Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, Short Papers

Johanna D. Moore, Simone Teufel, James Allan, Sadaoki Furui (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Columbus, Ohio
Association for Computational Linguistics
Bib Export formats:

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Proceedings of ACL-08: HLT, Short Papers
Johanna D. Moore | Simone Teufel | James Allan | Sadaoki Furui

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Language Dynamics and Capitalization using Maximum Entropy
Fernando Batista | Nuno Mamede | Isabel Trancoso

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Surprising Parser Actions and Reading Difficulty
Marisa Ferrara Boston | John T. Hale | Reinhold Kliegl | Shravan Vasishth

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Improving the Performance of the Random Walk Model for Answering Complex Questions
Yllias Chali | Shafiq Joty

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Dimensions of Subjectivity in Natural Language
Wei Chen

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Extractive Summaries for Educational Science Content
Sebastian de la Chica | Faisal Ahmad | James H. Martin | Tamara Sumner

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Dialect Classification for Online Podcasts Fusing Acoustic and Language Based Structural and Semantic Information
Rahul Chitturi | John Hansen

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The Complexity of Phrase Alignment Problems
John DeNero | Dan Klein

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Novel Semantic Features for Verb Sense Disambiguation
Dmitriy Dligach | Martha Palmer

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Icelandic Data Driven Part of Speech Tagging
Mark Dredze | Joel Wallenberg

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Beyond Log-Linear Models: Boosted Minimum Error Rate Training for N-best Re-ranking
Kevin Duh | Katrin Kirchhoff

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Coreference-inspired Coherence Modeling
Micha Elsner | Eugene Charniak

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Enforcing Transitivity in Coreference Resolution
Jenny Rose Finkel | Christopher D. Manning

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Simulating the Behaviour of Older versus Younger Users when Interacting with Spoken Dialogue Systems
Kallirroi Georgila | Maria Wolters | Johanna Moore

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Active Sample Selection for Named Entity Transliteration
Dan Goldwasser | Dan Roth

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Four Techniques for Online Handling of Out-of-Vocabulary Words in Arabic-English Statistical Machine Translation
Nizar Habash

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Combined One Sense Disambiguation of Abbreviations
Yaakov HaCohen-Kerner | Ariel Kass | Ariel Peretz

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Assessing the Costs of Sampling Methods in Active Learning for Annotation
Robbie Haertel | Eric Ringger | Kevin Seppi | James Carroll | Peter McClanahan

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Blog Categorization Exploiting Domain Dictionary and Dynamically Estimated Domains of Unknown Words
Chikara Hashimoto | Sadao Kurohashi

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Mixture Model POMDPs for Efficient Handling of Uncertainty in Dialogue Management
James Henderson | Oliver Lemon

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Recent Improvements in the CMU Large Scale Chinese-English SMT System
Almut Silja Hildebrand | Kay Rottmann | Mohamed Noamany | Quin Gao | Sanjika Hewavitharana | Nguyen Bach | Stephan Vogel

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Machine Translation System Combination using ITG-based Alignments
Damianos Karakos | Jason Eisner | Sanjeev Khudanpur | Markus Dreyer

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Dictionary Definitions based Homograph Identification using a Generative Hierarchical Model
Anagha Kulkarni | Jamie Callan

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A Novel Feature-based Approach to Chinese Entity Relation Extraction
Wenjie Li | Peng Zhang | Furu Wei | Yuexian Hou | Qin Lu

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Using Structural Information for Identifying Similar Chinese Characters
Chao-Lin Liu | Jen-Hsiang Lin

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You’ve Got Answers: Towards Personalized Models for Predicting Success in Community Question Answering
Yandong Liu | Eugene Agichtein

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Self-Training for Biomedical Parsing
David McClosky | Eugene Charniak

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A Unified Syntactic Model for Parsing Fluent and Disfluent Speech
Tim Miller | William Schuler

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The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown: Morphosyllabic Sentiment Tagging of Unseen Words
Karo Moilanen | Stephen Pulman

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Kernels on Linguistic Structures for Answer Extraction
Alessandro Moschitti | Silvia Quarteroni

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Arabic Morphological Tagging, Diacritization, and Lemmatization Using Lexeme Models and Feature Ranking
Ryan Roth | Owen Rambow | Nizar Habash | Mona Diab | Cynthia Rudin

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Using Automatically Transcribed Dialogs to Learn User Models in a Spoken Dialog System
Umar Syed | Jason Williams

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Robust Extraction of Named Entity Including Unfamiliar Word
Masatoshi Tsuchiya | Shinya Hida | Seiichi Nakagawa

