Proceedings of the

Second International Workshop on


Rule-Based Machine Translation

20-21 January 2011

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Barcelona, Spain


Edited by

Felipe Sαnchez-Martinez

Juan Antonio Pιrez-Ortiz



Table of Contents




                    Invited talks


                    MOLTO: multilingual on-line translation [abstract]

Aarne Ranta ……………………………………………………………….…  1


FreeLing: open-source natural language processing for research and development [abstract]

Lluνs Padrσ………………………………………………………………….… 2


Techniques and formalisms for free/open source machine translation


Towards synchronous extensible dependency grammar

Michael Gasser ...............................................................................................        3

Taking on new challenges in multi-word unit processing for machine translation

Johanna Monti, Anabela Barreiro, Annibale Elia, Federica Marano, and Antonella Napoli            11

Bootstrapping a statistical speech translator from a rule-based one

Manny Rayner, Paula Estrella, and Pierrette Bouillon   ..............................      21


Tools for free/open-source machine translation


Maca – a configurable tool to integrate Polish morphological data

Adam Radziszewski and Tomasz Śniatowski   ...........................................      29

Automatic acquisition of named entities for rule-based machine translation

Antonio Toral and Andy Way .....................................................................      37


Apertium advanced web interface: a first step toward interactivity and language tools convergence

Arnaud Viι, Luis Villarejo Muρoz, Mireia Farrϊs Cabeceran, and Jimmy O’Regan………………………………………………………………….


Free/open-source linguistic data and language pairs

Rule-based machine translation between Bulgarian and Macedonian

Tihomir Rangelov   ........................................................................................      53

A widely used machine translation service and its migration to a free/open-source solution: the case of Softcatalΰ

Xavier Ivars-Ribes and Victor M. Sαnchez-Cartagena.................................      61


Shallow-transfer rule-based machine translation from Czech to Polish

Joanna Ruth and Jimmy O’Regan   ............................................................      69

An Italian to Catalan RBMT system reusing data from existing language pairs Antonio Toral, Mireia Ginestν-Rosell, and Francis Tyers……………………...