Abdullah İhsanoğlu


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In-Depth Analysis of Arabic-Origin Words in the Turkish Morpholex
Mounes Zaval | Abdullah İhsanoğlu | Asım Ersoy | Olcay Taner Yıldız
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on NLP for Languages Using Arabic Script

MorphoLex is an investigation that focuses on analyzing the roots, prefixes, and suffixes of words. Turkish Morpholex, for example, analyzes 48,472 Turkish words. Unfortunately, it lacks in-depth analysis of the Arabic-origin words, and does not include their accurate and correct roots. This study analyzes Arabic-origin words in the Turkish Morpholex, annotating their roots, morphological patterns, and semantic categories. The methodology developed for this work is adaptable to other languages influenced by Arabic, such as Urdu and Persian, offering broader implications for studying loanword integration across linguistic contexts.