Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Kevin Knight, Ani Nenkova, Owen Rambow (Editors)

Anthology ID:
San Diego, California
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the 2016 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies
Kevin Knight | Ani Nenkova | Owen Rambow

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Achieving Accurate Conclusions in Evaluation of Automatic Machine Translation Metrics
Yvette Graham | Qun Liu

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Flexible Non-Terminals for Dependency Tree-to-Tree Reordering
John Richardson | Fabien Cromières | Toshiaki Nakazawa | Sadao Kurohashi

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Selecting Syntactic, Non-redundant Segments in Active Learning for Machine Translation
Akiva Miura | Graham Neubig | Michael Paul | Satoshi Nakamura

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Multi-Source Neural Translation
Barret Zoph | Kevin Knight

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Controlling Politeness in Neural Machine Translation via Side Constraints
Rico Sennrich | Barry Haddow | Alexandra Birch

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An Empirical Evaluation of Noise Contrastive Estimation for the Neural Network Joint Model of Translation
Colin Cherry

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Neural Network-Based Abstract Generation for Opinions and Arguments
Lu Wang | Wang Ling

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A Low-Rank Approximation Approach to Learning Joint Embeddings of News Stories and Images for Timeline Summarization
William Yang Wang | Yashar Mehdad | Dragomir R. Radev | Amanda Stent

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Entity-balanced Gaussian pLSA for Automated Comparison
Danish Contractor | Parag Singla | Mausam

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Automatic Summarization of Student Course Feedback
Wencan Luo | Fei Liu | Zitao Liu | Diane Litman

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Knowledge-Guided Linguistic Rewrites for Inference Rule Verification
Prachi Jain | Mausam

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Abstractive Sentence Summarization with Attentive Recurrent Neural Networks
Sumit Chopra | Michael Auli | Alexander M. Rush

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Integer Linear Programming for Discourse Parsing
Jérémy Perret | Stergos Afantenos | Nicholas Asher | Mathieu Morey

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A Diversity-Promoting Objective Function for Neural Conversation Models
Jiwei Li | Michel Galley | Chris Brockett | Jianfeng Gao | Bill Dolan

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Multi-domain Neural Network Language Generation for Spoken Dialogue Systems
Tsung-Hsien Wen | Milica Gašić | Nikola Mrkšić | Lina M. Rojas-Barahona | Pei-Hao Su | David Vandyke | Steve Young

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A Long Short-Term Memory Framework for Predicting Humor in Dialogues
Dario Bertero | Pascale Fung

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Conversational Flow in Oxford-style Debates
Justine Zhang | Ravi Kumar | Sujith Ravi | Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil

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Counter-fitting Word Vectors to Linguistic Constraints
Nikola Mrkšić | Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha | Blaise Thomson | Milica Gašić | Lina M. Rojas-Barahona | Pei-Hao Su | David Vandyke | Tsung-Hsien Wen | Steve Young

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Grounded Semantic Role Labeling
Shaohua Yang | Qiaozi Gao | Changsong Liu | Caiming Xiong | Song-Chun Zhu | Joyce Y. Chai

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Black Holes and White Rabbits: Metaphor Identification with Visual Features
Ekaterina Shutova | Douwe Kiela | Jean Maillard

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Bridge Correlational Neural Networks for Multilingual Multimodal Representation Learning
Janarthanan Rajendran | Mitesh M. Khapra | Sarath Chandar | Balaraman Ravindran

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Unsupervised Visual Sense Disambiguation for Verbs using Multimodal Embeddings
Spandana Gella | Mirella Lapata | Frank Keller

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Stating the Obvious: Extracting Visual Common Sense Knowledge
Mark Yatskar | Vicente Ordonez | Ali Farhadi

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Recurrent Neural Network Grammars
Chris Dyer | Adhiguna Kuncoro | Miguel Ballesteros | Noah A. Smith

