Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories

Jan Hajič (Editor)

Anthology ID:
Prague, Czech Republic
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Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories
Jan Hajič

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Annotating and parsing to semantic frames: feedback from the French FrameNet project
Marie Candito

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Downstream use of syntactic analysis: does representation matter?
Lilja Øvrelid

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Distributional regularities of verbs and verbal adjectives: Treebank evidence and broader implications
Daniël de Kok | Patricia Fischer | Corina Dima | Erhard Hinrichs

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UD Annotatrix: An annotation tool for Universal Dependencies
Francis M. Tyers | Mariya Sheyanova | Jonathan North Washington

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The Treebanked Conspiracy. Actors and Actions in Bellum Catilinae
Marco Passarotti | Berta González Saavedra

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Universal Dependencies-based syntactic features in detecting human translation varieties
Maria Kunilovskaya | Andrey Kutuzov

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Graph Convolutional Networks for Named Entity Recognition
Alberto Cetoli | Stefano Bragaglia | Andrew O’Harney | Marc Sloan

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Extensions to the GrETEL Treebank Query Application
Jan Odijk | Martijn van der Klis | Sheean Spoel

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The Relation of Form and Function in Linguistic Theory and in a Multilayer Treebank
Eduard Bejček | Eva Hajičová | Marie Mikulová | Jarmila Panevová

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Literal readings of multiword expressions: as scarce as hen’s teeth
Agata Savary | Silvio Ricardo Cordeiro

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Querying Multi-word Expressions Annotation with CQL
Natalia Klyueva | Anna Vernerová | Behrang Qasemizadeh

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REALEC learner treebank: annotation principles and evaluation of automatic parsing
Olga Lyashevskaya | Irina Panteleeva

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A semiautomatic lemmatisation procedure for treebanks. Old English strong and weak verbs
Marta Tío Sáenz | Darío Metola Rodríguez

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Data point selection for genre-aware parsing
Ines Rehbein | Felix Bildhauer

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Error Analysis of Cross-lingual Tagging and Parsing
Rudolf Rosa | Zdeněk Žabokrtský

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A Telugu treebank based on a grammar book
Taraka Rama | Sowmya Vajjala

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Recent Developments within BulTreeBank
Petya Osenova | Kiril Simov

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Towards a dependency-annotated treebank for Bambara
Ekaterina Aplonova | Francis M. Tyers

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Merging the Trees - Building a Morphological Treebank for German from Two Resources
Petra Steiner

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What I think when I think about treebanks
Anders Søgaard

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Syntactic Semantic Correspondence in Dependency Grammar
Cătălina Mărănduc | Cătălin Mititelu | Victoria Bobicev

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Multi-word annotation in syntactic treebanks - Propositions for Universal Dependencies
Sylvain Kahane | Marine Courtin | Kim Gerdes

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A Universal Dependencies Treebank for Marathi
Vinit Ravishankar

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Dangerous Relations in Dependency Treebanks
Chiara Alzetta | Felice Dell’Orletta | Simonetta Montemagni | Giulia Venturi

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Author Index

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Keyword Index