American Journal of Computational Linguistics (December 1977)
David G. Hays (Editor)
- Anthology ID:
- J77-4
- Month:
- December
- Year:
- 1977
- Address:
- Venue:
- CL
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- URL:
- DOI:
American Journal of Computational Linguistics (December 1977)
David G. Hays
The FINITE STRING, Volume 14, Number 6
ACL Officers 1978; AJCL Editorial Board (John L. Bennett; Wallace Chafe); ACL Annual Meeting 1978 (David L. Waltz); ACL 78 Session Descriptions; TINLAP-2 Proceedings Supplement Canceled (Dr. Donald E. Walker); ACL Membership List: Individuals 1977; ACL United States Institutional Members 1977; ACL Foreign Institutional Members 1977; Vingt Cinq Annees de Recherches en Synthese de la Parole, Michel Chafcouloff (Andre Malecot); Information * Politics: Proceedings of the ASIS Annual Meeting, Vol. 13, compiled by Susan K. Martin (Gerard Salton); Taxonomy of Computer Science (Anthony Ralston); COLING 78 (A. Zampolli); NCC 78; Improving Data Base Utility and Response: Conference (A. Reiter); Upcoming Conferences; Natural Language and AI at Yale; Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence (T. Pavlidis); 1978 Linguistics Institute; AFIPS Washington Report
Text Understanding: A Survey
Robert Young
Spatial Reference and Semantic Nets
Norman K. Sondheimer
The FINITE STRING, Volume 14, Number 6 (continued)
AFIPS Washington Report
The FINITE STRING, Volume 14, Number 7
Computational Semantics edited by Eugene Charniak and Yorick Wilks (Stuart Shapiro); Introduction to Contemporary Linguistics Semantics, by George L. Dillon (James D. McCawley); Current Bibliography; BBN Publications on Intelligent CAI