Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL and the 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the AFNLP
Keh-Yih Su, Jian Su, Janyce Wiebe, Haizhou Li (Editors)
- Anthology ID:
- P09-1
- Month:
- August
- Year:
- 2009
- Address:
- Suntec, Singapore
- Venues:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Computational Linguistics
- URL:
- DOI:
- PDF:
Proceedings of the Joint Conference of the 47th Annual Meeting of the ACL and the 4th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing of the AFNLP
Keh-Yih Su
Jian Su
Janyce Wiebe
Haizhou Li
Heterogeneous Transfer Learning for Image Clustering via the SocialWeb
Qiang Yang
Yuqiang Chen
Gui-Rong Xue
Wenyuan Dai
Yong Yu
Investigations on Word Senses and Word Usages
Katrin Erk
Diana McCarthy
Nicholas Gaylord
A Comparative Study on Generalization of Semantic Roles in FrameNet
Yuichiroh Matsubayashi
Naoaki Okazaki
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Unsupervised Argument Identification for Semantic Role Labeling
Omri Abend
Roi Reichart
Ari Rappoport
Brutus: A Semantic Role Labeling System Incorporating CCG, CFG, and Dependency Features
Stephen Boxwell
Dennis Mehay
Chris Brew
Exploiting Heterogeneous Treebanks for Parsing
Zheng-Yu Niu
Haifeng Wang
Hua Wu
Cross Language Dependency Parsing using a Bilingual Lexicon
Hai Zhao
Yan Song
Chunyu Kit
Guodong Zhou
Topological Field Parsing of German
Jackie Chi Kit Cheung
Gerald Penn
Unsupervised Multilingual Grammar Induction
Benjamin Snyder
Tahira Naseem
Regina Barzilay
Reinforcement Learning for Mapping Instructions to Actions
S.R.K. Branavan
Harr Chen
Luke Zettlemoyer
Regina Barzilay
Learning Semantic Correspondences with Less Supervision
Percy Liang
Michael Jordan
Dan Klein
Bayesian Unsupervised Word Segmentation with Nested Pitman-Yor Language Modeling
Daichi Mochihashi
Takeshi Yamada
Naonori Ueda
Knowing the Unseen: Estimating Vocabulary Size over Unseen Samples
Suma Bhat
Richard Sproat
A Ranking Approach to Stress Prediction for Letter-to-Phoneme Conversion
Qing Dou
Shane Bergsma
Sittichai Jiampojamarn
Grzegorz Kondrak
Reducing the Annotation Effort for Letter-to-Phoneme Conversion
Kenneth Dwyer
Grzegorz Kondrak
Transliteration Alignment
Vladimir Pervouchine
Haizhou Li
Bo Lin
Automatic training of lemmatization rules that handle morphological changes in pre-, in- and suffixes alike
Bart Jongejan
Hercules Dalianis
Revisiting Pivot Language Approach for Machine Translation
Hua Wu
Haifeng Wang
Efficient Minimum Error Rate Training and Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding for Translation Hypergraphs and Lattices
Shankar Kumar
Wolfgang Macherey
Chris Dyer
Franz Och
Forest-based Tree Sequence to String Translation Model
Hui Zhang
Min Zhang
Haizhou Li
Aiti Aw
Chew Lim Tan
Active Learning for Multilingual Statistical Machine Translation
Gholamreza Haffari
Anoop Sarkar
DEPEVAL(summ): Dependency-based Evaluation for Automatic Summaries
Karolina Owczarzak
Summarizing Definition from Wikipedia
Shiren Ye
Tat-Seng Chua
Jie Lu
Automatically Generating Wikipedia Articles: A Structure-Aware Approach
Christina Sauper
Regina Barzilay
Learning to Tell Tales: A Data-driven Approach to Story Generation
Neil McIntyre
Mirella Lapata
Recognizing Stances in Online Debates
Swapna Somasundaran
Janyce Wiebe
Co-Training for Cross-Lingual Sentiment Classification
Xiaojun Wan
A Non-negative Matrix Tri-factorization Approach to Sentiment Classification with Lexical Prior Knowledge
Tao Li
Yi Zhang
Vikas Sindhwani
Discovering the Discriminative Views: Measuring Term Weights for Sentiment Analysis
Jungi Kim
Jin-Ji Li
Jong-Hyeok Lee
Compiling a Massive, Multilingual Dictionary via Probabilistic Inference
Stephen Soderland
Oren Etzioni
Daniel Weld
Michael Skinner
Jeff Bilmes
A Metric-based Framework for Automatic Taxonomy Induction
Hui Yang
Jamie Callan
Learning with Annotation Noise
Eyal Beigman
Beata Beigman Klebanov
Abstraction and Generalisation in Semantic Role Labels: PropBank, VerbNet or both?