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Expected F-Measure Training for Shift-Reduce Parsing with Recurrent Neural Networks
Wenduan Xu | Michael Auli | Stephen Clark

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LSTM CCG Parsing
Mike Lewis | Kenton Lee | Luke Zettlemoyer

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Supertagging With LSTMs
Ashish Vaswani | Yonatan Bisk | Kenji Sagae | Ryan Musa

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An Empirical Study of Automatic Chinese Word Segmentation for Spoken Language Understanding and Named Entity Recognition
Wencan Luo | Fan Yang

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Name Tagging for Low-resource Incident Languages based on Expectation-driven Learning
Boliang Zhang | Xiaoman Pan | Tianlu Wang | Ashish Vaswani | Heng Ji | Kevin Knight | Daniel Marcu

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Neural Architectures for Named Entity Recognition
Guillaume Lample | Miguel Ballesteros | Sandeep Subramanian | Kazuya Kawakami | Chris Dyer

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Dynamic Feature Induction: The Last Gist to the State-of-the-Art
Jinho D. Choi

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Drop-out Conditional Random Fields for Twitter with Huge Mined Gazetteer
Eunsuk Yang | Young-Bum Kim | Ruhi Sarikaya | Yu-Seop Kim

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Joint Extraction of Events and Entities within a Document Context
Bishan Yang | Tom M. Mitchell

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Joint Event Extraction via Recurrent Neural Networks
Thien Huu Nguyen | Kyunghyun Cho | Ralph Grishman

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Top-down Tree Long Short-Term Memory Networks
Xingxing Zhang | Liang Lu | Mirella Lapata

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Recurrent Memory Networks for Language Modeling
Ke Tran | Arianna Bisazza | Christof Monz

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A Latent Variable Recurrent Neural Network for Discourse-Driven Language Models
Yangfeng Ji | Gholamreza Haffari | Jacob Eisenstein

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Questioning Arbitrariness in Language: a Data-Driven Study of Conventional Iconicity
Ekaterina Abramova | Raquel Fernández

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Distinguishing Literal and Non-Literal Usage of German Particle Verbs
Maximilian Köper | Sabine Schulte im Walde

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Phrasal Substitution of Idiomatic Expressions
Changsheng Liu | Rebecca Hwa

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Leverage Financial News to Predict Stock Price Movements Using Word Embeddings and Deep Neural Networks
Yangtuo Peng | Hui Jiang

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Grammatical error correction using neural machine translation
Zheng Yuan | Ted Briscoe

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Multimodal Semantic Learning from Child-Directed Input
Angeliki Lazaridou | Grzegorz Chrupała | Raquel Fernández | Marco Baroni

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Recurrent Support Vector Machines For Slot Tagging In Spoken Language Understanding
Yangyang Shi | Kaisheng Yao | Hu Chen | Dong Yu | Yi-Cheng Pan | Mei-Yuh Hwang

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Expectation-Regulated Neural Model for Event Mention Extraction
Ching-Yun Chang | Zhiyang Teng | Yue Zhang

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Agreement on Target-bidirectional Neural Machine Translation
Lemao Liu | Masao Utiyama | Andrew Finch | Eiichiro Sumita

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Psycholinguistic Features for Deceptive Role Detection in Werewolf
Codruta Girlea | Roxana Girju | Eyal Amir

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Individual Variation in the Choice of Referential Form
Thiago Castro Ferreira | Emiel Krahmer | Sander Wubben

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Joint Learning Templates and Slots for Event Schema Induction
Lei Sha | Sujian Li | Baobao Chang | Zhifang Sui

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Inferring Psycholinguistic Properties of Words
Gustavo Paetzold | Lucia Specia

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Intra-Topic Variability Normalization based on Linear Projection for Topic Classification
Quan Liu | Wu Guo | Zhen-Hua Ling | Hui Jiang | Yu Hu

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Shift-Reduce CCG Parsing using Neural Network Models
Bharat Ram Ambati | Tejaswini Deoskar | Mark Steedman

