntax-based translation rules, most of which are expressive enough to capture the translation divergences, and point out that the syntactic annotation in existing treebanks is not optimal for extracting such translation rules. We also discuss the implications of our study for attempts to bridge translation divergences by devising shared semantic representations across languages. Our quantitative results lend further support to the observation that although it is possible to bridge some translation divergences with semantic representations, other translation divergences are open-ended, thus building a semantic representation that captures all possible translation divergences may be impractical.
A Kernel Independence Test for Geographical Language Variation
Dong Nguyen
Jacob Eisenstein
Quantifying the degree of spatial dependence for linguistic variables is a key task for analyzing dialectal variation. However, existing approaches have important drawbacks. First, they are based on parametric models of dependence, which limits their power in cases where the underlying parametric assumptions are violated. Second, they are not applicable to all types of linguistic data: Some approaches apply only to frequencies, others to boolean indicators of whether a linguistic variable is present. We present a new method for measuring geographical language variation, which solves both of these problems. Our approach builds on Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) representations for nonparametric statistics, and takes the form of a test statistic that is computed from pairs of individual geotagged observations without aggregation into predefined geographical bins. We compare this test with prior work using synthetic data as well as a diverse set of real data sets: a corpus of Dutch tweets, a Dutch syntactic atlas, and a data set of letters to the editor in North American newspapers. Our proposed test is shown to support robust inferences across a broad range of scenarios and types of data.
AutoExtend: Combining Word Embeddings with Semantic Resources
Sascha Rothe
Hinrich Schütze
We present AutoExtend, a system that combines word embeddings with semantic resources by learning embeddings for non-word objects like synsets and entities and learning word embeddings that incorporate the semantic information from the resource. The method is based on encoding and decoding the word embeddings and is flexible in that it can take any word embeddings as input and does not need an additional training corpus. The obtained embeddings live in the same vector space as the input word embeddings. A sparse tensor formalization guarantees efficiency and parallelizability. We use WordNet, GermaNet, and Freebase as semantic resources. AutoExtend achieves state-of-the-art performance on Word-in-Context Similarity and Word Sense Disambiguation tasks.
Parsing Argumentation Structures in Persuasive Essays
Christian Stab
Iryna Gurevych
In this article, we present a novel approach for parsing argumentation structures. We identify argument components using sequence labeling at the token level and apply a new joint model for detecting argumentation structures. The proposed model globally optimizes argument component types and argumentative relations using Integer Linear Programming. We show that our model significantly outperforms challenging heuristic baselines on two different types of discourse. Moreover, we introduce a novel corpus of persuasive essays annotated with argumentation structures. We show that our annotation scheme and annotation guidelines successfully guide human annotators to substantial agreement.
The Agreement Measure γcat a Complement to γ Focused on Categorization of a Continuum
Yann Mathet
Agreement on unitizing, where several annotators freely put units of various sizes and categories on a continuum, is difficult to assess because of the simultaneaous discrepancies in positioning and categorizing. The recent agreement measure γ offers an overall solution that simultaneously takes into account positions and categories. In this article, I propose the additional coefficient γcat, which complements γ by assessing the agreement on categorization of a continuum, putting aside positional discrepancies. When applied to pure categorization (with predefined units), γcat behaves the same way as the famous dedicated Krippendorff’s α, even with missing values, which proves its consistency. A variation of γcat is also proposed that provides an in-depth assessment of categorizing for each individual category. The entire family of γ coefficients is implemented in free software.