Paola Merlo
Lonneke Van Der Plas
Robust Machine Translation Evaluation with Entailment Features
Sebastian Padó
Michel Galley
Dan Jurafsky
Christopher D. Manning
The Contribution of Linguistic Features to Automatic Machine Translation Evaluation
Enrique Amigó
Jesús Giménez
Julio Gonzalo
Felisa Verdejo
A Syntax-Driven Bracketing Model for Phrase-Based Translation
Deyi Xiong
Min Zhang
Aiti Aw
Haizhou Li
Topological Ordering of Function Words in Hierarchical Phrase-based Translation
Hendra Setiawan
Min-Yen Kan
Haizhou Li
Philip Resnik
Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation as a Traveling Salesman Problem
Mikhail Zaslavskiy
Marc Dymetman
Nicola Cancedda
Concise Integer Linear Programming Formulations for Dependency Parsing
André Martins
Noah Smith
Eric Xing
Non-Projective Dependency Parsing in Expected Linear Time
Joakim Nivre
Semi-supervised Learning of Dependency Parsers using Generalized Expectation Criteria
Gregory Druck
Gideon Mann
Andrew McCallum
Dependency Grammar Induction via Bitext Projection Constraints
Kuzman Ganchev
Jennifer Gillenwater
Ben Taskar
Cross-Domain Dependency Parsing Using a Deep Linguistic Grammar
Yi Zhang
Rui Wang
A Chinese-English Organization Name Translation System Using Heuristic Web Mining and Asymmetric Alignment
Fan Yang
Jun Zhao
Kang Liu
Reducing Semantic Drift with Bagging and Distributional Similarity
Tara McIntosh
James R. Curran
Jointly Identifying Temporal Relations with Markov Logic
Katsumasa Yoshikawa
Sebastian Riedel
Masayuki Asahara
Yuji Matsumoto
Profile Based Cross-Document Coreference Using Kernelized Fuzzy Relational Clustering
Jian Huang
Sarah M. Taylor
Jonathan L. Smith
Konstantinos A. Fotiadis
C. Lee Giles
Who, What, When, Where, Why? Comparing Multiple Approaches to the Cross-Lingual 5W Task
Kristen Parton
Kathleen R. McKeown
Bob Coyne
Mona T. Diab
Ralph Grishman
Dilek Hakkani-Tür
Mary Harper
Heng Ji
Wei Yun Ma
Adam Meyers
Sara Stolbach
Ang Sun
Gokhan Tur
Wei Xu
Sibel Yaman
Bilingual Co-Training for Monolingual Hyponymy-Relation Acquisition
Jong-Hoon Oh
Kiyotaka Uchimoto
Kentaro Torisawa
Automatic Set Instance Extraction using the Web
Richard C. Wang
William W. Cohen
Extracting Lexical Reference Rules from Wikipedia
Eyal Shnarch
Libby Barak
Ido Dagan
Employing Topic Models for Pattern-based Semantic Class Discovery
Huibin Zhang
Mingjie Zhu
Shuming Shi
Ji-Rong Wen
Paraphrase Identification as Probabilistic Quasi-Synchronous Recognition
Dipanjan Das
Noah A. Smith
Stochastic Gradient Descent Training for L1-regularized Log-linear Models with Cumulative Penalty
Yoshimasa Tsuruoka
Jun’ichi Tsujii
Sophia Ananiadou
A global model for joint lemmatization and part-of-speech prediction
Kristina Toutanova
Colin Cherry
Distributional Representations for Handling Sparsity in Supervised Sequence-Labeling
Fei Huang
Alexander Yates
Minimized Models for Unsupervised Part-of-Speech Tagging
Sujith Ravi
Kevin Knight
An Error-Driven Word-Character Hybrid Model for Joint Chinese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging
Canasai Kruengkrai
Kiyotaka Uchimoto
Jun’ichi Kazama
Yiou Wang
Kentaro Torisawa
Hitoshi Isahara
Automatic Adaptation of Annotation Standards: Chinese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging – A Case Study
Wenbin Jiang
Liang Huang
Qun Liu
Linefeed Insertion into Japanese Spoken Monologue for Captioning
Tomohiro Ohno
Masaki Murata