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Online Multilingual Topic Models with Multi-Level Hyperpriors
Kriste Krstovski | David Smith | Michael J. Kurtz

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STransE: a novel embedding model of entities and relationships in knowledge bases
Dat Quoc Nguyen | Kairit Sirts | Lizhen Qu | Mark Johnson

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An Unsupervised Model of Orthographic Variation for Historical Document Transcription
Dan Garrette | Hannah Alpert-Abrams

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Bidirectional RNN for Medical Event Detection in Electronic Health Records
Abhyuday N Jagannatha | Hong Yu

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The Sensitivity of Topic Coherence Evaluation to Topic Cardinality
Jey Han Lau | Timothy Baldwin

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Transition-Based Syntactic Linearization with Lookahead Features
Ratish Puduppully | Yue Zhang | Manish Shrivastava

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A Recurrent Neural Networks Approach for Estimating the Quality of Machine Translation Output
Hyun Kim | Jong-Hyeok Lee

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Symmetric Patterns and Coordinations: Fast and Enhanced Representations of Verbs and Adjectives
Roy Schwartz | Roi Reichart | Ari Rappoport

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Breaking the Closed World Assumption in Text Classification
Geli Fei | Bing Liu

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Sequential Short-Text Classification with Recurrent and Convolutional Neural Networks
Ji Young Lee | Franck Dernoncourt

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Improved Neural Network-based Multi-label Classification with Better Initialization Leveraging Label Co-occurrence
Gakuto Kurata | Bing Xiang | Bowen Zhou

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Learning Distributed Word Representations For Bidirectional LSTM Recurrent Neural Network
Peilu Wang | Yao Qian | Frank K. Soong | Lei He | Hai Zhao

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Combining Recurrent and Convolutional Neural Networks for Relation Classification
Ngoc Thang Vu | Heike Adel | Pankaj Gupta | Hinrich Schütze

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Building Chinese Affective Resources in Valence-Arousal Dimensions
Liang-Chih Yu | Lung-Hao Lee | Shuai Hao | Jin Wang | Yunchao He | Jun Hu | K. Robert Lai | Xuejie Zhang

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Improving event prediction by representing script participants
Simon Ahrendt | Vera Demberg

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Structured Prediction with Output Embeddings for Semantic Image Annotation
Ariadna Quattoni | Arnau Ramisa | Pranava Swaroop Madhyastha | Edgar Simo-Serra | Francesc Moreno-Noguer

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Large-scale Multitask Learning for Machine Translation Quality Estimation
Kashif Shah | Lucia Specia

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Conversational Markers of Constructive Discussions
Vlad Niculae | Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil

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Vision and Feature Norms: Improving automatic feature norm learning through cross-modal maps
Luana Bulat | Douwe Kiela | Stephen Clark

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Cross-lingual Wikification Using Multilingual Embeddings
Chen-Tse Tsai | Dan Roth

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Deconstructing Complex Search Tasks: a Bayesian Nonparametric Approach for Extracting Sub-tasks
Rishabh Mehrotra | Prasanta Bhattacharya | Emine Yilmaz

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Probabilistic Models for Learning a Semantic Parser Lexicon
Jayant Krishnamurthy

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Unsupervised Compound Splitting With Distributional Semantics Rivals Supervised Methods
Martin Riedl | Chris Biemann

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Weighting Finite-State Transductions With Neural Context
Pushpendre Rastogi | Ryan Cotterell | Jason Eisner

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Morphological Inflection Generation Using Character Sequence to Sequence Learning
Manaal Faruqui | Yulia Tsvetkov | Graham Neubig | Chris Dyer

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Towards Unsupervised and Language-independent Compound Splitting using Inflectional Morphological Transformations
Patrick Ziering | Lonneke van der Plas

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Phonological Pun-derstanding
Aaron Jaech | Rik Koncel-Kedziorski | Mari Ostendorf

