Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (1979)
Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 1979)
Proceedings of the 2nd Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA 1979)
Bente Maegaard
Norsk tekstarkiv (The Norwegian Text Archive) [In Norwegian]
Jostein Hauge
FANGORN – A language for generating coherent texts
Peter Bøgh Andersen
Konceptuelle grafer (Conceptual graphs) [In Danish]
Gert Schmeltz Pedersen
Automatisk orddeling (Automatic word-splitting) [In Danish]
Hasse Hansson
Om automatisk orddeling. Forslag til en undersøgelse. (About automatic word-splitting. A survey proposal.) [In Danish]
Gustav Leunbach
En datastruktur for ordbøker for naturlige språk (A data structure for natural language dictionaries) [In Norwegian]
Geir Berge
Østasiatisk Instituts EDB-arbejde (The East Asian Institute’s work with EDB) [In English]
Eric Grinstead
Projektet Engelskt talspråk (The Survey of Spoken English Project) [In Swedish]
Cecilia Thavenius
Demonstration av PP*TT – en programpakke for kvantitativ tekstanalyse (Demonstration of PP*TT – A Software Suite for Quantitative Text Analysis) [In Norwegian]
Eirik Lien
Bibeltekst On-line (Bible Texts Online) [In Norwegian]
Per-Bjørn Pedersen
Michael Gillow
Bjørn Eide
Ordbøger, konkordanser og lemmatisering (Dictionaries, concordances and lemmatization) [In Danish]
Suzanne Hanon
BETA-systemet som verktyg för lingvistiska experiment – morfologisk analys enligt ytkriterier (The BETA system as a tool for linguistic experiments – morphological analysis according to surface criteria) [In Swedish]
Benny Brodda
Automatisk lemmatisering utan stamlexikon (Automatic lemmatization without stem lexica) [In Swedish]
Rolf Gavare
Produksjon av en lemmatisert konkordans til Ibsens samlede verker (Production of a lemmatized concordance of the collected works of Ibsen) [In Norwegian]
Knut Hofland
Lemmatisering af islandsk (Lemmatization of Icelandic) [In Danish]
Björn Ellertsson
Semantik i automatisk lemmatisering (Semantics in automatic lemmatization) [In Danish]
Hanne Ruus
Lemmatisering – hvilke af de ideelle krav til lemmatisering er opfyldelige eller opfyldte? (Lemmatization – which of the ideal requirements of lemmatization are fulfillable or fulfilled?) [In Danish]
Henrik Holmboe
Strukturering af lingvistiske data til brug ved maskinoversættelse (Structuring of linguistic data for use in machine translation) [In Danish]
Bente Maegaard
Hanne Ruus
Lexikologi som datalingvistik (Lexicology as computational linguistics) [In Swedish]
Bo Ralph
Språkvetenskaplig databehandling (Linguistic data processing) [In Swedish]
Sture Allén