Shigeki Matsubara
Semi-supervised Learning for Automatic Prosodic Event Detection Using Co-training Algorithm
Je Hun Jeon
Yang Liu
Summarizing multiple spoken documents: finding evidence from untranscribed audio
Xiaodan Zhu
Gerald Penn
Frank Rudzicz
Improving Tree-to-Tree Translation with Packed Forests
Yang Liu
Yajuan Lü
Qun Liu
Fast Consensus Decoding over Translation Forests
John DeNero
David Chiang
Kevin Knight
Joint Decoding with Multiple Translation Models
Yang Liu
Haitao Mi
Yang Feng
Qun Liu
Collaborative Decoding: Partial Hypothesis Re-ranking Using Translation Consensus between Decoders
Mu Li
Nan Duan
Dongdong Zhang
Chi-Ho Li
Ming Zhou
Variational Decoding for Statistical Machine Translation
Zhifei Li
Jason Eisner
Sanjeev Khudanpur
Unsupervised Learning of Narrative Schemas and their Participants
Nathanael Chambers
Dan Jurafsky
Learning a Compositional Semantic Parser using an Existing Syntactic Parser
Ruifang Ge
Raymond Mooney
Latent Variable Models of Concept-Attribute Attachment
Joseph Reisinger
Marius Paşca
The Chinese Aspect Generation Based on Aspect Selection Functions
Guowen Yang
John Bateman
Quantitative modeling of the neural representation of adjective-noun phrases to account for fMRI activation
Kai-min K. Chang
Vladimir L. Cherkassky
Tom M. Mitchell
Marcel Adam Just
Capturing Salience with a Trainable Cache Model for Zero-anaphora Resolution
Ryu Iida
Kentaro Inui
Yuji Matsumoto
Conundrums in Noun Phrase Coreference Resolution: Making Sense of the State-of-the-Art
Veselin Stoyanov
Nathan Gilbert
Claire Cardie
Ellen Riloff
A Novel Discourse Parser Based on Support Vector Machine Classification
David duVerle
Helmut Prendinger
Genre distinctions for discourse in the Penn TreeBank
Bonnie Webber
Automatic sense prediction for implicit discourse relations in text
Emily Pitler
Annie Louis
Ani Nenkova
A Framework of Feature Selection Methods for Text Categorization
Shoushan Li
Rui Xia
Chengqing Zong
Chu-Ren Huang
Mine the Easy, Classify the Hard: A Semi-Supervised Approach to Automatic Sentiment Classification
Sajib Dasgupta
Vincent Ng
Modeling Latent Biographic Attributes in Conversational Genres
Nikesh Garera
David Yarowsky
A Graph-based Semi-Supervised Learning for Question-Answering
Asli Celikyilmaz
Marcus Thint
Zhiheng Huang
Combining Lexical Semantic Resources with Question & Answer Archives for Translation-Based Answer Finding
Delphine Bernhard
Iryna Gurevych
Answering Opinion Questions with Random Walks on Graphs
Fangtao Li
Yang Tang
Minlie Huang
Xiaoyan Zhu
What lies beneath: Semantic and syntactic analysis of manually reconstructed spontaneous speech
Erin Fitzgerald
Frederick Jelinek
Robert Frank
Discriminative Lexicon Adaptation for Improved Character Accuracy - A New Direction in Chinese Language Modeling
Yi-cheng Pan
Lin-shan Lee
Sadaoki Furui
Improving Automatic Speech Recognition for Lectures through Transformation-based Rules Learned from Minimal Data
Cosmin Munteanu
Gerald Penn
Xiaodan Zhu
Quadratic-Time Dependency Parsing for Machine Translation
Michel Galley
Christopher D. Manning
A Gibbs Sampler for Phrasal Synchronous Grammar Induction
Phil Blunsom
Trevor Cohn
Chris Dyer
Miles Osborne
Source-Language Entailment Modeling for Translating Unknown Terms
Shachar Mirkin
Lucia Specia
Nicola Cancedda
Ido Dagan
Marc Dymetman
Idan Szpektor