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A Joint Model of Orthography and Morphological Segmentation
Ryan Cotterell | Tim Vieira | Hinrich Schütze

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Syntactic Parsing of Web Queries with Question Intent
Yuval Pinter | Roi Reichart | Idan Szpektor

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Visualizing and Understanding Neural Models in NLP
Jiwei Li | Xinlei Chen | Eduard Hovy | Dan Jurafsky

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Bilingual Word Embeddings from Parallel and Non-parallel Corpora for Cross-Language Text Classification
Aditya Mogadala | Achim Rettinger

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Joint Learning with Global Inference for Comment Classification in Community Question Answering
Shafiq Joty | Lluís Màrquez | Preslav Nakov

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Weak Semi-Markov CRFs for Noun Phrase Chunking in Informal Text
Aldrian Obaja Muis | Wei Lu

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What to talk about and how? Selective Generation using LSTMs with Coarse-to-Fine Alignment
Hongyuan Mei | Mohit Bansal | Matthew R. Walter

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Generation from Abstract Meaning Representation using Tree Transducers
Jeffrey Flanigan | Chris Dyer | Noah A. Smith | Jaime Carbonell

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A Corpus and Semantic Parser for Multilingual Natural Language Querying of OpenStreetMap
Carolin Haas | Stefan Riezler

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Natural Language Communication with Robots
Yonatan Bisk | Deniz Yuret | Daniel Marcu

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Inter-document Contextual Language model
Quan Hung Tran | Ingrid Zukerman | Gholamreza Haffari

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Ultradense Word Embeddings by Orthogonal Transformation
Sascha Rothe | Sebastian Ebert | Hinrich Schütze

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Separating Actor-View from Speaker-View Opinion Expressions using Linguistic Features
Michael Wiegand | Marc Schulder | Josef Ruppenhofer

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Clustering for Simultaneous Extraction of Aspects and Features from Reviews
Lu Chen | Justin Martineau | Doreen Cheng | Amit Sheth

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Opinion Holder and Target Extraction on Opinion Compounds – A Linguistic Approach
Michael Wiegand | Christine Bocionek | Josef Ruppenhofer

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Capturing Reliable Fine-Grained Sentiment Associations by Crowdsourcing and Best–Worst Scaling
Svetlana Kiritchenko | Saif M. Mohammad

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Mapping Verbs in Different Languages to Knowledge Base Relations using Web Text as Interlingua
Derry Tanti Wijaya | Tom M. Mitchell

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Comparing Convolutional Neural Networks to Traditional Models for Slot Filling
Heike Adel | Benjamin Roth | Hinrich Schütze

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A Corpus and Cloze Evaluation for Deeper Understanding of Commonsense Stories
Nasrin Mostafazadeh | Nathanael Chambers | Xiaodong He | Devi Parikh | Dhruv Batra | Lucy Vanderwende | Pushmeet Kohli | James Allen

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Dynamic Entity Representation with Max-pooling Improves Machine Reading
Sosuke Kobayashi | Ran Tian | Naoaki Okazaki | Kentaro Inui

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Speed-Constrained Tuning for Statistical Machine Translation Using Bayesian Optimization
Daniel Beck | Adrià de Gispert | Gonzalo Iglesias | Aurelien Waite | Bill Byrne

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Multi-Way, Multilingual Neural Machine Translation with a Shared Attention Mechanism
Orhan Firat | Kyunghyun Cho | Yoshua Bengio

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Incorporating Structural Alignment Biases into an Attentional Neural Translation Model
Trevor Cohn | Cong Duy Vu Hoang | Ekaterina Vymolova | Kaisheng Yao | Chris Dyer | Gholamreza Haffari

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Multilingual Relation Extraction using Compositional Universal Schema
Patrick Verga | David Belanger | Emma Strubell | Benjamin Roth | Andrew McCallum

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Effective Crowd Annotation for Relation Extraction
Angli Liu | Stephen Soderland | Jonathan Bragg | Christopher H. Lin | Xiao Ling | Daniel S. Weld

