35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and 8th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
- Anthology ID:
- P97-1
- Month:
- July
- Year:
- 1997
- Address:
- Madrid, Spain
- Venues:
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Computational Linguistics
- URL:
- https://aclanthology.org/P97-1/
- DOI:
Interleaving Universal Principles and Relational Constraints over Typed Feature Logic
Thilo Gotz
Detmar Meurers
Fast Context-Free Parsing Requires Fast Boolean Matrix Multiplication
Lillian Lee
Three Generative, Lexicalised Models for Statistical Parsing
Michael Collins
Expansion of Multi-Word Terms for Indexing and Retrieval Using Morphology and Syntax
Christian Jacquemin
Judith L. Klavans
Evelyne Tzoukermann
Automatic Detection of Text Genre
Brett Kessler
Geoffrey Nunberg
Hinrich Schutze
Document Classification Using a Finite Mixture Model
Hang Li
Kenji Yamanishi
Combining Unsupervised Lexical Knowledge Methods for Word Sense Disambiguation
German Rigau
Jordi Atserias
Eneko Agirre
Similarity-Based Methods for Word Sense Disambiguation
Ido Dagan
Lillian Lee
Fernando Pereira
Using Syntactic Dependency as Local Context to Resolve Word Sense Ambiguity
Dekang Lin
Homonymy and Polysemy in Information Retrieval
Robert Krovetz
Learning Features that Predict Cue Usage
Barbara Di Eugenio
Johanna D. Moore
Massimo Paolucci
Expectations in Incremental Discourse Processing
Dan Cristea
Bonnie Webber
The Rhetorical Parsing of Unrestricted Natural Language Texts
Daniel Marcu
Centering in-the-Large: Computing Referential Discourse Segments
Udo Hahn
Michael Strube
Probing the Lexicon in Evaluating Commercial MT Systems
Martin Volk
Ambiguity Resolution for Machine Translation of Telegraphic Messages
Young-Suk Lee
Clifford Weinstein
Stephanie Seneff
Dinesh Tummala
Machine Transliteration
Kevin Knight
Jonathan Graehl
Intergrating Symbolic and Statistical Representations: The Lexicon Pragmatics Interface
Ann Copestake
Alex Lascarides
Negative Polarity Licensing at the Syntax-Semantics Interface
John Fry
Deriving Verbal and Compositonal Lexical Aspect for NLP Applications
Bonnie J. Dorr
Mari Broman Olsen
A DOP Model for Semantic Interpretation
Remko Bonnema
Rens Bod
Remko Scha
Fertility Models for Statistical Natural Language Understanding
Stephen Della Pietra
Mark Epstein
Salim Roukos
Todd Ward
Predicting the Semantic Orientation of Adjectives
Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou
Kathleen R. McKeown
Independence Assumptions Considered Harmful
Alexander Franz
Planning Reference Choices for Argumentative Teas
Xiaorong Huang
Sentence Planning as Description Using Tree Adjoining Grammar
Matthew Stone
Christine Doran
An Algorithm for Generating Referential Descriptions with Flexible Interfaces
Helmut Horacek
Applying Explanation-based Learning to Control and Speeding-up Natural Language Generation
Gunter Neumann
Morphological Disambiguation by Voting Constraints
Kemal Oflazer
Gokhan Tur
Mistake-Driven Mixture of Hierarchical Tag Context Trees
Masahiko Haruno
Yuji Matsumoto
A Flexible POS Tagger Using an Automatically Acquired Language Model
Lluis Marquez
Lluis Padro
Comparing a Linguistic and a Stochastic Tagger
Christer Samuelsson
Atro Voutilainen
Intonational Boundaries, Speech Repairs, and Discourse Markers: Modeling Spoken Dialog
Peter A. Heeman
James F. Allen
Tracking Initiative in Collaborative Dialogue Interactions
Jennifer Chu-Carroll
Michael K. Brown
PARADISE: A Framework for Evaluating Spoken Dialogue Agents
Marilyn A. Walker
Diane J. Litman
Candace A. Kamm
Alicia Abella
Unification-based Multimodal Integration
Michael Johnston
Philip R. Cohen
David McGee
Sharon L. Oviatt
James A. Pittman
Ira Smith
A DP-based Search Using Monotone Alignments in Statistical Translation
Christoph Tillmann
Stephan Vogel
Hermann Ney
Alex Zubiaga
An Alignment Method for Noisy Parallel Corpora based on Image Processing Techniques
Jason S. Chang
Mathis H. Chen
A Portable Algorithm for Mapping Bitext Correspondence
I. Dan Melamed
Efficient Generation in Primitive Optimality Theory
Jason Eisner
A Trainable Rule-Based Algorithm for Word Segmentation
David D. Palmer
Compiling Regular Formalisms with Rule Features into Finite-State Automata
George Anton Kiraz
The Complexity of Recognition of Linguistically Adequate Dependency Grammars
Peter Neuhaus
Norbert Broker
Maximal Incrementality in Linear Categorial Deduction
Mark Hepple
Automatic Extraction of Aspectual Information from a Monolingual Corpus
Akira Oishi
Yuji Matsumoto
A Comparison of Head Transducers and Transfer for a Limited Domain Translation Application
Hiyan Alshawi
Adam L. Buchsbaum
Fei Xia
Decoding Algorithm in Statistical Machine Translation
Ye-Yi Wang
Alex Waibel
A Model of Lexical Attraction and Repulsion
Doug Beeferman
Adam Berger
John Lafferty
Hierarchical Non-Emitting Markov Models
Eric Sven Ristad
Robert G. Thomas
Efficient Construction of Underspecified Semantics under Massive Ambiguity
Jochen Dörre
A Theory of Parallelism and the Case of VP Ellipsis
Jerry R. Hobbs
Andrew Kehler
On Interpreting F-Structures as UDRSs
Josef van Genabith
Richard Crouch
A Uniform Approach to Underspecification and Parallelism
Joachim Niehren
Manfred Pinkal
Peter Ruhrberg
Co-Evolution of Language and of the Language Acquisition Device
Ted Briscoe
Paradigmatic Cascades: A Linguistically Sound Model of Pronunciation by Analogy
François Yvon
Memory-Based Learning: Using Similarity for Smoothing
Jakub Zavrel
Walter Daelemans
String Transformation Learning
Giorgio Satta
John C. Henderson
Approximating Context-Free Grammars with a Finite-State Calculus
Edmund Grimley Evans
Finite State Transducers Approximating Hidden Markov Models
Andre Kempe
Representing Constraints with Automata
Frank Morawietz
Tom Cornell
Retrieving Collocations by Co-Occurrences and Word Order Constraints
Sayori Shimohata
Toshiyuki Sugio
Junji Nagata
Learning Parse and Translation Decisions from Examples with Rich Context
Ulf Hermjakob
Raymond J. Mooney
A Word-to-Word Model of Translational Equivalence
I. Dan Melamed
A Structured Language Model
Ciprian Chelba
Incorporating Context Information for the Extraction of Terms
Katerina T. Frantzi
Knowledge Acquisition from Texts: Using an Automatic Clustering Method Based on Noun-Modifier Relationship
Houssem Assadi
Choosing the Word Most Typical in Context Using a Lexical Co-occurrence Network
Philip Edmonds
Improving Translation through Contextual Information
Maite Taboada
Generative Power of CCGs with Generalized Type-Raised Categories
Nobo Komagata
Representing Paraphrases Using Synchronous TAGs
Mark Dras
Contrastive accent in a data-to-speech system
Mariet Theune
Towards resolution of bridging descriptions
Renata Vieira
Simone Teufel