Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis

Alexandra Balahur, Erik van der Goot, Piek Vossen, Andres Montoyo (Editors)

Anthology ID:
Lisboa, Portugal
Association for Computational Linguistics
Bib Export formats:

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Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis
Alexandra Balahur | Erik van der Goot | Piek Vossen | Andres Montoyo

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Multilingual Affect Polarity and Valence Prediction in Metaphors
Zornitsa Kozareva

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Sentiment Analysis on Monolingual, Multilingual and Code-Switching Twitter Corpora
David Vilares | Miguel A. Alonso | Carlos Gómez-Rodríguez

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Connotation in Translation
Marine Carpuat

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Enhanced Twitter Sentiment Classification Using Contextual Information
Soroush Vosoughi | Helen Zhou | Deb Roy

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Your Sentiment Precedes You: Using an author’s historical tweets to predict sarcasm
Anupam Khattri | Aditya Joshi | Pushpak Bhattacharyya | Mark Carman

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Optimising Agile Social Media Analysis
Thomas Kober | David Weir

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Utilizing review analysis to suggest product advertisement improvements
Takaaki Tsunoda | Takashi Inui | Satoshi Sekine

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Towards Opinion Mining from Reviews for the Prediction of Product Rankings
Wiltrud Kessler | Roman Klinger | Jonas Kuhn

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Classification of deceptive opinions using a low dimensionality representation
Leticia Cagnina | Paolo Rosso

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Extending effect annotation with lexical decomposition
Josef Ruppenhofer | Jasper Brandes

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Analysing domain suitability of a sentiment lexicon by identifying distributionally bipolar words
Lucie Flekova | Daniel Preoţiuc-Pietro | Eugen Ruppert

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Imagisaurus: An Interactive Visualizer of Valence and Emotion in the Roget’s Thesaurus
Saif Mohammad

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Personality Traits on Twitter—or—How to Get 1,500 Personality Tests in a Week
Barbara Plank | Dirk Hovy

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Negation Scope Detection for Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Johan Reitan | Jørgen Faret | Björn Gambäck | Lars Bungum

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A Linguistically Informed Convolutional Neural Network
Sebastian Ebert | Ngoc Thang Vu | Hinrich Schütze

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How much does word sense disambiguation help in sentiment analysis of micropost data?
Chiraag Sumanth | Diana Inkpen

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Predicting Ratings for New Movie Releases from Twitter Content
Wernard Schmit | Sander Wubben

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Beyond Sentiment: Social Psychological Analysis of Political Facebook Comments in Hungary
Márton Miháltz | Tamás Váradi | István Csertő | Éva Fülöp | Tibor Pólya | Pál Kővágó

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Verb-centered Sentiment Inference with Description Logics
Manfred Klenner

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Mining HEXACO personality traits from Enterprise Social Media
Priyanka Sinha | Lipika Dey | Pabitra Mitra | Anupam Basu

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Opinion Holder and Target Extraction for Verb-based Opinion Predicates – The Problem is Not Solved
Michael Wiegand | Marc Schulder | Josef Ruppenhofer

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Synthetic Text Generation for Sentiment Analysis
Umar Maqsud

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Detecting speculations, contrasts and conditionals in consumer reviews
Maria Skeppstedt | Teri Schamp-Bjerede | Magnus Sahlgren | Carita Paradis | Andreas Kerren

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Using Combined Lexical Resources to Identify Hashtag Types
Credell Simeon | Robert Hilderman

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Sentiment Classification via a Response Recalibration Framework
Phillip Smith | Mark Lee