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A Translation-Based Knowledge Graph Embedding Preserving Logical Property of Relations
Hee-Geun Yoon | Hyun-Je Song | Seong-Bae Park | Se-Young Park

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DAG-Structured Long Short-Term Memory for Semantic Compositionality
Xiaodan Zhu | Parinaz Sobhani | Hongyu Guo

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Bayesian Supervised Domain Adaptation for Short Text Similarity
Md Arafat Sultan | Jordan Boyd-Graber | Tamara Sumner

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Pairwise Word Interaction Modeling with Deep Neural Networks for Semantic Similarity Measurement
Hua He | Jimmy Lin

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An Attentional Model for Speech Translation Without Transcription
Long Duong | Antonios Anastasopoulos | David Chiang | Steven Bird | Trevor Cohn

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Information Density and Quality Estimation Features as Translationese Indicators for Human Translation Classification
Raphael Rubino | Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski | Josef van Genabith

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Interpretese vs. Translationese: The Uniqueness of Human Strategies in Simultaneous Interpretation
He He | Jordan Boyd-Graber | Hal Daumé III

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LSTM Neural Reordering Feature for Statistical Machine Translation
Yiming Cui | Shijin Wang | Jianfeng Li

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A Novel Approach to Dropped Pronoun Translation
Longyue Wang | Zhaopeng Tu | Xiaojun Zhang | Hang Li | Andy Way | Qun Liu

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Learning Global Features for Coreference Resolution
Sam Wiseman | Alexander M. Rush | Stuart M. Shieber

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Search Space Pruning: A Simple Solution for Better Coreference Resolvers
Nafise Sadat Moosavi | Michael Strube

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Unsupervised Ranking Model for Entity Coreference Resolution
Xuezhe Ma | Zhengzhong Liu | Eduard Hovy

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Embedding Lexical Features via Low-Rank Tensors
Mo Yu | Mark Dredze | Raman Arora | Matthew R. Gormley

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The Role of Context Types and Dimensionality in Learning Word Embeddings
Oren Melamud | David McClosky | Siddharth Patwardhan | Mohit Bansal

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Improve Chinese Word Embeddings by Exploiting Internal Structure
Jian Xu | Jiawei Liu | Liangang Zhang | Zhengyu Li | Huanhuan Chen

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Assessing Relative Sentence Complexity using an Incremental CCG Parser
Bharat Ram Ambati | Siva Reddy | Mark Steedman

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Frustratingly Easy Cross-Lingual Transfer for Transition-Based Dependency Parsing
Ophélie Lacroix | Lauriane Aufrant | Guillaume Wisniewski | François Yvon

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Geolocation for Twitter: Timing Matters
Mark Dredze | Miles Osborne | Prabhanjan Kambadur

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Fast and Easy Short Answer Grading with High Accuracy
Md Arafat Sultan | Cristobal Salazar | Tamara Sumner

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Interlocking Phrases in Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation
Ye Kyaw Thu | Andrew Finch | Eiichiro Sumita

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Eyes Don’t Lie: Predicting Machine Translation Quality Using Eye Movement
Hassan Sajjad | Francisco Guzmán | Nadir Durrani | Ahmed Abdelali | Houda Bouamor | Irina Temnikova | Stephan Vogel

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Making Dependency Labeling Simple, Fast and Accurate
Tianxiao Shen | Tao Lei | Regina Barzilay

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Deep Lexical Segmentation and Syntactic Parsing in the Easy-First Dependency Framework
Matthieu Constant | Joseph Le Roux | Nadi Tomeh

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Sentiment Composition of Words with Opposing Polarities
Svetlana Kiritchenko | Saif M. Mohammad

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Learning to Recognize Ancillary Information for Automatic Paraphrase Identification
Simone Filice | Alessandro Moschitti

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Learning a POS tagger for AAVE-like language
Anna Jørgensen | Dirk Hovy | Anders Søgaard

