Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Katrin Erk, Noah A. Smith (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Berlin, Germany
Association for Computational Linguistics
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Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)
Katrin Erk | Noah A. Smith

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Transition-based dependency parsing with topological fields
Daniël de Kok | Erhard Hinrichs

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Scalable Semi-Supervised Query Classification Using Matrix Sketching
Young-Bum Kim | Karl Stratos | Ruhi Sarikaya

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Learning Multiview Embeddings of Twitter Users
Adrian Benton | Raman Arora | Mark Dredze

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Implicit Polarity and Implicit Aspect Recognition in Opinion Mining
Huan-Yuan Chen | Hsin-Hsi Chen

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A Domain Adaptation Regularization for Denoising Autoencoders
Stéphane Clinchant | Gabriela Csurka | Boris Chidlovskii

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Incremental Parsing with Minimal Features Using Bi-Directional LSTM
James Cross | Liang Huang

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Improving Statistical Machine Translation Performance by Oracle-BLEU Model Re-estimation
Praveen Dakwale | Christof Monz

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Sequence-to-Sequence Generation for Spoken Dialogue via Deep Syntax Trees and Strings
Ondřej Dušek | Filip Jurčíček

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On the Linearity of Semantic Change: Investigating Meaning Variation via Dynamic Graph Models
Steffen Eger | Alexander Mehler

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Joint Word Segmentation and Phonetic Category Induction
Micha Elsner | Stephanie Antetomaso | Naomi Feldman

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A Language-Independent Neural Network for Event Detection
Xiaocheng Feng | Lifu Huang | Duyu Tang | Heng Ji | Bing Qin | Ting Liu

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Improved Parsing for Argument-Clusters Coordination
Jessica Ficler | Yoav Goldberg

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Reference Bias in Monolingual Machine Translation Evaluation
Marina Fomicheva | Lucia Specia

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Cross-lingual projection for class-based language models
Beat Gfeller | Vlad Schogol | Keith Hall

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A Fast Approach for Semantic Similar Short Texts Retrieval
Yanhui Gu | Zhenglu Yang | Junsheng Zhou | Weiguang Qu | Jinmao Wei | Xingtian Shi

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Empty element recovery by spinal parser operations
Katsuhiko Hayashi | Masaaki Nagata

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Semantic classifications for detection of verb metaphors
Beata Beigman Klebanov | Chee Wee Leong | E. Dario Gutierrez | Ekaterina Shutova | Michael Flor

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Recognizing Salient Entities in Shopping Queries
Zornitsa Kozareva | Qi Li | Ke Zhai | Weiwei Guo

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Leveraging Lexical Resources for Learning Entity Embeddings in Multi-Relational Data
Teng Long | Ryan Lowe | Jackie Chi Kit Cheung | Doina Precup

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Multiplicative Representations for Unsupervised Semantic Role Induction
Yi Luan | Yangfeng Ji | Hannaneh Hajishirzi | Boyang Li

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Vocabulary Manipulation for Neural Machine Translation
Haitao Mi | Zhiguo Wang | Abe Ittycheriah

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Natural Language Inference by Tree-Based Convolution and Heuristic Matching
Lili Mou | Rui Men | Ge Li | Yan Xu | Lu Zhang | Rui Yan | Zhi Jin

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Improving cross-domain n-gram language modelling with skipgrams
Louis Onrust | Antal van den Bosch | Hugo Van hamme

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Simple PPDB: A Paraphrase Database for Simplification
Ellie Pavlick | Chris Callison-Burch

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Improving Named Entity Recognition for Chinese Social Media with Word Segmentation Representation Learning
Nanyun Peng | Mark Dredze

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How Naked is the Naked Truth? A Multilingual Lexicon of Nominal Compound Compositionality
Carlos Ramisch | Silvio Cordeiro | Leonardo Zilio | Marco Idiart | Aline Villavicencio

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An Open Web Platform for Rule-Based Speech-to-Sign Translation
Manny Rayner | Pierrette Bouillon | Sarah Ebling | Johanna Gerlach | Irene Strasly | Nikos Tsourakis

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Word Alignment without NULL Words
Philip Schulz | Wilker Aziz | Khalil Sima’an

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Unsupervised morph segmentation and statistical language models for vocabulary expansion
Matti Varjokallio | Dietrich Klakow

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Detecting Mild Cognitive Impairment by Exploiting Linguistic Information from Transcripts
Veronika Vincze | Gábor Gosztolya | László Tóth | Ildikó Hoffmann | Gréta Szatlóczki | Zoltán Bánréti | Magdolna Pákáski | János Kálmán

