Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- Anthology ID:
- P00-1
- Month:
- October
- Year:
- 2000
- Address:
- Hong Kong
- Venue:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Computational Linguistics
- URL:
- DOI:
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Invited Talk: Processes that Shape Conversation and their Implications for Computational Linguistics
Susan E. Brennan
Invited Talk: Generic NLP Technologies: Language, Knowledge and Information Extraction
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Invited Talk: Spoken Language Technology: Where Do We Go From Here?
Roger K. Moore
Translation with Cascaded Finite State Transducers
Stephan Vogel
Hermann Ney
Phrase-Pattern-based Korean to English Machine Translation using Two Level Translation Pattern Selection
Jung-jae Kim
Key-Sun Choi
Young-Soog Chae
A Maximum Entropy/Minimum Divergence Translation Model
George Foster
Incorporating Compositional Evidence in Memory-Based Partial Parsing
Yuval Krymolowski
Ido Dagan
Tree-gram Parsing: Lexical Dependencies and Structural Relations
K. Sima’an
An Improved Parser for Data-Oriented Lexical-Functional Analysis
Rens Bod
Robust Temporal Processing of News
Inderjeet Mani
George Wilson
Tagging Unknown Proper Names Using Decision Trees
Frédéric Béchet
Alexis Nasr
Franck Genet
The Order of Prenominal Adjectives in Natural Language Generation
Robert Malouf
Spoken Dialogue Management Using Probabilistic Reasoning
Nicholas Roy
Joelle Pineau
Sebastian Thrun
An Unsupervised Approach to Prepositional Phrase Attachment using Contextually Similar Words
Patrick Pantel
Dekang Lin
A Unified Statistical Model for the Identification of English BaseNP
Endong Xun
Changning Huang
Ming Zhou
Rule Writing or Annotation: Cost-efficient Resource Usage for Base Noun Phrase Chunking
Grace Ngai
David Yarowsky
Using Existing Systems to Supplement Small Amounts of Annotated Grammatical Relations Training Data
Alexander Yeh
Distributing Representation for Robust Interpretation of Dialogue Utterances
David Milward
Can Nominal Expressions Achieve Multiple Goals?: An Empirical Study
Pamela Jordan
An Empirical Study of the Influence of Argument Conciseness on Argument Effectiveness
Giuseppe Carenini
Johanna D. Moore
Multi-Agent Explanation Strategies in Real-Time Domains
Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii
Ian Frank
A Computational Approach to Zero-pronouns in Spanish
Antonio Ferrández
Jesús Peral
Coreference for NLP Applications
Thomas S. Morton
Learning Attribute Selections for Non-Pronominal Expressions
Pamela Jordan
Marilyn Walker
Finite-State Non-Concatenative Morphotactics
Kenneth R. Beesley
Lauri Karttunen
A Morphologically Sensitive Clustering Algorithm for Identifying Arabic Roots
Anne N. De Roeck
Waleed Al-Fares
Minimally Supervised Morphological Analysis by Multimodal Alignment
David Yarowsky
Richard Wicentowski
A Constraint-based Approach to English Prosodic Constituents
Ewan Klein
Inducing Probabilistic Syllable Classes Using Multivariate Clustering
Karin Müller
Bernd Möbius
Detlef Prescher
Modeling Local Context for Pitch Accent Prediction
Shimei Pan
Julia Hirschberg
A New Statistical Approach To Chinese Pinyin Input
Zheng Chen
Kai-Fu Lee
Automatic Detecting/Correcting Errors in Chinese Text by an Approximate Word-Matching Algorithm
Lei Zhang
Ming Zhou
Changning Huang
Haihua Pan
Dependency-based Syntactic Analysis of Chinese and Annotation of Parsed Corpus
Tom B.Y. Lai
Changning Huang
Part-of-Speech Tagging Based on Hidden Markov Model Assuming Joint Independence
Sang-Zoo Lee
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Hae-Chang Rim
Language Independent, Minimally Supervised Induction of Lexical Probabilities
Silviu Cucerzan
David Yarowsky
Independence and Commitment: Assumptions for Rapid Training and Execution of Rule-based POS Taggers
Mark Hepple
An Improved Error Model for Noisy Channel Spelling Correction
Eric Brill
Robert C. Moore
Query-Relevant Summarization using FAQs
Adam Berger
Vibhu O. Mittal
An Algorithm for One-page Summarization of a Long Text Based on Thematic Hierarchy Detection
Yoshio Nakao
Summarizing Multilingual Spoken Negotiation Dialogues
Norbert Reithinger
Michael Kipp