Case markers and Morphology: Addressing the crux of the fluency problem in English-Hindi SMT
Ananthakrishnan Ramanathan
Hansraj Choudhary
Avishek Ghosh
Pushpak Bhattacharyya
Dependency Based Chinese Sentence Realization
Wei He
Haifeng Wang
Yuqing Guo
Ting Liu
Incorporating Information Status into Generation Ranking
Aoife Cahill
Arndt Riester
A Syntax-Free Approach to Japanese Sentence Compression
Tsutomu Hirao
Jun Suzuki
Hideki Isozaki
Application-driven Statistical Paraphrase Generation
Shiqi Zhao
Xiang Lan
Ting Liu
Sheng Li
Semi-Supervised Cause Identification from Aviation Safety Reports
Isaac Persing
Vincent Ng
SMS based Interface for FAQ Retrieval
Govind Kothari
Sumit Negi
Tanveer A. Faruquie
Venkatesan T. Chakaravarthy
L. Venkata Subramaniam
Semantic Tagging of Web Search Queries
Mehdi Manshadi
Xiao Li
Mining Bilingual Data from the Web with Adaptively Learnt Patterns
Long Jiang
Shiquan Yang
Ming Zhou
Xiaohua Liu
Qingsheng Zhu
Comparing Objective and Subjective Measures of Usability in a Human-Robot Dialogue System
Mary Ellen Foster
Manuel Giuliani
Alois Knoll
Setting Up User Action Probabilities in User Simulations for Dialog System Development
Hua Ai
Diane Litman
Dialogue Segmentation with Large Numbers of Volunteer Internet Annotators
T. Daniel Midgley
Robust Approach to Abbreviating Terms: A Discriminative Latent Variable Model with Global Information
Xu Sun
Naoaki Okazaki
Jun’ichi Tsujii
A non-contiguous Tree Sequence Alignment-based Model for Statistical Machine Translation
Jun Sun
Min Zhang
Chew Lim Tan
Better Word Alignments with Supervised ITG Models
Aria Haghighi
John Blitzer
John DeNero
Dan Klein
Confidence Measure for Word Alignment
Fei Huang
A Comparative Study of Hypothesis Alignment and its Improvement for Machine Translation System Combination
Boxing Chen
Min Zhang
Haizhou Li
Aiti Aw
Incremental HMM Alignment for MT System Combination
Chi-Ho Li
Xiaodong He
Yupeng Liu
Ning Xi
K-Best A* Parsing
Adam Pauls
Dan Klein
Coordinate Structure Analysis with Global Structural Constraints and Alignment-Based Local Features
Kazuo Hara
Masashi Shimbo
Hideharu Okuma
Yuji Matsumoto
Learning Context-Dependent Mappings from Sentences to Logical Form
Luke Zettlemoyer
Michael Collins
An Optimal-Time Binarization Algorithm for Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems with Fan-Out Two
Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez
Giorgio Satta
A Polynomial-Time Parsing Algorithm for TT-MCTAG
Laura Kallmeyer
Giorgio Satta
Distant supervision for relation extraction without labeled data
Mike Mintz
Steven Bills
Rion Snow
Daniel Jurafsky
Multi-Task Transfer Learning for Weakly-Supervised Relation Extraction
Jing Jiang
Unsupervised Relation Extraction by Mining Wikipedia Texts Using Information from the Web
Yulan Yan
Naoaki Okazaki
Yutaka Matsuo
Zhenglu Yang
Mitsuru Ishizuka
Phrase Clustering for Discriminative Learning
Dekang Lin
Xiaoyun Wu
Semi-Supervised Active Learning for Sequence Labeling
Katrin Tomanek
Udo Hahn
Word or Phrase? Learning Which Unit to Stress for Information Retrieval
Young-In Song
Jung-Tae Lee
Hae-Chang Rim
A Generative Blog Post Retrieval Model that Uses Query Expansion based on External Collections
Wouter Weerkamp
Krisztian Balog
Maarten de Rijke
Language Identification of Search Engine Queries
Hakan Ceylan
Yookyung Kim
Exploiting Bilingual Information to Improve Web Search
Wei Gao
John Blitzer
Ming Zhou
Kam-Fai Wong