Abraham Bernstein
DREAM: Deployment of Recombination and Ensembles in Argument Mining
Florian Ruosch
Cristina Sarasua
Abraham Bernstein
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Current approaches to Argument Mining (AM) tend to take a holistic or black-box view of the overall pipeline. This paper, in contrast, aims to provide a solution to achieve increased performance based on current components instead of independent all-new solutions. To that end, it presents the Deployment of Recombination and Ensemble methods for Argument Miners (DREAM) framework that allows for the (automated) combination of AM components. Using ensemble methods, DREAM combines sets of AM systems to improve accuracy for the four tasks in the AM pipeline. Furthermore, it leverages recombination by using different argument miners elements throughout the pipeline. Experiments with five systems previously included in a benchmark show that the systems combined with DREAM can outperform the previous best single systems in terms of accuracy measured by an AM benchmark.
Entity Prediction in Knowledge Graphs with Joint Embeddings
Matthias Baumgartner
Daniele Dell’Aglio
Abraham Bernstein
Proceedings of the Fifteenth Workshop on Graph-Based Methods for Natural Language Processing (TextGraphs-15)
Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have become increasingly popular in the recent years. However, as knowledge constantly grows and changes, it is inevitable to extend existing KGs with entities that emerged or became relevant to the scope of the KG after its creation. Research on updating KGs typically relies on extracting named entities and relations from text. However, these approaches cannot infer entities or relations that were not explicitly stated. Alternatively, embedding models exploit implicit structural regularities to predict missing relations, but cannot predict missing entities. In this article, we introduce a novel method to enrich a KG with new entities given their textual description. Our method leverages joint embedding models, hence does not require entities or relations to be named explicitly. We show that our approach can identify new concepts in a document corpus and transfer them into the KG, and we find that the performance of our method improves substantially when extended with techniques from association rule mining, text mining, and active learning.