Proceedings of the ACL 2003 Workshop on Linguistic Annotation: Getting the Model Right
- Anthology ID:
- W03-19
- Month:
- July
- Year:
- 2003
- Address:
- Sapporo, Japan
- Venue:
- WS
- SIG:
- Publisher:
- Association for Computational Linguistics
- URL:
- DOI:
Proceedings of the ACL 2003 Workshop on Linguistic Annotation: Getting the Model Right
Outline of the International Standard Linguistic Annotation Framework
Nancy Ide
Laurent Romary
From Concrete to Virtual Annotation Mark-up Language: The Case of COMMOn-REFs
Renata Vieira
Caroline Gasperin
Rodrigo Goulart
Susanne Salmon-Alt
Ontology-based Linguistic Annotation
Philipp Cimiano
Siegfried Handschuh
Putting FrameNet Data into the ISO Linguistic Annotation Framework
Srinivas Narayanan
Miriam R. L. Petruck
Collin F. Baker
Charles J. Fillmore
RDF Instantiation of ISLE/MILE Lexical Entries
Nancy Ide
Alessandro Lenci
Nicoletta Calzolari
Parmenides: An Opportunity for ISO TC37 SC4?
Fabio Rinaldi
James Dowdall
Michael Hess
Kaarel Kaljurand
Andreas Persidis