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Multi-Modal Representations for Improved Bilingual Lexicon Learning
Ivan Vulić | Douwe Kiela | Stephen Clark | Marie-Francine Moens

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Is This Post Persuasive? Ranking Argumentative Comments in Online Forum
Zhongyu Wei | Yang Liu | Yi Li

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The Value of Semantic Parse Labeling for Knowledge Base Question Answering
Wen-tau Yih | Matthew Richardson | Chris Meek | Ming-Wei Chang | Jina Suh

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Attention-Based Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Relation Classification
Peng Zhou | Wei Shi | Jun Tian | Zhenyu Qi | Bingchen Li | Hongwei Hao | Bo Xu

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The red one!: On learning to refer to things based on discriminative properties
Angeliki Lazaridou | Nghia The Pham | Marco Baroni

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Don’t Count, Predict! An Automatic Approach to Learning Sentiment Lexicons for Short Text
Duy Tin Vo | Yue Zhang

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Dimensional Sentiment Analysis Using a Regional CNN-LSTM Model
Jin Wang | Liang-Chih Yu | K. Robert Lai | Xuejie Zhang

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Deep multi-task learning with low level tasks supervised at lower layers
Anders Søgaard | Yoav Goldberg

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Domain Specific Named Entity Recognition Referring to the Real World by Deep Neural Networks
Suzushi Tomori | Takashi Ninomiya | Shinsuke Mori

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An Entity-Focused Approach to Generating Company Descriptions
Gavin Saldanha | Or Biran | Kathleen McKeown | Alfio Gliozzo

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Annotating Relation Inference in Context via Question Answering
Omer Levy | Ido Dagan

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Automatic Semantic Classification of German Preposition Types: Comparing Hard and Soft Clustering Approaches across Features
Maximilian Köper | Sabine Schulte im Walde

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Natural Language Generation enhances human decision-making with uncertain information
Dimitra Gkatzia | Oliver Lemon | Verena Rieser

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Tweet2Vec: Character-Based Distributed Representations for Social Media
Bhuwan Dhingra | Zhong Zhou | Dylan Fitzpatrick | Michael Muehl | William Cohen

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Phrase-Level Combination of SMT and TM Using Constrained Word Lattice
Liangyou Li | Andy Way | Qun Liu

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A Neural Network based Approach to Automatic Post-Editing
Santanu Pal | Sudip Kumar Naskar | Mihaela Vela | Josef van Genabith

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An Unsupervised Method for Automatic Translation Memory Cleaning
Masoud Jalili Sabet | Matteo Negri | Marco Turchi | Eduard Barbu

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Exponentially Decaying Bag-of-Words Input Features for Feed-Forward Neural Network in Statistical Machine Translation
Jan-Thorsten Peter | Weiyue Wang | Hermann Ney

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Syntactically Guided Neural Machine Translation
Felix Stahlberg | Eva Hasler | Aurelien Waite | Bill Byrne

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Very quaffable and great fun: Applying NLP to wine reviews
Iris Hendrickx | Els Lefever | Ilja Croijmans | Asifa Majid | Antal van den Bosch

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Exploring Stylistic Variation with Age and Income on Twitter
Lucie Flekova | Daniel Preoţiuc-Pietro | Lyle Ungar

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Finding Optimists and Pessimists on Twitter
Xianzhi Ruan | Steven Wilson | Rada Mihalcea

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Transductive Adaptation of Black Box Predictions
Stéphane Clinchant | Boris Chidlovskii | Gabriela Csurka

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Which Tumblr Post Should I Read Next?
Zornitsa Kozareva | Makoto Yamada

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Text Simplification as Tree Labeling
Joachim Bingel | Anders Søgaard

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Bootstrapped Text-level Named Entity Recognition for Literature
Julian Brooke | Adam Hammond | Timothy Baldwin

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The Enemy in Your Own Camp: How Well Can We Detect Statistically-Generated Fake Reviews – An Adversarial Study
Dirk Hovy

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Character-based Neural Machine Translation
Marta R. Costa-jussà | José A. R. Fonollosa

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Learning Monolingual Compositional Representations via Bilingual Supervision
Ahmed Elgohary | Marine Carpuat

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Event Nugget Detection with Forward-Backward Recurrent Neural Networks
Reza Ghaeini | Xiaoli Fern | Liang Huang | Prasad Tadepalli

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IBC-C: A Dataset for Armed Conflict Analysis
Andrej Žukov-Gregorič | Zhiyuan Luo | Bartal Veyhe

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A Latent Concept Topic Model for Robust Topic Inference Using Word Embeddings
Weihua Hu | Jun’ichi Tsujii