Ralf Engel
Jan Alexandersson
Headline Generation Based on Statistical Translation
Michele Banko
Vibhu O. Mittal
Michael J. Witbrock
Named Entity Extraction Based on A Maximum Entropy Model and Transformation Rules
Kiyotaka Uchimoto
Qing Ma
Masaki Murata
Hiromi Ozaku
Hitoshi Isahara
Extracting Causal Knowledge from a Medical Database Using Graphical Patterns
Christopher S. G. Khoo
Syin Chan
Yun Niu
Difficulty Indices for the Named Entity Task in Japanese
Chikashi Nobata
Satoshi Sekine
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Memory-Efficient and Thread-Safe Quasi-Destructive Graph Unification
Marcel P. van Lohuizen
Processing Optimality-theoretic Syntax by Interleaved Chart Parsing and Generation
Jonas Kuhn
A Polynomial-Time Fragment of Dominance Constraints
Alexander Koller
Kurt Mehlhorn
Joachim Niehren
Hidden Markov Model-Based Korean Part-of-Speech Tagging Considering High Agglutinativity, Word-Spacing, and Lexical Correlativity
Sang-Zoo Lee
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Hae-Chang Rim
Synchronous Morphological Analysis of Grapheme and Phoneme for Japanese OCR
Masaaki Nagata
Chinese-Korean Word Alignment Based on Linguistic Comparison
Jin-Xia Huang
Key-Sun Choi
Specifying the Parameters of Centering Theory: a Corpus-Based Evaluation using Text from Application-Oriented Domains
M. Poesio
H. Cheng
R. Henschel
J. Hitzeman
R. Kibble
R. Stevenson
The Role of Centering Theory’s Rough-Shift in the Teaching and Evaluation of Writing Skills
Eleni Miltsakaki
Karen Kukich
A Hierarchical Account of Referential Accessibility
Nancy Ide
Dan Cristea
Lexical Transfer Using a Vector-Space Model
Eiichiro Sumita
Using Confidence Bands for Parallel Texts Alignment
António Ribeiro
Gabriel Lopes
João Mexia
Improved Statistical Alignment Models
Franz Josef Och
Hermann Ney
Multi-Component TAG and Notions of Formal Power
William Schuler
David Chiang
Mark Dras
Statistical Parsing with an Automatically-Extracted Tree Adjoining Grammar
David Chiang
Corpus-Based Lexical Choice in Natural Language Generation
Srinivas Bangalore
Owen Rambow
An Information-Theory-Based Feature Type Analysis for the Modeling of Statistical Parsing
Zhifang Sui
Jun Zhao
Dekai Wu
Lexicalized Stochastic Modeling of Constraint-Based Grammars using Log-Linear Measures and EM Training
Stefan Riezler
Detlef Prescher
Jonas Kuhn
Mark Johnson
Utilizing the World Wide Web as an Encyclopedia: Extracting Term Descriptions from Semi-Structured Texts
Atsushi Fujii
Tetsuya Ishikawa
Term Recognition Using Technical Dictionary Hierarchy
Jong-Hoon Oh
KyungSoon Lee
Key-Sun Choi
Mapping WordNets Using Structural Information
J. Daudé
L. Padró
G. Rigau
Automatic Labeling of Semantic Roles
Daniel Gildea
Daniel Jurafsky
Feature Logic for Dotted Types: A Formalism for Complex Word Meanings
Manfred Pinkal
Michael Kohlhase
PENS: A Machine-aided English Writing System for Chinese Users
Ting Liu
Ming Zhou
Jianfeng Gao
Endong Xun
Changning Huang
Diagnostic Processing of Japanese for Computer-Assisted Second Language Learning
Jun’ichi Kakegawa
Hisayuki Kanda
Eitaro Fujioka
Makoto Itami
Kohji Itoh
Word Sense Disambiguation by Learning from Unlabeled Data
Seong-Bae Park
Byoung-Tak Zhang
Yung Taek Kim
Importance of Pronominal Anaphora Resolution in Question Answering Systems
José L. Vicedo
Antonio Ferrández
The Structure and Performance of an Open-Domain Question Answering System
Dan Moldovan
Sanda Harabagiu
Marius Pasca
Rada Mihalcea
Roxana Girju
Richard Goodrum
Vasile Rus
Dimension-Reduced Estimation of Word Co-occurrence Probability
Kilyoun Kim
Key-Sun Choi
Distribution-Based Pruning of Backoff Language Models
Jianfeng Gao
Kai-Fu Lee
Panel: Computational Linguistics Research on Philippine Languages
Rachel Edita O. Roxas
Allan Borra
Panel: Development of Computational Linguistics Research: A Challenge for Indonesia
Bobby Nazief
Panel: Good Spelling of Vietnamese Texts, One Aspect of Computational Linguistics in Vietnam
Huy Khanh Phan
Panel: Computational Linguistics in India: An Overview
Akshar Bharati
Vineet Chaitanya
Rajeev Sangal
Panel: The State of the Art in Thai Language Processing
Virach Sornlertlamvanich
Tanapong Potipiti
Chai Wutiwiwatchai
Pradit Mittrapiyanuruk