Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on Semantic Processing. Textual Inference and Structures in Corpora

Octavian Popescu, Alberto Lavelli (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Trento, Italy
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Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on Semantic Processing. Textual Inference and Structures in Corpora
Octavian Popescu | Alberto Lavelli

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Text Understanding using Knowledge-Bases and Random Walks
Eneko Agirre

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The Groningen Meaning Bank
Johan Bos

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Ontology Lexicalization as a core task in a language-enhanced Semantic Web
Philipp Cimiano

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From Textual Entailment to Knowledgeable Machines
Peter Clark

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Entailment graphs for text exploration
Ido Dagan | Bernardo Magnini

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Semantic Textual Similarity: past present and future
Mona Diab

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Corpus-driven Lexical Analysis: Norms and Exploitations in Word Use
Patrick Hanks

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Sweetening Ontologies cont’d
Elisabetta Jezek

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Unsupervised Relation Extraction with General Domain Knowledge
Mirella Lapata

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Design and Realization of the EXCITEMENT Open Platform for Textual Entailment
Günter Neumann | Sebastian Padó

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Regular Patterns - Probably Approximately Correct Language Model
Octavian Popescu

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Computational Frameworks for Supporting Textual Inference
Dan Roth

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Potential and limits of distributional approaches for semantic relatedness
Sabine Schulte in Walde

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Towards Compositional Tree Kernels
Paolo Annesi | Danilo Croce | Roberto Basili

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Detecting Bipolar Semantic Relations among Natural Language Arguments with Textual Entailment: a Study.
Elena Cabrio | Serena Villata

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Aligning Verb Senses in Two Italian Lexical Semantic Resources
Tommaso Caselli | Carlo Strapparava | Laure Vieu | Guido Vetere

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Abduction for Discourse Interpretation: A Probabilistic Framework
Ekaterina Ovchinnikova | Andrew Gordon | Jerry Hobbs

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Word similarity using constructions as contextual features
Nai-Lung Tsao | David Wible

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Inference for Natural Language
Amal Alshahrani | Allan Ramsay

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Textual Inference and Meaning Representation in Human Robot Interaction
Emanuele Bastianelli | Giuseppe Castellucci | Danilo Croce | Roberto Basili

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An empirical classification of verbs based on Semantic Types: the case of the ‘poison’ verbs.
Jane Bradbury | Ismail El Maarouf

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Quantifiers: Experimenting with Higher-Order Meaning in Distributional Semantic Space
Matthew Capetola

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Alternative measures of word relatedness in distributional semantics
Anca Dinu | Alina Ciobanu

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Linear Compositional Distributional Semantics and Structural Kernels
Lorenzo Ferrone | Fabio Massimo Zanzotto

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On a Dependency-based Semantic Space for Unsupervised Noun Sense Disambiguation with an Underlying Naïve Bayes Model
Florentina Hristea

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Automatic classification of semantic patterns from the Pattern Dictionary of English Verbs
Ismaïl El Maarouf | Vít Baisa

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Extending the Semantics in Natural Language Understanding
Michael Marlen | David Gustafson

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What Do We Drink? Automatically Extending Hungarian WordNet With Selectional Preference Relations
Márton Miháltz | Bálint Sass

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Comparison pattern matching and creative simile recognition
Vlad Niculae

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Determining is-a relationships for Textual Entailment
Vlad Niculae | Octavian Popescu