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In-Browser Summarisation: Generating Elaborative Summaries Biased Towards the Reading Context
Stephen Wan | Cécile Paris

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Lyric-based Song Sentiment Classification with Sentiment Vector Space Model
Yunqing Xia | Linlin Wang | Kam-Fai Wong | Mingxing Xu

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Mining Wikipedia Revision Histories for Improving Sentence Compression
Elif Yamangil | Rani Nelken

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Smoothing a Tera-word Language Model
Deniz Yuret

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Event Matching Using the Transitive Closure of Dependency Relations
Daniel M. Bikel | Vittorio Castelli

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A Linguistically Annotated Reordering Model for BTG-based Statistical Machine Translation
Deyi Xiong | Min Zhang | Aiti Aw | Haizhou Li

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Segmentation for English-to-Arabic Statistical Machine Translation
Ibrahim Badr | Rabih Zbib | James Glass

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Exploiting N-best Hypotheses for SMT Self-Enhancement
Boxing Chen | Min Zhang | Aiti Aw | Haizhou Li

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Partial Matching Strategy for Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation
Zhongjun He | Qun Liu | Shouxun Lin

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Unsupervised Learning of Acoustic Sub-word Units
Balakrishnan Varadarajan | Sanjeev Khudanpur | Emmanuel Dupoux

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High Frequency Word Entrainment in Spoken Dialogue
Ani Nenkova | Agustín Gravano | Julia Hirschberg

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Distributed Listening: A Parallel Processing Approach to Automatic Speech Recognition
Yolanda McMillian | Juan Gilbert

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Learning Semantic Links from a Corpus of Parallel Temporal and Causal Relations
Steven Bethard | James H. Martin

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Evolving New Lexical Association Measures Using Genetic Programming
Jan Šnajder | Bojana Dalbelo Bašić | Saša Petrović | Ivan Sikirić

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Semantic Types of Some Generic Relation Arguments: Detection and Evaluation
Sophia Katrenko | Pieter Adriaans

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Mapping between Compositional Semantic Representations and Lexical Semantic Resources: Towards Accurate Deep Semantic Parsing
Sergio Roa | Valia Kordoni | Yi Zhang

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Query-based Sentence Fusion is Better Defined and Leads to More Preferred Results than Generic Sentence Fusion
Emiel Krahmer | Erwin Marsi | Paul van Pelt

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Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Evaluation Measures for Referring Expression Generation
Anja Belz | Albert Gatt

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Correlation between ROUGE and Human Evaluation of Extractive Meeting Summaries
Feifan Liu | Yang Liu

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FastSum: Fast and Accurate Query-based Multi-document Summarization
Frank Schilder | Ravikumar Kondadadi

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Construct State Modification in the Arabic Treebank
Ryan Gabbard | Seth Kulick

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Unlexicalised Hidden Variable Models of Split Dependency Grammars
Gabriele Antonio Musillo | Paola Merlo

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Computing Confidence Scores for All Sub Parse Trees
Feng Lin | Fuliang Weng

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Adapting a WSJ-Trained Parser to Grammatically Noisy Text
Jennifer Foster | Joachim Wagner | Josef van Genabith

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Enriching Spoken Language Translation with Dialog Acts
Vivek Kumar Rangarajan Sridhar | Srinivas Bangalore | Shrikanth Narayanan

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Speakers’ Intention Prediction Using Statistics of Multi-level Features in a Schedule Management Domain
Donghyun Kim | Hyunjung Lee | Choong-Nyoung Seon | Harksoo Kim | Jungyun Seo

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Active Learning with Confidence
Mark Dredze | Koby Crammer

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splitSVM: Fast, Space-Efficient, non-Heuristic, Polynomial Kernel Computation for NLP Applications
Yoav Goldberg | Michael Elhadad

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Extracting a Representation from Text for Semantic Analysis
Rodney D. Nielsen | Wayne Ward | James H. Martin | Martha Palmer

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Efficient Processing of Underspecified Discourse Representations
Michaela Regneri | Markus Egg | Alexander Koller

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Choosing Sense Distinctions for WSD: Psycholinguistic Evidence
Susan Windisch Brown

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Decompounding query keywords from compounding languages
Enrique Alfonseca | Slaven Bilac | Stefan Pharies

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Multi-domain Sentiment Classification
Shoushan Li | Chengqing Zong

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Evaluating Word Prediction: Framing Keystroke Savings
Keith Trnka | Kathleen McCoy

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Pairwise Document Similarity in Large Collections with MapReduce
Tamer Elsayed | Jimmy Lin | Douglas Oard

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Text Segmentation with LDA-Based Fisher Kernel
Qi Sun | Runxin Li | Dingsheng Luo | Xihong Wu