Abu Rahman
ThangDLU at #SMM4H 2024: Encoder-decoder models for classifying text data on social disorders in children and adolescents
Thang Ta
Abu Rahman
Lotfollah Najjar
Alexander Gelbukh
Proceedings of The 9th Social Media Mining for Health Research and Applications (SMM4H 2024) Workshop and Shared Tasks
This paper describes our participation in Task 3 and Task 5 of the #SMM4H (Social Media Mining for Health) 2024 Workshop, explicitly targeting the classification challenges within tweet data. Task 3 is a multi-class classification task centered on tweets discussing the impact of outdoor environments on symptoms of social anxiety. Task 5 involves a binary classification task focusing on tweets reporting medical disorders in children. We applied transfer learning from pre-trained encoder-decoder models such as BART-base and T5-small to identify the labels of a set of given tweets. We also presented some data augmentation methods to see their impact on the model performance. Finally, the systems obtained the best F1 score of 0.627 in Task 3 and the best F1 score of 0.841 in Task 5