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PIC a Different Word: A Simple Model for Lexical Substitution in Context
Stephen Roller | Katrin Erk

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Bootstrapping Translation Detection and Sentence Extraction from Comparable Corpora
Kriste Krstovski | David Smith

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Discriminative Reranking for Grammatical Error Correction with Statistical Machine Translation
Tomoya Mizumoto | Yuji Matsumoto

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Patterns of Wisdom: Discourse-Level Style in Multi-Sentence Quotations
Kyle Booten | Marti A. Hearst

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Right-truncatable Neural Word Embeddings
Jun Suzuki | Masaaki Nagata

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MAWPS: A Math Word Problem Repository
Rik Koncel-Kedziorski | Subhro Roy | Aida Amini | Nate Kushman | Hannaneh Hajishirzi

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Cross-genre Event Extraction with Knowledge Enrichment
Hao Li | Heng Ji

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Emergent: a novel data-set for stance classification
William Ferreira | Andreas Vlachos

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BIRA: Improved Predictive Exchange Word Clustering
Jon Dehdari | Liling Tan | Josef van Genabith

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Integrating Morphological Desegmentation into Phrase-based Decoding
Mohammad Salameh | Colin Cherry | Grzegorz Kondrak

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The Instantiation Discourse Relation: A Corpus Analysis of Its Properties and Improved Detection
Junyi Jessy Li | Ani Nenkova

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Sparse Bilingual Word Representations for Cross-lingual Lexical Entailment
Yogarshi Vyas | Marine Carpuat

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Automatic Prediction of Linguistic Decline in Writings of Subjects with Degenerative Dementia
Davy Weissenbacher | Travis A. Johnson | Laura Wojtulewicz | Amylou Dueck | Dona Locke | Richard Caselli | Graciela Gonzalez

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Consensus Maximization Fusion of Probabilistic Information Extractors
Miguel Rodríguez | Sean Goldberg | Daisy Zhe Wang

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Simple, Fast Noise-Contrastive Estimation for Large RNN Vocabularies
Barret Zoph | Ashish Vaswani | Jonathan May | Kevin Knight

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Automatically Inferring Implicit Properties in Similes
Ashequl Qadir | Ellen Riloff | Marilyn A. Walker

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Visual Storytelling
Ting-Hao Kenneth Huang | Francis Ferraro | Nasrin Mostafazadeh | Ishan Misra | Aishwarya Agrawal | Jacob Devlin | Ross Girshick | Xiaodong He | Pushmeet Kohli | Dhruv Batra | C. Lawrence Zitnick | Devi Parikh | Lucy Vanderwende | Michel Galley | Margaret Mitchell

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PRIMT: A Pick-Revise Framework for Interactive Machine Translation
Shanbo Cheng | Shujian Huang | Huadong Chen | Xin-Yu Dai | Jiajun Chen

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Incorporating Side Information into Recurrent Neural Network Language Models
Cong Duy Vu Hoang | Trevor Cohn | Gholamreza Haffari

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Capturing Semantic Similarity for Entity Linking with Convolutional Neural Networks
Matthew Francis-Landau | Greg Durrett | Dan Klein

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K-Embeddings: Learning Conceptual Embeddings for Words using Context
Thuy Vu | D. Stott Parker

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Convolutional Neural Networks vs. Convolution Kernels: Feature Engineering for Answer Sentence Reranking
Kateryna Tymoshenko | Daniele Bonadiman | Alessandro Moschitti

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Semi-supervised Question Retrieval with Gated Convolutions
Tao Lei | Hrishikesh Joshi | Regina Barzilay | Tommi Jaakkola | Kateryna Tymoshenko | Alessandro Moschitti | Lluís Màrquez

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This is how we do it: Answer Reranking for Open-domain How Questions with Paragraph Vectors and Minimal Feature Engineering
Dasha Bogdanova | Jennifer Foster