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Word Embeddings with Limited Memory
Shaoshi Ling | Yangqiu Song | Dan Roth

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Hawkes Processes for Continuous Time Sequence Classification: an Application to Rumour Stance Classification in Twitter
Michal Lukasik | P. K. Srijith | Duy Vu | Kalina Bontcheva | Arkaitz Zubiaga | Trevor Cohn

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Hunting for Troll Comments in News Community Forums
Todor Mihaylov | Preslav Nakov

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Phrase Table Pruning via Submodular Function Maximization
Masaaki Nishino | Jun Suzuki | Masaaki Nagata

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Multilingual Part-of-Speech Tagging with Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory Models and Auxiliary Loss
Barbara Plank | Anders Søgaard | Yoav Goldberg

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Matrix Factorization using Window Sampling and Negative Sampling for Improved Word Representations
Alexandre Salle | Aline Villavicencio | Marco Idiart

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One model, two languages: training bilingual parsers with harmonized treebanks
David Vilares | Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez | Miguel A. Alonso

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Using mention accessibility to improve coreference resolution
Kellie Webster | Joel Nothman

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Exploiting Linguistic Features for Sentence Completion
Aubrie Woods

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Convergence of Syntactic Complexity in Conversation
Yang Xu | David Reitter

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User Embedding for Scholarly Microblog Recommendation
Yang Yu | Xiaojun Wan | Xinjie Zhou

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Integrating Distributional Lexical Contrast into Word Embeddings for Antonym-Synonym Distinction
Kim Anh Nguyen | Sabine Schulte im Walde | Ngoc Thang Vu

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Machine Translation Evaluation Meets Community Question Answering
Francisco Guzmán | Lluís Màrquez | Preslav Nakov

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Science Question Answering using Instructional Materials
Mrinmaya Sachan | Kumar Dubey | Eric Xing

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Specifying and Annotating Reduced Argument Span Via QA-SRL
Gabriel Stanovsky | Ido Dagan | Meni Adler

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Improving Argument Overlap for Proposition-Based Summarisation
Yimai Fang | Simone Teufel

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Machine Comprehension using Rich Semantic Representations
Mrinmaya Sachan | Eric Xing

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Cross-Lingual Word Representations via Spectral Graph Embeddings
Takamasa Oshikiri | Kazuki Fukui | Hidetoshi Shimodaira

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Semantics-Driven Recognition of Collocations Using Word Embeddings
Sara Rodríguez-Fernández | Luis Espinosa-Anke | Roberto Carlini | Leo Wanner

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Incorporating Relational Knowledge into Word Representations using Subspace Regularization
Abhishek Kumar | Jun Araki

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Word Embedding Calculus in Meaningful Ultradense Subspaces
Sascha Rothe | Hinrich Schütze

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Is “Universal Syntax” Universally Useful for Learning Distributed Word Representations?
Ivan Vulić | Anna Korhonen

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Claim Synthesis via Predicate Recycling
Yonatan Bilu | Noam Slonim

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Modelling the Interpretation of Discourse Connectives by Bayesian Pragmatics
Frances Yung | Kevin Duh | Taku Komura | Yuji Matsumoto

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Nonparametric Spherical Topic Modeling with Word Embeddings
Kayhan Batmanghelich | Ardavan Saeedi | Karthik Narasimhan | Sam Gershman

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A Novel Measure for Coherence in Statistical Topic Models
Fred Morstatter | Huan Liu

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Coarse-grained Argumentation Features for Scoring Persuasive Essays
Debanjan Ghosh | Aquila Khanam | Yubo Han | Smaranda Muresan

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Single-Model Encoder-Decoder with Explicit Morphological Representation for Reinflection
Katharina Kann | Hinrich Schütze

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Joint part-of-speech and dependency projection from multiple sources
Anders Johannsen | Željko Agić | Anders Søgaard

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Dependency-based Gated Recursive Neural Network for Chinese Word Segmentation
Jingjing Xu | Xu Sun

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Deep Neural Networks for Syntactic Parsing of Morphologically Rich Languages
Joël Legrand | Ronan Collobert

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Weakly Supervised Part-of-speech Tagging Using Eye-tracking Data
Maria Barrett | Joachim Bingel | Frank Keller | Anders Søgaard

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Metrics for Evaluation of Word-level Machine Translation Quality Estimation
Varvara Logacheva | Michal Lukasik | Lucia Specia

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The Social Impact of Natural Language Processing
Dirk Hovy | Shannon L. Spruit

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Using Sequence Similarity Networks to Identify Partial Cognates in Multilingual Wordlists
Johann-Mattis List | Philippe Lopez | Eric Bapteste