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Multilingual Language Processing From Bytes
Dan Gillick | Cliff Brunk | Oriol Vinyals | Amarnag Subramanya

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Ten Pairs to Tag – Multilingual POS Tagging via Coarse Mapping between Embeddings
Yuan Zhang | David Gaddy | Regina Barzilay | Tommi Jaakkola

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Part-of-Speech Tagging for Historical English
Yi Yang | Jacob Eisenstein

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Statistical Modeling of Creole Genesis
Yugo Murawaki

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Shallow Parsing Pipeline - Hindi-English Code-Mixed Social Media Text
Arnav Sharma | Sakshi Gupta | Raveesh Motlani | Piyush Bansal | Manish Shrivastava | Radhika Mamidi | Dipti M. Sharma

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Bilingual Learning of Multi-sense Embeddings with Discrete Autoencoders
Simon Šuster | Ivan Titov | Gertjan van Noord

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Polyglot Neural Language Models: A Case Study in Cross-Lingual Phonetic Representation Learning
Yulia Tsvetkov | Sunayana Sitaram | Manaal Faruqui | Guillaume Lample | Patrick Littell | David Mortensen | Alan W Black | Lori Levin | Chris Dyer

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Learning Distributed Representations of Sentences from Unlabelled Data
Felix Hill | Kyunghyun Cho | Anna Korhonen

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Retrofitting Sense-Specific Word Vectors Using Parallel Text
Allyson Ettinger | Philip Resnik | Marine Carpuat

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End-to-End Argumentation Mining in Student Essays
Isaac Persing | Vincent Ng

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Cross-Domain Mining of Argumentative Text through Distant Supervision
Khalid Al-Khatib | Henning Wachsmuth | Matthias Hagen | Jonas Köhler | Benno Stein

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A Study of the Impact of Persuasive Argumentation in Political Debates
Amparo Elizabeth Cano-Basave | Yulan He

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Lexical Coherence Graph Modeling Using Word Embeddings
Mohsen Mesgar | Michael Strube

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Using Context to Predict the Purpose of Argumentative Writing Revisions
Fan Zhang | Diane Litman

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Automatic Generation and Scoring of Positive Interpretations from Negated Statements
Eduardo Blanco | Zahra Sarabi

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Learning Natural Language Inference with LSTM
Shuohang Wang | Jing Jiang

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Activity Modeling in Email
Ashequl Qadir | Michael Gamon | Patrick Pantel | Ahmed Hassan Awadallah

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Clustering Paraphrases by Word Sense
Anne Cocos | Chris Callison-Burch

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Unsupervised Learning of Prototypical Fillers for Implicit Semantic Role Labeling
Niko Schenk | Christian Chiarcos

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Hierarchical Attention Networks for Document Classification
Zichao Yang | Diyi Yang | Chris Dyer | Xiaodong He | Alex Smola | Eduard Hovy

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Dependency Based Embeddings for Sentence Classification Tasks
Alexandros Komninos | Suresh Manandhar

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Deep LSTM based Feature Mapping for Query Classification
Yangyang Shi | Kaisheng Yao | Le Tian | Daxin Jiang

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Dependency Sensitive Convolutional Neural Networks for Modeling Sentences and Documents
Rui Zhang | Honglak Lee | Dragomir R. Radev

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MGNC-CNN: A Simple Approach to Exploiting Multiple Word Embeddings for Sentence Classification
Ye Zhang | Stephen Roller | Byron C. Wallace

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Improving sentence compression by learning to predict gaze
Sigrid Klerke | Yoav Goldberg | Anders Søgaard

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Feuding Families and Former Friends: Unsupervised Learning for Dynamic Fictional Relationships
Mohit Iyyer | Anupam Guha | Snigdha Chaturvedi | Jordan Boyd-Graber | Hal Daumé III

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Learning to Compose Neural Networks for Question Answering
Jacob Andreas | Marcus Rohrbach | Trevor Darrell | Dan Klein